Błąd podczas korzystania z ustawienia profilu „App Lock” (inaczej „tryb kiosku”) na iPadzie / iOS6.0


Apple zapewnia „tryb kiosku” dla swoich iPadów w ramach iOS6, który blokuje urządzenie w jednej aplikacji (nawet uruchamia się bezpośrednio w aplikacji). Świetne do używania iPadów w handlu detalicznym / restauracjach / itp.

Aby to wykorzystać, urządzenie musi najpierw zostać skonfigurowane jako urządzenie „nadzorowane” za pomocą programu Apple Configurator. Następnie dodajesz specjalny wpis do profilu konfiguracji o nazwie „Blokada aplikacji”. Poszedłem zaniedawno zaktualizowany dokument profilu konfiguracji. Zasadniczo wystarczy ustawić PayloadType jako „com.apple.app.lock” i dodać właściwość o nazwie „Identifier”, która jest ustawiona na wartość identyfikatora pakietu aplikacji.

Kiedy próbuję dodać profil konfiguracyjny do iPada (czy to przez łącze Safari, MDM, czy Konfigurator Apple), odrzuca go.

Wyjście konsoli w Xcode pokazuje:

Sep 24 17:51:56 Test-iPad mc_mobile_tunnel[487] <Notice>: (Note ) MDM: Attempting to perform Supervised request: ProfileList
Sep 24 17:51:56 Test-iPad installd[30] <Error>: 0x2ff9f000 filter_attributes: Info.plist keys requested via MobileInstallationLookup/Browse in client Apple Configurator (via mobile_installation_proxy) were not found in MobileInstallation's cache. Please file a bug requesting that these keys be added: <CFBasicHash 0x1e58b0b0 [0x3d8f2100]>{type = mutable set, count = 1,
   entries =>
       2 : <CFString 0x3d8de564 [0x3d8f2100]>{contents = "CFBundleSignature"}
Sep 24 17:51:57 Test-iPad mc_mobile_tunnel[492] <Notice>: (Error) MC: MCAppWhitelistPayload Can't parse payload: NSError:
   Desc   : The payload “Test Profile” is invalid.
   Sugg   : The field “App” is invalid.
   US Desc: The payload “Test Profile” is invalid.
   US Sugg: The field “App” is invalid.
   Domain : MCPayloadErrorDomain
   Code   : 2000
   Type   : MCFatalError
   Params : (
       "Test Profile"
   ...Underlying error:
   Desc   : The field “App” is invalid.
   US Desc: The field “App” is invalid.
   Domain : MCPayloadErrorDomain
   Code   : 2003
   Type   : MCFatalError
   Params : (
Sep 24 17:51:57 Test-iPad mc_mobile_tunnel[492] <Notice>: (Error) MC: Payload “(null)” contains ignored fields. They are: <CFBasicHash 0x20819140 [0x3d8f2100]>{type = mutable dict, count = 1,
   entries =>
       1 : <CFString 0x1f527bd0 [0x3d8f2100]>{contents = "Identifier"} = <CFString 0x1f527c10 [0x3d8f2100]>{contents = "com.hubworks.myapp"}
Sep 24 17:51:57 Test-iPad mc_mobile_tunnel[492] <Notice>: (Error) MC: Cannot create profile of type “com.apple.app.lock”. Error: NSError:
   Desc   : The payload “Test Profile” is invalid.
   Sugg   : The field “App” is invalid.
   US Desc: The payload “Test Profile” is invalid.
   US Sugg: The field “App” is invalid.
   Domain : MCPayloadErrorDomain
   Code   : 2000
   Type   : MCFatalError
   Params : (
       "Test Profile"
   ...Underlying error:
   Desc   : The field “App” is invalid.
   US Desc: The field “App” is invalid.
   Domain : MCPayloadErrorDomain
   Code   : 2003
   Type   : MCFatalError
   Params : (
Sep 24 17:51:57 Test-iPad mc_mobile_tunnel[492] <Notice>: (Error) MC: Profile MCConfigurationProfile 0x1f526100, version 1:
   Display Name: “Test Profile”
   Identifier  : home-macbook-air.local.2A8DC5A2-937E-4246-B2AF-7C756C30C447
   UUID        : E06A5B33-9CD3-40CB-8611-0479E642B427
   Is Stub     : No
   Locked      : No
   Encrypted   : No
   Trusted     : 2
   Signed      : Yes
   Signed by   : Apple Configurator (58:55:CA:F7:24:B9)
    Can't parse profile: NSError:
   Desc   : The profile “Test Profile” is invalid.
   Sugg   : The payload “Test Profile” is invalid.
   US Desc: The profile “Test Profile” is invalid.
   US Sugg: The payload “Test Profile” is invalid.
   Domain : MCProfileErrorDomain
   Code   : 1000
   Type   : MCFatalError
   Params : (
       "Test Profile"
   ...Underlying error:
   Desc   : The payload “Test Profile” is invalid.
   Sugg   : The field “App” is invalid.
   US Desc: The payload “Test Profile” is invalid.
   US Sugg: The field “App” is invalid.
   Domain : MCPayloadErrorDomain
   Code   : 2000
   Type   : MCFatalError
   Params : (
       "Test Profile"
   ...Underlying error:
   Desc   : The field “App” is invalid.
   US Desc: The field “App” is invalid.
   Domain : MCPayloadErrorDomain
   Code   : 2003
   Type   : MCFatalError
   Params : (
   Extra info:
       isPrimary = 1;
Sep 24 17:51:57 Test-iPad mc_mobile_tunnel[492] <Notice>: (Error) MC: Failed to parse profile data. Error: NSError:
   Desc   : The profile “Test Profile” is invalid.
   Sugg   : The payload “Test Profile” is invalid.
   US Desc: The profile “Test Profile” is invalid.
   US Sugg: The payload “Test Profile” is invalid.
   Domain : MCProfileErrorDomain
   Code   : 1000
   Type   : MCFatalError
   Params : (
       "Test Profile"
   ...Underlying error:
   Desc   : The payload “Test Profile” is invalid.
   Sugg   : The field “App” is invalid.
   US Desc: The payload “Test Profile” is invalid.
   US Sugg: The field “App” is invalid.
   Domain : MCPayloadErrorDomain
   Code   : 2000
   Type   : MCFatalError
   Params : (
       "Test Profile"
   ...Underlying error:
   Desc   : The field “App” is invalid.
   US Desc: The field “App” is invalid.
   Domain : MCPayloadErrorDomain
   Code   : 2003
   Type   : MCFatalError
   Params : (
   Extra info:
       isPrimary = 1;

