Jak utworzyć listę wyboru w JSF? Wypróbowano ruchome elementy za pomocą JS / jQuery, ale zgłaszaj błędy za pomocą „Błąd sprawdzania poprawności: wartość jest nieprawidłowa”

Tworzę aplikację internetową przy użyciu JSF 2.0, gdzie przypisuję użytkowników do przeglądania projektów. Do tego mam dwie listy. Pierwsza lista, na której znajdują się użytkownicy nieprzypisani do tego projektu i lista B, ma użytkowników, którzy przypisali ten projekt. I możemy wymieniać dane.

Mam kod

<t:selectManyListbox id="sourceCars"  style="width: 40%;"
                     value="#{PersonalInformationDataBean.listOfUsers}" size="10">
    <t:selectItems value="#{PersonalInformationDataBean.showAllMyRemData()}" var="t"
                   itemLabel="#{t.title}" itemValue="#{t.status}"/>

    <input type="button" value=" >> " id="dbleMeRight"/>
    <input type="button" value=" &lt;&lt; " id="dbleMeLeft"/>

<t:selectManyListbox id="targetCars"  style="width: 40%;"
                     value="#{PersonalInformationDataBean.listOfUsers}" size="10">
    <t:selectItems value="#{PersonalInformationDataBean.showAllMyData()}" var="n"
                   itemLabel="#{n.title}" itemValue="#{n.status}"/>

<h:commandButton value="Save Edited Project Info." action="#{PersonalInformationDataBean.editPatentData(MyLogin.loginname)}" />

gdzie t toxmlns:t="http://myfaces.apache.org/tomahawk".


private List<String> listOfUsers = new ArrayList<String>();
private List<String> listOfUsers002 = new ArrayList<String>();
private List<CommonBean01> listOfListUsers = new ArrayList<CommonBean01>();
private List<CommonBean01> listOfListUsers002 = new ArrayList<CommonBean01>();

// above getter and setters

Iterator itr = listOfUsers.iterator();
System.out.println("list of usersssss == " + listOfUsers);

while (itr.hasNext()) {
    psmtt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO patentInvite (invitedWhom, patentId, personalInfoId) VALUES (?,?,?)");
    String inviteWhom = itr.next().toString();
    System.out.println("to who we have invited is " + inviteWhom);
    psmtt.setString(1, inviteWhom);
    psmtt.setLong(2, patentId);
    psmtt.setLong(3, personalInfoId);

    System.out.println("Data entered is == " + inviteWhom + "==" + patentId + "==" + personalInfoId + "==");

public List<CommonBean01> showAllMyRemData() {
    try {
        CommonBean01 commonBean = new CommonBean01();
        listOfListUsers = new ArrayList<CommonBean01>();
        ConnectToDatabase db = new ConnectToDatabase();
        Connection conn = db.makeconnection();

        PreparedStatement psmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM patentInvite WHERE patentId=?");
        System.out.println("patent id here is " + patentId);
        psmt.setLong(1, patentId);
        ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery(), rs2 = null;
        PreparedStatement pstt = null;

        int dd = 0;
        String listOfUser = "";
        int myCounter = 0;
        while (rs.next()) {
            if (myCounter==0) {
                listOfUser = "'" + rs.getString(2) + "'"; 
            } else {
                listOfUser = listOfUser + ",'" + rs.getString(2) + "'";

        System.out.println("id selected are :: " + listOfUser);

        psmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT userid, fullName, userType FROM userDetails WHERE userid NOT IN (" + listOfUser + ")");
        rs = psmt.executeQuery();

        listOfListUsers = new ArrayList<CommonBean01>();
        while (rs.next()) {
            commonBean = new CommonBean01();
            commonBean.setTitle(rs.getString(2) + " [" + rs.getString(3) + "]");
            System.out.println("wat say....(" + rs.getString(1) + ") -- " + rs.getString(2) + "");
        return listOfListUsers;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Exception = " + e);
        return null;

public List<CommonBean01> showAllMyData() {
    try {
        CommonBean01 commonBean = new CommonBean01();
        listOfListUsers = new ArrayList<CommonBean01>();
        ConnectToDatabase db = new ConnectToDatabase();
        Connection conn = db.makeconnection();

        PreparedStatement psmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM patentInvite WHERE patentId=?");
        System.out.println("patent id here is " + patentId);
        psmt.setLong(1, patentId);
        ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery(), rs2 = null;
        PreparedStatement pstt = null;
        listOfListUsers = new ArrayList<CommonBean01>();

        while (rs.next()) {
            pstt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT userid, fullName, userType FROM userDetails WHERE userid=?");
            pstt.setString(1, rs.getString(2));
            System.out.println("setting id for " + rs.getString(1));
            rs2 = pstt.executeQuery();

            int dd = 0;
            while (rs2.next()) {
                System.out.println("inside data " + rs2.getString(2));
                commonBean = new CommonBean01();
                commonBean.setTitle(rs2.getString(2) + " [" + rs2.getString(3) + "]");
                System.out.println("wat say here....(" + rs2.getString(1) + ") -- " + rs2.getString(2) + "");
        return listOfListUsers;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Exception = " + e);
        return null;


public class CommonBean01 {
    private String title;
    private String status;

    public String getStatus() {
        return status;

    public void setStatus(String status) {
        this.status = status;

    public String getTitle() {
        return title;

    public void setTitle(String title) {
        this.title = title;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj == null) {
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
            return false;
        final CommonBean01 other = (CommonBean01) obj;
        if ((this.status == null) ? (other.status != null) : !this.status.equals(other.status)) {
            return false;
        return true;

    public int hashCode() {
        int hash = 5;
        hash = 89 * hash + (this.status != null ? this.status.hashCode() : 0);
        return hash;

Teraz, kiedy biorę użytkownika z lewej listy na właściwą listę i klikamSave Edit Info przycisk, dostaję błąd jakotargetCars: Validation Error: Value is not valid.

