Implementacja Transport Layer Security w Pythonie - Simple Mail Client

Mam zadanie napisania prostego klienta pocztowego i połączenia się z serwerem smtp google przy użyciu gniazd (bez użycia smtp lib). Jednak wysłanie polecenia MAIL FROM do serwera google smtp wymaga ssl lub tls, i to jest część, której nie mogę zrozumieć. Usiłuję zatem użyć metody ssl.wrap_socket () Pythona ....

# Create socket called clientSocket and establish a TCP connection with mailserver
clientSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
ssl_clientSocket = ssl.wrap_socket(clientSocket) 
ssl_clientSocket.connect((mailserver, port))

... co nie działa. Jestem pewien, że muszę uwzględnić parametry ca_certs i ca_reqs, ale nie jestem pewien. A jeśli tak jest, w jaki sposób uzyskać te certyfikaty? Czy muszę pobrać openssl i wygenerować jeden? Czy ktoś ma z tym doświadczenie? Oto cały kod, aby być po bezpiecznej stronie.

from socket import *
import ssl

msg = "\r\n I love computer networks!"
endmsg = "\r\n.\r\n"

# Choose a mail server (e.g. Google mail server) and call it mailserver
mailserver = ""
port = 587

# Create socket called clientSocket and establish a TCP connection with mailserver
clientSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
ssl_clientSocket = ssl.wrap_socket(clientSocket) 
ssl_clientSocket.connect((mailserver, port))

recv = ssl_clientSocket.recv(1024)
print recv

# If the first three numbers of what we receive from the SMTP server are not
# '220', we have a problem
if recv[:3] != '220':
    print '220 reply not received from server.'

# Send HELO command and print server response.
heloCommand = 'HELO Alice\r\n'
recv1 = ssl_clientSocket.recv(1024)
print recv1

# If the first three numbers of the response from the server are not
# '250', we have a problem
if recv1[:3] != '250':
    print '250 reply not received from server.'

# Send MAIL FROM command and print server response.
mailFromCommand = 'MAIL From: [email protected]\r\n'
recv2 = ssl_clientSocket.recv(1024)
print recv2

# If the first three numbers of the response from the server are not
# '250', we have a problem
if recv2[:3] != '250':
    print '250 reply not received from server.'

# Send RCPT TO command and print server response.
rcptToCommand = 'RCPT To: [email protected]\r\n'
recv3 = ssl_clientSocket.recv(1024)
print recv3

# If the first three numbers of the response from the server are not
# '250', we have a problem
if recv3[:3] != '250':
    print '250 reply not received from server.'

# Send DATA command and print server response.
dataCommand = 'DATA\r\n'
recv4 = ssl_clientSocket.recv(1024)
print recv4

# If the first three numbers of the response from the server are not
# '250', we have a problem
if recv4[:3] != '250':
    print '250 reply not received from server.'

# Send message data.

# Message ends with a single period.

# Send QUIT command and get server response.
quitCommand = 'QUIT\r\n'
recv5 = ssl_clientSocket.recv(I1024)
print recv5

# If the first three numbers of the response from the server are not
# '250', we have a problem
if recv5[:3] != '221':
    print '221 reply not received from server.'

