Czy w TWAIN jest możliwe wymuszenie na skanerze ustawienia regionu na całą szerokość?

Piszę aplikację, która wymaga skanowania w .net (c# wersja4.0, Visual Studio 2010). UżywamTWAIN API, aby wykonać skanowanie i mam problem z funkcją układu. Poniższy kod działa doskonale na aMicrotek i800, aCanoScan 9000F i aMicrotek Artix Scan F2 ale kiedy uruchomię go przeciwkoEpson Perfection V700 Coś naprawdę dziwnego.

Mimo że ustawiam lewy margines układu na0 lewa krawędź obrazu jest obcięta. Próbowałem ustawić go na wartości ujemne, ale to nie miało znaczenia. Wygląda na to, że jest jakaś dziwność i zmusza ją do tego, by był wielkością filmu (być może dlatego, że zapalam światło). Jeśli korzystam z narzędzia dołączonego do skanera, pozwala mi wybrać region, który zawiera obie krawędzie (i mieć włączone światło), więc musi być możliwe. Ponadto współrzędne górne i dolne działają doskonale.

Więc moje pytanie jest ...

Czy ktoś wie, w jaki sposób mogę zeskanować całą szerokość? Czy jest jakieś inne ustawienie w TWAIN, które mogę ustawić jako pierwsze, aby zapomnieć o rozmiarach papieru? (Próbowałem też ustawić PaperDetectable na false, ale nie miało to znaczenia).

Jeszcze jedna rzecz:Jeśli nie ustawię układu, to nadal obcina obraz na krawędziach (tylko nie na górze i na dole), ale jeśli również nie włączę światła (lub nie włączam światła, ale ustawiam rozmiar) robi to, czego oczekiwałem: specjalnie skanuje cały obraz od lewej krawędzi (ale problem polega na tym, że naprawdę potrzebuję światła i całej szerokości skanowania - z pewnością nie jest to zbyt wiele do zadawania ...).

Oto kod (jest to kod za aplikacją formularza formularza Windows 1 z jednym przyciskiem):

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace TwainLayoutWindowsFormsApplication
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TwainIdentity appid = null;
            TwainIdentity scanner = null;
            bool enabled = false;

                appid = InitializeTwain(Handle);

                scanner = GetSource(appid, "EPSON Perfection V700/V750");

                Open(appid, scanner);

                SetLightOn(appid, scanner);

                SetLayout(appid, scanner);

                Enable(appid, scanner, Handle);
                enabled = true;

                var bmps = Scan(appid, scanner);

                Disable(appid, scanner);
                enabled = false;

                bmps.First().Save(@"c:\users\public\scan.bmp", ImageFormat.Bmp);

            catch(Exception ex)
                if (appid != null && scanner != null)
                    if (enabled)
                            Disable(appid, scanner);

                    Close(appid, scanner);

        private static void SetLayout(TwainIdentity appid, 
                                      TwainIdentity scanner)
            TwainImageLayout layout = new TwainImageLayout();

            var rc = NativeMethods.DSilayout(appid,

            // 1 inch from the top and 0 from the left
            layout.Frame.Top = new TwainFix32();
            layout.Frame.Top.Whole = 1;

            layout.Frame.Left = new TwainFix32();
            layout.Frame.Left.Whole = 0;

            layout.Frame.Right = new TwainFix32();
            layout.Frame.Right.Whole = 6;

            layout.Frame.Bottom = new TwainFix32();
            layout.Frame.Bottom.Whole = 3;

            layout.FrameNumber = 1;
            layout.PageNumber = 1;
            layout.DocumentNumber = 1;

            rc = NativeMethods.DSilayout(appid,
            if (rc != TwainReturnCode.Success)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to set layout");

            var s = new TwainStatus();

            rc = NativeMethods.DSstatus(appid,
                                        TwainMessage.Get, s);

            if (rc != TwainReturnCode.Success)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to get layout");

        private IEnumerable<Bitmap> Scan(TwainIdentity appid, 
                                         TwainIdentity scanner)
            var pictures = new List<Bitmap>();          

