Zapytanie Linq zwraca prawdę lub fałsz

Mam kwerendę, w której powinna zwracać wartość PRAWDA lub FAŁSZ.

var query = from c in db.Emp
            from d in db.EmpDetails 
            where c.ID == d.ID && c.FirstName == "A" && c.LastName == "D" 
          // It should return TRUE when this above statement matches all these conditions

i chcę dołączyć ten wynik zapytania do właściwości (typu danych łańcuchowych)

this.result = Conert.ToBoolean(query);

jak to osiągnąć w LINQ?


Klasa EmpMapper

  public class EmpMapper
    EmpEntities db;
    // ID column already exists in the DB
    private int ID;
    // I am creating this property to add it from the UI side, depending on the certain conditions in the query. That is why I created a separate class to map the existing ID from the DB
    bool result;
    public EmpMapper(int ID, bool result)
      this.db = new EmpEntites();
      this.ID = ID;
      var query = from c in db.Emp
            from d in db.EmpDetails 
            where c.ID == d.ID && c.FirstName == "A" && c.LastName == "D" 
          // It should return TRUE when this above statement matches all these conditions
      this.result = Convert.ToBoolean(query);
   public int ID
    get{return this.ID;}
    set{this.ID = value;}
   public bool result
    get{return this.result;}
    set{this.result = value;}

Klasa MainViewModel

      List<EmpMapper> empMapCol = new List<EmpMapper>();

     private void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
      var emp_query = from c in db.Emp
                      orderby c.ID
                      select a;
     List<Emp> empCol = emp_query.ToList();
     foreach(Emp item in empCol)
       this.empMapCol.Add(new EmpMapper(item.ID, item.result)); 
     datagrid1.ItemsSource = empMapCol;

