gurobi - Kod błędu = 10004 Nie można pobrać atrybutu „X”

Dostaję błąd w moim pliku c ++ / gurobi:

Kod błędu = 10004 Nie można pobrać atrybutu „X”

Czytałem, że to może mieć coś wspólnego z etykietami? Ale nie widzę problemu. Działa dla niektórych plików wejściowych, ale nie dla innych. Dlatego stworzyłem plik zabawek, t5.txt w załączniku. Ten plik nie działa, ale usunięcie ostatniej kolumny i ustawienie 8 na 7 to naprawia. Jestem zdziwiony...

Poniżej znajduje się wyjście modelu.write. Wszystko wydaje się sensowne, wszelkie Idee, co robię źle? Ilekroć robię model.write (test.sol), program zatrzymuje się, więc wydaje się, że coś jest nie tak z rozwiązaniem>

Załączniki: main.cpp ->

input.txt ->

  15 student_has_projects4.1
Subject To
 R0: student_has_projects0.0 + student_has_projects1.0
   + student_has_projects2.0 + student_has_projects3.0
   + student_has_projects4.0 + student_has_projects5.0
   + student_has_projects6.0 + student_has_projects7.0 <= 4
 R1: student_has_projects1.0 + student_has_projects2.0 >= 1
 R2: student_has_projects2.0 + 2 student_has_projects5.0 <= 2
 R3: student_has_projects2.0 + 2 student_has_projects5.0 >= 1
 R4: student_has_projects0.0 + student_has_projects3.0
   + student_has_projects4.0 + student_has_projects6.0
   + student_has_projects7.0 >= 1
 R5: student_has_projects2.0 + student_has_projects5.0 <= 1
 R6: student_has_projects0.1 + student_has_projects1.1
   + student_has_projects2.1 + student_has_projects3.1
   + student_has_projects4.1 + student_has_projects5.1
   + student_has_projects6.1 + student_has_projects7.1 <= 4
 R7: student_has_projects1.1 + student_has_projects2.1 >= 1
 R8: student_has_projects2.1 + 2 student_has_projects5.1 <= 2
 R9: student_has_projects2.1 + 2 student_has_projects5.1 >= 1
 R10: student_has_projects0.1 + student_has_projects3.1
   + student_has_projects4.1 + student_has_projects6.1
   + student_has_projects7.1 >= 1
 R11: student_has_projects2.1 + student_has_projects5.1 <= 1
 R12: student_has_projects0.2 + student_has_projects1.2
   + student_has_projects2.2 + student_has_projects3.2
   + student_has_projects4.2 + student_has_projects5.2
   + student_has_projects6.2 + student_has_projects7.2 <= 4
 R13: student_has_projects1.2 + student_has_projects2.2 >= 1
 R14: student_has_projects2.2 + 2 student_has_projects5.2 <= 2
 R15: student_has_projects2.2 + 2 student_has_projects5.2 >= 1
 R16: student_has_projects0.2 + student_has_projects3.2
   + student_has_projects4.2 + student_has_projects6.2
   + student_has_projects7.2 >= 1
 R17: student_has_projects2.2 + student_has_projects5.2 <= 1
 R18: student_has_projects0.0 + student_has_projects0.1
   + student_has_projects0.2 = 1
 R19: student_has_projects1.0 + student_has_projects1.1
   + student_has_projects1.2 = 1
 R20: student_has_projects2.0 + student_has_projects2.1
   + student_has_projects2.2 = 1
 R21: student_has_projects3.0 + student_has_projects3.1
   + student_has_projects3.2 = 1
 R22: student_has_projects4.0 + student_has_projects4.1
   + student_has_projects4.2 = 1
 R23: student_has_projects5.0 + student_has_projects5.1
   + student_has_projects5.2 = 1
 R24: student_has_projects6.0 + student_has_projects6.1
   + student_has_projects6.2 = 1
 R25: student_has_projects7.0 + student_has_projects7.1
   + student_has_projects7.2 = 1
 student_has_projects0.0 student_has_projects0.1 student_has_projects0.2
 student_has_projects1.0 student_has_projects1.1 student_has_projects1.2
 student_has_projects2.0 student_has_projects2.1 student_has_projects2.2
 student_has_projects3.0 student_has_projects3.1 student_has_projects3.2
 student_has_projects4.0 student_has_projects4.1 student_has_projects4.2
 student_has_projects5.0 student_has_projects5.1 student_has_projects5.2
 student_has_projects6.0 student_has_projects6.1 student_has_projects6.2
 student_has_projects7.0 student_has_projects7.1 student_has_projects7.2