            TwainReturnCode rc;
            IntPtr hbitmap;
            var pxfr = new TwainPendingXfers();

                pxfr.Count = 10;
                hbitmap = IntPtr.Zero;

                var iinf = new TwainImageInfo();
                rc = NativeMethods.DSiinf(appid, 
                if (rc != TwainReturnCode.Success)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not INF");

                rc = NativeMethods.DSixfer(appid, 
                                           ref hbitmap);
                if (rc != TwainReturnCode.XferDone)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Could DSI XFER");

                rc = NativeMethods.DSpxfer(appid, 
                if (rc != TwainReturnCode.Success)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Could DSP XFER");

                var bmp = TwainBitmapConvertor.ToBitmap(hbitmap);
            while (pxfr.Count != 0);


            return pictures;

        private static void Enable(TwainIdentity appid, 
                                   TwainIdentity scanner, 
                                   IntPtr hwnd)
            var guif = new TwainUserInterface();
            guif.ShowUI = 0;
            guif.ModalUI = 1;
            guif.ParentHand = hwnd;

            var rc = NativeMethods.DSuserif(appid, 
            if (rc != TwainReturnCode.Success)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not enable");

        private static void Disable(TwainIdentity appid, TwainIdentity scanner)
            var guif = new TwainUserInterface();

            var rc = NativeMethods.DSuserif(appid,

            if (rc != TwainReturnCode.Success)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not disable");

        private static void SetLightOn(TwainIdentity appid, TwainIdentity scanner)
            using (var capability = new TwainCapability(TwainCapabilityType.Lightpath, 1))
                var rc = NativeMethods.DScap(appid,

                if (rc != TwainReturnCode.Success)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to set light");

        private static void Close(TwainIdentity appid, TwainIdentity scanner)

        private static void Open(TwainIdentity appid, TwainIdentity scanner)
            var rc = NativeMethods.DSMident(appid, 

            if (rc != TwainReturnCode.Success)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to open");

        private static TwainIdentity InitializeTwain(IntPtr hwndp)
            var appid = new TwainIdentity();

            appid.Version.MajorNum = 1;
            appid.Version.MinorNum = 0;
            appid.Version.Language = 13;
            appid.Version.Country = 1;
            appid.Version.Info = "Test";

            appid.Id = IntPtr.Zero;
            appid.ProtocolMajor = 1;
            appid.ProtocolMinor = 9;
            appid.SupportedGroups = (int)(TwainDataGroups.Image | TwainDataGroups.Control);
            appid.Manufacturer = "Test Manufacturer";
            appid.ProductFamily = "Test Family";
            appid.ProductName = "Test Product";

            var rc = NativeMethods.DSMparent(appid,
                                             ref hwndp);

            if (rc != TwainReturnCode.Success)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Could Not DSMParent");

            return appid;

        private static TwainIdentity GetSource(TwainIdentity appid, string name)
            var device = new TwainIdentity { Id = IntPtr.Zero };

            var rc = NativeMethods.DSMentry(appid, 

            if (rc != TwainReturnCode.EndOfList && 
                return device;

            while (rc != TwainReturnCode.EndOfList)
                device = new TwainIdentity { Id = IntPtr.Zero };
                rc = NativeMethods.DSMentry(appid, 

                if (rc != TwainReturnCode.EndOfList && 
                    return device;

            throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find device");

Dla kompletności jest kod, którego używam do konwersji HBITMAP naSystem.Drawing.Bitmap:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Globalization;

namespace TwainLayoutWindowsFormsApplication
    internal static class TwainBitmapConvertor
        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 2)]
        private class BitmapInfoHeader
            public int Size;
            public int Width;
            public int Height;
            public short Planes;
            public short BitCount;
            public int Compression;
            public int SizeImage;
            public int XPelsPerMeter;
            public int YPelsPerMeter;
            public int ClrUsed;
            public int ClrImportant;

        internal static Bitmap ToBitmap(IntPtr dibHandle)
            var bitmapPointer = NativeMethods.GlobalLock(dibHandle);

            var bitmapInfo = new BitmapInfoHeader();
            Marshal.PtrToStructure(bitmapPointer, bitmapInfo);

            var rectangle = new Rectangle();
            rectangle.X = rectangle.Y = 0;
            rectangle.Width = bitmapInfo.Width;
            rectangle.Height = bitmapInfo.Height;

            if (bitmapInfo.SizeImage == 0)
                bitmapInfo.SizeImage =
                    ((((bitmapInfo.Width * bitmapInfo.BitCount) + 31) & ~31) >> 3)
                    * bitmapInfo.Height;

