Przewijanie UICollectionView jest powolne

Właśnie stworzyłemUICollectionView w którym użytkownik może dodawać obrazy z telefonu do funkcji albumu fotograficznego w aplikacji. Mam obrazy zapisane w podkatalogu w katalogu dokumentów, więc można dodać więcej i usunąć. Jednak gdy przewijam widok kolekcji w górę iw dół, jest on bardzo opóźniony.

Jak mogę sprawić, aby zwój był miły i gładki?

Mój kod: Pierwsze 16 obrazów to wstępnie ustawione obrazy, a wszystko to z podkatalogu w katalogu Katalog

- (UICollectionViewCell *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    CollectionCell *cell = [collectionView dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier:@"Custom" forIndexPath:indexPath];
    //Current index number
    int index=indexPath.section * noOfSection + indexPath.row;
    //Check if its the preset photos
        NSString *name=[recipePhotos objectAtIndex:indexPath.section * noOfSection + indexPath.row];
        cell.imageView.image=[UIImage imageNamed:name];

//not preset photos, so retrieve the photos the user added
    else {
        NSData *data= [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:[recipePhotos objectAtIndex:index]];
        UIImage *theImage=[UIImage imageWithData:data];


    return cell;

Time Profiler dał mi to

Running Time    Self        Symbol Name
568.0ms   63.1% 0.0     Main Thread  0x4048
320.0ms   35.5% 0.0     _pthread_start  0x405e
320.0ms   35.5% 0.0      thread_start
320.0ms   35.5% 0.0       _pthread_start
320.0ms   35.5% 0.0        0x1084be960
310.0ms   34.4% 1.0         0x1084be6f0
7.0ms    0.7%   0.0         mach_msg
2.0ms    0.2%   2.0         objc_msgSend
1.0ms    0.1%   1.0         -[NSAutoreleasePool release]
4.0ms    0.4%   0.0     _dispatch_mgr_thread  0x4052
4.0ms    0.4%   0.0      _dispatch_mgr_thread
4.0ms    0.4%   0.0       _dispatch_mgr_invoke
4.0ms    0.4%   4.0        kevent
3.0ms    0.3%   0.0     _dispatch_worker_thread2  0x62b24
3.0ms    0.3%   1.0      start_wqthread
3.0ms    0.3%   0.0     _dispatch_worker_thread2  0x62a84
3.0ms    0.3%   0.0      start_wqthread
3.0ms    0.3%   0.0       _pthread_wqthread
3.0ms    0.3%   0.0        _dispatch_worker_thread2
3.0ms    0.3%   0.0         _dispatch_queue_invoke
3.0ms    0.3%   0.0          _dispatch_queue_drain
3.0ms    0.3%   0.0           _dispatch_client_callout
2.0ms    0.2%   0.0            my_io_execute_passive_block
1.0ms    0.1%   0.0             __86-[NSPersistentUIManager writePublicPlistWithOpenWindowIDs:optionallyWaitingUntilDone:]_block_invoke_0835
1.0ms    0.1%   0.0              -[NSPersistentUIManager writePublicPlistData:]
1.0ms    0.1%   0.0               -[NSURL(NSURLPathUtilities) URLByAppendingPathComponent:]
1.0ms    0.1%   0.0                -[NSURL getResourceValue:forKey:error:]
1.0ms    0.1%   0.0                 CFURLCopyResourcePropertyForKey
1.0ms    0.1%   0.0             __block_global_2
1.0ms    0.1%   0.0              -[NSPersistentUIManager writeRecords:withWindowInfos:flushingStaleData:]
1.0ms    0.1%   0.0            _dispatch_call_block_and_release
1.0ms    0.1%   0.0             0x1084b8580
1.0ms    0.1%   0.0              mach_msg_send
1.0ms    0.1%   0.0               mach_msg
1.0ms    0.1%   1.0                mach_msg_trap
1.0ms    0.1%   0.0     _pthread_struct_init  0x62a83
1.0ms    0.1%   0.0      start_wqthread
1.0ms    0.1%   0.0       _pthread_wqthread
1.0ms    0.1%   1.0        _pthread_struct_init
1.0ms    0.1%   0.0     start_wqthread  0x62a7f

