Catch Exception AsyncTask. Need Thinking

Chcę złapać wyjątek wątku w doInBackground i wydrukować komunikat o błędzie w onPostExcecute. Problem polega na tym, że nie mam obiektu Throwable w onPostExecute. Jakcatch Wyjątek w wątku innym niż UI iwydrukuj komunikat o błędzie w wątku interfejsu użytkownika?

public class TestTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, List<String>> {

    protected List<String> doInBackground(final Void... params) {
        try {
            return listOfString;
        } catch(SomeCustomException e) {
            return null;

    protected void onPostExecute(final List<String> result) {
        if(result == null) {
            // print the error of the Throwable "e".
            // The problem is I don't have the Throwable object here! So I can't check the type of exception.


Aktualizacja po odpowiedzi Arun:

To moja klasa opakowująca AsyncTask. Ma zamiar obsługiwać wyjątek w doInBackground, ale nie mogę znaleźć dobrego rozwiązania.

public abstract class AbstractWorkerTask<Params, Progress, Result>
extends AsyncTask<Params, Progress, Result>
implements Workable {
    protected OnPreExecuteListener onPreExecuteListener;
    protected OnPostExecuteListener<Result> onPostExecuteListener;
    protected ExceptionHappenedListener exceptionHappendedListener;
    private boolean working;

    protected void onPreExecute() {
        if (onPreExecuteListener != null) {
        working = true;

    protected void onPostExecute(final Result result) {
        working = false;
        if(/* .........*/ ) {
        if (onPostExecuteListener != null) {

    public boolean isWorking() {
        return working;

    public void setOnPreExecuteListener(final OnPreExecuteListener onPreExecuteListener) {
        this.onPreExecuteListener = onPreExecuteListener;

    public void setOnPostExecuteListener(final OnPostExecuteListener<Result> onPostExecuteListener) {
        this.onPostExecuteListener = onPostExecuteListener;

    public void setExceptionHappendedListener(final ExceptionHappenedListener exceptionHappendedListener) {
        this.exceptionHappendedListener = exceptionHappendedListener;

    public interface OnPreExecuteListener {
        void onPreExecute();

    public interface OnPostExecuteListener<Result> {
        void onPostExecute(final Result result);

    public interface ExceptionHappenedListener {
        void exceptionHappended(Exception e);