            // The following code only works on x86
            if (Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(IntPtr)) != 4)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Only x86 is supported");

            int pixelInfoPointer = bitmapInfo.ClrUsed;
            if ((pixelInfoPointer == 0) && (bitmapInfo.BitCount <= 8))
                pixelInfoPointer = 1 << bitmapInfo.BitCount;

            pixelInfoPointer = (pixelInfoPointer * 4) + bitmapInfo.Size
                + bitmapPointer.ToInt32();

            IntPtr pixelInfoIntPointer = new IntPtr(pixelInfoPointer);

            var bitmap = new Bitmap(rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height);

            using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
                IntPtr hdc = graphics.GetHdc();

                        0, 0, rectangle.Width, rectangle.Height, 0, 0, 0,
                        rectangle.Height, pixelInfoIntPointer, bitmapPointer, 0);



            return bitmap;

        private static float PpmToDpi(double pixelsPerMeter)
            double pixelsPerMillimeter = (double)pixelsPerMeter / 1000.0;
            double dotsPerInch = pixelsPerMillimeter * 25.4;
            return (float)Math.Round(dotsPerInch, 2);

a oto p / invokes:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace TwainLayoutWindowsFormsApplication
    internal static class NativeMethods

        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", ExactSpelling = true)]
        internal static extern IntPtr GlobalAlloc(int flags, int size);

        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", ExactSpelling = true)]
        internal static extern IntPtr GlobalLock(IntPtr handle);

        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", ExactSpelling = true)]
        internal static extern bool GlobalUnlock(IntPtr handle);

        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", ExactSpelling = true)]
        internal static extern IntPtr GlobalFree(IntPtr handle);

        [DllImport("gdi32.dll", ExactSpelling = true)]
        public static extern int SetDIBitsToDevice(IntPtr hdc, int xdst, int ydst, int width, int height,
            int xsrc, int ysrc, int start, int lines, IntPtr bitsptr, IntPtr bmiptr, int color);

        [DllImport("twain_32.dll", EntryPoint = "#1")]
        internal static extern TwainReturnCode DSMparent([In, Out] TwainIdentity origin, IntPtr zeroptr, TwainDataGroups dg, TwainDataArgumentType dat, TwainMessage msg, ref IntPtr refptr);

        [DllImport("twain_32.dll", EntryPoint = "#1")]
        internal static extern TwainReturnCode DSMident([In, Out] TwainIdentity origin, IntPtr zeroptr, TwainDataGroups dg, TwainDataArgumentType dat, TwainMessage msg, [In, Out] TwainIdentity idds);

        [DllImport("twain_32.dll", EntryPoint = "#1")]
        internal static extern TwainReturnCode DSMentry([In, Out] TwainIdentity origin, IntPtr zeroptr, TwainDataGroups dg, TwainDataArgumentType dat, TwainMessage msg, [In, Out] TwainIdentity idds);

        [DllImport("twain_32.dll", EntryPoint = "#1")]
        internal static extern TwainReturnCode DSMstatus([In, Out] TwainIdentity origin, IntPtr zeroptr, TwainDataGroups dg, TwainDataArgumentType dat, TwainMessage msg, [In, Out] TwainStatus dsmstat);

        [DllImport("twain_32.dll", EntryPoint = "#1")]
        internal static extern TwainReturnCode DSuserif([In, Out] TwainIdentity origin, [In, Out] TwainIdentity dest, TwainDataGroups dg, TwainDataArgumentType dat, TwainMessage msg, TwainUserInterface guif);

        [DllImport("twain_32.dll", EntryPoint = "#1")]
        internal static extern TwainReturnCode DSevent([In, Out] TwainIdentity origin, [In, Out] TwainIdentity dest, TwainDataGroups dg, TwainDataArgumentType dat, TwainMessage msg, ref TwainEvent evt);

        [DllImport("twain_32.dll", EntryPoint = "#1")]
        internal static extern TwainReturnCode DSstatus([In, Out] TwainIdentity origin, [In] TwainIdentity dest, TwainDataGroups dg, TwainDataArgumentType dat, TwainMessage msg, [In, Out] TwainStatus dsmstat);