Uwaga :

Kiedy nie zmieniam żadnej listy i klikamSave Edit Info, to dobrze działa.

Jakiś pomysł, dlaczego otrzymuję ten błąd?

Edytuj 1

Zrobiłem poniżej zmiany

<t:selectManyListbox id="sourceCars"  style="width: 40%;"
                     value="#{PersonalInformationDataBean.listOfUsers002}" size="10">
    <t:selectItems value="#{PersonalInformationDataBean.showAllMyRemData()}" var="t"
                   itemLabel="#{t.title}" itemValue="#{t.status}"/>

public List<CommonBean01> showAllMyRemData() {
    try {
        CommonBean01 commonBean = new CommonBean01();
        listOfListUsers002 = new ArrayList<CommonBean01>();
        ConnectToDatabase db = new ConnectToDatabase();
        Connection conn = db.makeconnection();

        PreparedStatement psmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM patentInvite WHERE patentId=?");
        System.out.println("patent id here is " + patentId);
        psmt.setLong(1, patentId);
        ResultSet rs = psmt.executeQuery(), rs2 = null;
        PreparedStatement pstt = null;

        int dd = 0;
        String listOfUser = "";
        int myCounter = 0;
        while (rs.next()) {
            if (myCounter==0) {
                listOfUser = "'" + rs.getString(2) + "'"; 
            } else {
                listOfUser = listOfUser + ",'" + rs.getString(2) + "'";

        System.out.println("id selected are :: " + listOfUser);

        psmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT userid, fullName, userType FROM userDetails WHERE userid NOT IN (" + listOfUser + ")");
        rs = psmt.executeQuery();

        listOfListUsers002 = new ArrayList<CommonBean01>();
        while (rs.next()) {
            commonBean = new CommonBean01();
            commonBean.setTitle(rs.getString(2) + " [" + rs.getString(3) + "]");
            System.out.println("wat say....(" + rs.getString(1) + ") -- " + rs.getString(2) + "");
        return listOfListUsers002;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Exception = " + e);
        return null;

nadal otrzymuję ten sam błąd.

Edytuj 2

Kod jQuery do przenoszenia elementów jest następujący.

$(function() {
    var  sourceCars=$('#sourceCars option').clone();
    $('#filterDis').change(function() {
        var val = $(this).val();
        alert("changed me=="+val+"==");
        alert("changed me=="+sourceCars+"==");
        sourceCars.filter(function(idx, el) {
            var found=false;
            $('#targetCars option').each(function(){
                if ($(this).val()===$(el).text())

                return false;

            return val === 'ALL' || $(el).text().indexOf('[' + val + ']') >= 0;
        $("#targetCars option").attr("selected", "selected");

    $('#sourceCars').dblclick(function() {
        $('#sourceCars option:selected').appendTo('#targetCars');
        $("#targetCars option").attr("selected", "selected");

    $('#dbleMeRight').click(function() {
        $('#sourceCars option:selected').appendTo('#targetCars');
        $("#targetCars option").attr("selected", "selected");

    $('#targetCars').dblclick(function() {

        var targetList=$('#targetCars option:selected');
        var filterVal= $('#filterDis').val();
        if( filterVal === 'ALL' || targetList.text().indexOf('[' + filterVal + ']') >= 0)
        var foption = $('#sourceCars option:first');
        var soptions = $.makeArray($('#sourceCars option:not(:first)')).sort(function(a, b) {
            return a.text == b.text ? 0 : a.text &lt; b.text ? -1 : 1
        foption.attr("selected", true).siblings("option").removeAttr("selected");
        $("#targetCars option").attr("selected", "selected");

    $('#dbleMeLeft').click(function() {

        var targetList=$('#targetCars option:selected');
        var filterVal= $('#filterDis').val();
        if( filterVal === 'ALL' || targetList.text().indexOf('[' + filterVal + ']') >= 0)
        var foption = $('#sourceCars option:first');
        var soptions = $.makeArray($('#sourceCars option:not(:first)')).sort(function(a, b) {
            return a.text == b.text ? 0 : a.text &lt; b.text ? -1 : 1
        foption.attr("selected", true).siblings("option").removeAttr("selected");
        $("#targetCars option").attr("selected", "selected");


UWAGA: Jeśli przesunę przedmiot z listy B (z prawej) na listę A (z lewej), działa dobrze. ALE KIEDY przesunę przedmiot z listy A (z lewej) na listę B (z prawej), otrzymam ten błąd.

