wyjątek wskaźnika zerowego podczas inicjowania tablicy obiektów 2D [Java]

Próbuję stworzyć grę w kafelki 2D i podczas tworzenia tablic zawierających kafelki otrzymuję wyjątek NullPointerException, oto część kodu. Przepraszamy, jeśli jest źle sformatowany, pierwszy timer

public class World {

//holds data for where to place images and rectangles
int[][] worldDat = new int[25][25]; 
//hold rectangles for checking interaction with player
Rectangle[][] blocks = new Rectangle[25][25];
//holds block's images to be painted
Image[][] blockImage = new Image[25][25];
//holds position to be pained on screen
int[][] location = new int[25][25];
//enumeration holding block's images and other things of the sort
EWorldBlocks eBlocks;

//sets all of the arrays listed above
public void setupAll(){

    for(int i = 0; i < 24; i++){

        for(int e = 0; e < 24; e++){                    
            blocks[i][e].setBounds(e * 20, i * 20, 20, 20);
            blocks[i][e].setLocation(e*20, i*20);

            if(worldDat[i][e] == 6){
                blockImage[i][e] = getRandomGrass();
            }else if(worldDat[i][e] == 0){
                blockImage[i][e] = null;
            blockImage[i][e] = eBlocks.intToImage(worldDat[i][e]);

//used to get a random block
private Image getRandomGrass()
    Random rand = new Random();

    int r = rand.nextInt(2);

    return eBlocks.intToImage(r);

public World(int[][] worldDat) {
    this.worldDat = worldDat;


W tej klasie jest to nazywane (uważam, że to część problemu)

public class worldDraw {

//ALSO if there is a better way to do this, do tell
levels levels = new levels();
static levels sLevels = new levels();
World level1;
static World sLevel1 = new World(sLevels.getLevel1());

//called in paint method for panel
public void draw(Graphics2D g2){
    for(int i = 0; i < 24; i++){
        for(int e = 0; i < 24; i++){
            g2.drawImage(level1.blockImage[i][e], e*25, i*25, null);


//holds levels
public worldDraw() {        
    level1 = new World(levels.getLevel1());