        [DllImport("twain_32.dll", EntryPoint = "#1")]
        internal static extern TwainReturnCode DScap([In, Out] TwainIdentity origin, [In] TwainIdentity dest, TwainDataGroups dg, TwainDataArgumentType dat, TwainMessage msg, [In, Out] TwainCapability capa);

        [DllImport("twain_32.dll", EntryPoint = "#1")]
        internal static extern TwainReturnCode DSiinf([In, Out] TwainIdentity origin, [In] TwainIdentity dest, TwainDataGroups dg, TwainDataArgumentType dat, TwainMessage msg, [In, Out] TwainImageInfo imginf);

        [DllImport("twain_32.dll", EntryPoint = "#1")]
        internal static extern TwainReturnCode DSixfer([In, Out] TwainIdentity origin, [In] TwainIdentity dest, TwainDataGroups dg, TwainDataArgumentType dat, TwainMessage msg, ref IntPtr hbitmap);

        [DllImport("twain_32.dll", EntryPoint = "#1")]
        internal static extern TwainReturnCode DSMemixfer([In, Out] TwainIdentity origin, [In] TwainIdentity dest, TwainDataGroups dg, TwainDataArgumentType dat, TwainMessage msg, [In, Out] TwainImageMemXfer memxfr);

        [DllImport("twain_32.dll", EntryPoint = "#1")]
        internal static extern TwainReturnCode DSpxfer([In, Out] TwainIdentity origin, [In] TwainIdentity dest, TwainDataGroups dg, TwainDataArgumentType dat, TwainMessage msg, [In, Out] TwainPendingXfers pxfr);

        [DllImport("twain_32.dll", EntryPoint = "#1")]
        internal static extern TwainReturnCode DSilayout([In, Out] TwainIdentity origin, [In] TwainIdentity dest, TwainDataGroups dg, TwainDataArgumentType dat, TwainMessage msg, [In, Out] TwainImageLayout layout);

        [DllImport("twain_32.dll", EntryPoint = "#1")]
        internal static extern TwainReturnCode DSMEntry([In, Out] TwainIdentity origin, [In] TwainIdentity dest, TwainDataGroups dg, TwainDataArgumentType dat, TwainMessage msg, [In, Out] TwainSetupFileXfer fileXf);

i wreszcie reszta rzeczy (struktury i cokolwiek), które muszą działać:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace TwainLayoutWindowsFormsApplication
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 2, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
    internal class TwainIdentity
        public IntPtr Id;
        public TwainVersion Version;
        public short ProtocolMajor;
        public short ProtocolMinor;
        public int SupportedGroups;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 34)]
        public string Manufacturer;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 34)]
        public string ProductFamily;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 34)]
        public string ProductName;

    internal enum TwainReturnCode : short
        Success = 0x0000,
        Failure = 0x0001,
        CheckStatus = 0x0002,
        Cancel = 0x0003,
        DSEvent = 0x0004,
        NotDSEvent = 0x0005,
        XferDone = 0x0006,
        EndOfList = 0x0007,
        InfoNotSupported = 0x0008,
        DataNotAvailable = 0x0009

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 2, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
    internal struct TwainVersion
        public short MajorNum;
        public short MinorNum;
        public short Language;
        public short Country;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 34)]
        public string Info;

    internal enum TwainDataGroups : short
        Control = 0x0001,
        Image = 0x0002,
        Audio = 0x0004

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 2)]
    internal struct TwainEvent
        public IntPtr EventPtr;
        public short Message;

    internal enum TwainDataArgumentType : short
        Null = 0x0000,
        Capability = 0x0001,
        Event = 0x0002,
        Identity = 0x0003,
        Parent = 0x0004,
        PendingXfers = 0x0005,
        SetupMemXfer = 0x0006,
        SetupFileXfer = 0x0007,
        Status = 0x0008,
        UserInterface = 0x0009,
        XferGroup = 0x000a,
        TwunkIdentity = 0x000b,
        CustomDSData = 0x000c,
        DeviceEvent = 0x000d,
        FileSystem = 0x000e,
        PassThru = 0x000f,

        ImageInfo = 0x0101,
        ImageLayout = 0x0102,
        ImageMemXfer = 0x0103,
        ImageNativeXfer = 0x0104,
        ImageFileXfer = 0x0105,
        CieColor = 0x0106,
        GrayResponse = 0x0107,
        RGBResponse = 0x0108,
        JpegCompression = 0x0109,
        Palette8 = 0x010a,
        ExtImageInfo = 0x010b,

