Zliczanie komórek formatowania warunkowego według colorIndex

Mam kilka osób, których czas pracy pokazuje formatowanie warunkowe w komórkach na ich własnych kolumnach - np. B7: B36, C7: C36, D7: D36 i tak. Próbuję policzyć komórki formatowania warunkowego do kolumny E. Końcowym wynikiem w komórce jest #Wartość (Arvo), ale po naciśnięciu F9 liczby mogą być wyświetlane.

Kiedy uruchamiam kod krok po kroku, zauważyłem, że po wierszu „Zakres („ B6 ”, ws.Cells.SpecialCells (xlCellTypeLastCell)). Program ClearFormats przeskakuje do funkcji„ Funkcja CountRed (zakres MyRange As ”i pozostaje w pętli) na jakiś czas.

Czy to dlatego, że istnieje funkcja „CountRed (B6) + CountGreen (C6) + CountBlue (D6)” na przykład w komórce E6?

Ponadto chciałbym, aby numery kolumn w kolumnie E były skoncentrowane w centrum.

Błąd, jeśli czas wyjścia jest pusty:

Wynik z błędem w kolumnie E:

Wyniki powinny wyglądać tak:

Oryginalny kod można również znaleźćtutaj - Dzięki Floris!

Option Explicit
Private Sub worksheet_change(ByVal target As Range)

If Not Intersect(target, Range("B4:Q4")) Is Nothing Then

 'Sub makeTimeGraph()
    Dim startRow As Long
    Dim endRow As Long
    Dim entryTimeRow As Long
    Dim entryTimeFirstCol As Long
    Dim Applicaton
    Dim ws As Excel.Worksheet
    Dim timeRange As Range
    Dim c
    Dim timeCols As Range
    Dim entryTime
    Dim exitTime
    Dim formatRange As Excel.Range
    Dim eps
    eps = 0.000001 ' a very small number - to take care of rounding errors in lookup
    Dim entryName
    Dim Jim
    Dim Mark
    Dim Lisa
    Dim nameCols As Range

    ' change these lines to match the layout of the spreadsheet
    ' first cell of time entries is B4 in this case:
    entryTimeRow = 4
    entryTimeFirstCol = 2
    ' time slots are in column A, starting in cell A6:
    Set timeRange = Range("A6", [A6].End(xlDown))

    ' columns in which times were entered:
    Set ws = ActiveSheet
    Set timeCols = Range("B4:Q4") ' select all the columns you want here, but only one row
    Set nameCols = Range("B3:Q3") ' columns where the names are in the third row

    ' clear previous formatting
    Range("B6", ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)).ClearFormats

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    ' loop over each of the columns:
    For Each c In timeCols.Cells

      Application.StatusBar = entryName
      If IsEmpty(c) Then GoTo nextColumn

      entryTime = c.Value
      exitTime = c.Offset(1, 0).Value
      entryName = c.Offset(-1, 0).Value

      startRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(entryTime + eps, timeRange) + timeRange.Cells(1.1).Row - 1
      endRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(exitTime - eps, timeRange) + timeRange.Cells(1.1).Row - 1
      Set formatRange = Range(ws.Cells(startRow, c.Column), ws.Cells(endRow, c.Column))

      'select format range

      ' select name for coloring
      Select Case entryName

        Case "Jim"
            Call formatTheRange1(formatRange)    ' Red  Colorinex 3

        Case "Mark"
            Call formatTheRange2(formatRange)   ' Green Colorindex 4

        Case "Lisa"
            Call formatTheRange3(formatRange)    ' Blue Colorindex 5

    End Select

    Next c
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Private Sub formatTheRange1(ByRef r As Excel.Range)

       r.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

          ' Apply color red coloroindex 3
          With r.Interior
             .Pattern = xlSolid
             .ColorIndex = 3
             '.TintAndShade = 0.8
         End With

End Sub

Private Sub formatTheRange2(ByRef r As Excel.Range)

         r.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

          ' Apply color  Green Colorindex 4
          With r.Interior

             .Pattern = xlSolid
             .ColorIndex = 4
             '.TintAndShade = 0.8
         End With

End Sub

Private Sub formatTheRange3(ByRef r As Excel.Range)

         r.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

          ' Apply color  Blue Colorindex 5
          With r.Interior

             .Pattern = xlSolid
             .ColorIndex = 5
           '.TintAndShade = 0.8
         End With

End Sub

Function CountRed(MyRange As Range)
    Dim i As Integer
    i = 0
    For Each cell In MyRange
        If cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Then
            i = i + 1
        End If
    Next cell
    CountRed = i
End Function

Function CountGreen(MyRange As Range)
    Dim i As Integer
    i = 0
    For Each cell In MyRange
        If cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 4 Then
            i = iCount + 1
        End If
    Next cell
    CountGreen = i
End Function

Function CountBlue(MyRange As Range)
    Dim i As Integer
    i = 0
    For Each cell In MyRange
        If cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 5 Then
            i = i + 1
        End If
    Next cell
    CountBlue = i
End Function

