Jak usunąć więcej niż jeden biały znak z HTML?

Chcę usunąć dodatkowe białe znaki pochodzące z końca użytkownika, ale nie mogę przewidzieć formatu HTML.

Na przykład:

<p> It's interesting that you would try cfsetting, since nothing in it's
documentation would indicate that it would do what you are asking.
Unless of course you were mis-reading what "enableCFoutputOnly" is
supposed to do.



It's interesting that you would try cfsetting, since nothing in it's
documentation would indicate that it would do what you are asking.
Unless of course you were mis-reading what "enableCFoutputOnly" is
supposed to do.</p>

Proszę mi pomóc w usuwaniu więcej niż jednego białego znaku z HTML.