        SetupFileXfer2 = 0x0301

    internal enum TwainMessage : short
        Null = 0x0000,
        Get = 0x0001,
        GetCurrent = 0x0002,
        GetDefault = 0x0003,
        GetFirst = 0x0004,
        GetNext = 0x0005,
        Set = 0x0006,
        Reset = 0x0007,
        QuerySupport = 0x0008,

        XFerReady = 0x0101,
        CloseDSReq = 0x0102,
        CloseDSOK = 0x0103,
        DeviceEvent = 0x0104,

        CheckStatus = 0x0201,

        OpenDSM = 0x0301,
        CloseDSM = 0x0302,

        OpenDS = 0x0401,
        CloseDS = 0x0402,
        UserSelect = 0x0403,

        DisableDS = 0x0501,
        EnableDS = 0x0502,
        EnableDSUIOnly = 0x0503,

        ProcessEvent = 0x0601,

        EndXfer = 0x0701,
        StopFeeder = 0x0702,

        ChangeDirectory = 0x0801,
        CreateDirectory = 0x0802,
        Delete = 0x0803,
        FormatMedia = 0x0804,
        GetClose = 0x0805,
        GetFirstFile = 0x0806,
        GetInfo = 0x0807,
        GetNextFile = 0x0808,
        Rename = 0x0809,
        Copy = 0x080A,
        AutoCaptureDir = 0x080B,

        PassThru = 0x0901

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
    internal struct TwainWindowMessage
        public IntPtr hwnd;
        public int message;
        public IntPtr wParam;
        public IntPtr lParam;
        public int time;
        public int x;
        public int y;

    internal enum TwainOn : short
        Array = 0x0003,
        Enum = 0x0004,
        One = 0x0005,
        Range = 0x0006,
        DontCare = -1

    internal enum TwainCapabilityType : short
        XferCount = 0x0001,

        ICompression = 0x0100,
        IPixelType = 0x0101,
        IUnits = 0x0102,
        IXferMech = 0x0103,

        Author = 0x1000,
        Caption = 0x1001,
        FeederEnabled = 0x1002,
        FeederLoaded = 0x1003,
        Timedate = 0x1004,
        SupportedCapabilities = 0x1005,
        Extendedcaps = 0x1006,
        AutoFeed = 0x1007,
        ClearPage = 0x1008,
        FeedPage = 0x1009,
        RewindPage = 0x100a,

        Indicators = 0x100b,
        SupportedCapsExt = 0x100c,
        PaperDetectable = 0x100d,
        UIControllable = 0x100e,
        DeviceOnline = 0x100f,
        AutoScan = 0x1010,
        ThumbnailsEnabled = 0x1011,
        Duplex = 0x1012,
        DuplexEnabled = 0x1013,
        Enabledsuionly = 0x1014,
        CustomdsData = 0x1015,
        Endorser = 0x1016,
        JobControl = 0x1017,
        Alarms = 0x1018,
        AlarmVolume = 0x1019,
        AutomaticCapture = 0x101a,
        TimeBeforeFirstCapture = 0x101b,
        TimeBetweenCaptures = 0x101c,
        ClearBuffers = 0x101d,
        MaxBatchBuffers = 0x101e,
        DeviceTimeDate = 0x101f,
        PowerSupply = 0x1020,
        CameraPreviewUI = 0x1021,
        DeviceEvent = 0x1022,
        SerialNumber = 0x1024,
        Printer = 0x1026,
        PrinterEnabled = 0x1027,
        PrinterIndex = 0x1028,
        PrinterMode = 0x1029,
        PrinterString = 0x102a,
        PrinterSuffix = 0x102b,
        Language = 0x102c,
        FeederAlignment = 0x102d,
        FeederOrder = 0x102e,
        ReAcquireAllowed = 0x1030,
        BatteryMinutes = 0x1032,
        BatteryPercentage = 0x1033,
        CameraSide = 0x1034,
        Segmented = 0x1035,
        CameraEnabled = 0x1036,
        CameraOrder = 0x1037,
        MicrEnabled = 0x1038,
        FeederPrep = 0x1039,
        Feederpocket = 0x103a,

        Autobright = 0x1100,
        Brightness = 0x1101,
        Contrast = 0x1103,
        CustHalftone = 0x1104,
        ExposureTime = 0x1105,
        Filter = 0x1106,
        Flashused = 0x1107,
        Gamma = 0x1108,
        Halftones = 0x1109,
        Highlight = 0x110a,
        ImageFileFormat = 0x110c,
        LampState = 0x110d,
        LightSource = 0x110e,
        Orientation = 0x1110,
        PhysicalWidth = 0x1111,
        PhysicalHeight = 0x1112,
        Shadow = 0x1113,
        Frames = 0x1114,
        XNativeResolution = 0x1116,
        YNativeResolution = 0x1117,
        XResolution = 0x1118,
        YResolution = 0x1119,
        MaxFrames = 0x111a,

        Tiles = 0x111b,
        Bitorder = 0x111c,
        Ccittkfactor = 0x111d,
        Lightpath = 0x111e,
        Pixelflavor = 0x111f,
        Planarchunky = 0x1120,
        Rotation = 0x1121,
        Supportedsizes = 0x1122,
        Threshold = 0x1123,
        Xscaling = 0x1124,
        Yscaling = 0x1125,
        Bitordercodes = 0x1126,
        Pixelflavorcodes = 0x1127,
        Jpegpixeltype = 0x1128,
        Timefill = 0x112a,
        BitDepth = 0x112b,
        Bitdepthreduction = 0x112c,
        Undefinedimagesize = 0x112d,
        Imagedataset = 0x112e,
        Extimageinfo = 0x112f,
        Minimumheight = 0x1130,
        Minimumwidth = 0x1131,
        Fliprotation = 0x1136,
        Barcodedetectionenabled = 0x1137,
        Supportedbarcodetypes = 0x1138,
        Barcodemaxsearchpriorities = 0x1139,
        Barcodesearchpriorities = 0x113a,
        Barcodesearchmode = 0x113b,
        Barcodemaxretries = 0x113c,
        Barcodetimeout = 0x113d,
        Zoomfactor = 0x113e,
        Patchcodedetectionenabled = 0x113f,
        Supportedpatchcodetypes = 0x1140,
        Patchcodemaxsearchpriorities = 0x1141,
        Patchcodesearchpriorities = 0x1142,
        Patchcodesearchmode = 0x1143,
        Patchcodemaxretries = 0x1144,
        Patchcodetimeout = 0x1145,
        Flashused2 = 0x1146,
        Imagefilter = 0x1147,
        Noisefilter = 0x1148,
        Overscan = 0x1149,
        Automaticborderdetection = 0x1150,
        Automaticdeskew = 0x1151,
        Automaticrotate = 0x1152,
        Jpegquality = 0x1153,
        Feedertype = 0x1154,
        Iccprofile = 0x1155,
        Autosize = 0x1156,
        AutomaticCropUsesFrame = 0x1157,            
        AutomaticLengthDetection = 0x1158,          
        AutomaticColorEnabled = 0x1159,             
        AutomaticColorNonColorPixelType = 0x115a,   
        ColorManagementEnabled = 0x115b,            
        ImageMerge = 0x115c,                        
        ImageMergeHeightThreshold = 0x115d,       
        SupoortedExtImageInfo = 0x115e,             
        Audiofileformat = 0x1201,
        Xfermech = 0x1202

    internal enum TwainType : short
        Int8 = 0x0000,
        Int16 = 0x0001,
        Int32 = 0x0002,
        UInt8 = 0x0003,
        UInt16 = 0x0004,
        UInt32 = 0x0005,
        Bool = 0x0006,
        Fix32 = 0x0007,
        Frame = 0x0008,
        Str32 = 0x0009,
        Str64 = 0x000a,
        Str128 = 0x000b,
        Str255 = 0x000c,
        Str1024 = 0x000d,
        Str512 = 0x000e

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 2)]
    internal class TwainStatus
        public short ConditionCode;     
        public short Reserved;

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 2)]
    internal class TwainUserInterface
        public short ShowUI;            
        public short ModalUI;
        public IntPtr ParentHand;

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 2)]
    internal class TwainImageInfo
        public int XResolution;
        public int YResolution;
        public int ImageWidth;
        public int ImageLength;
        public short SamplesPerPixel;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
        public short[] BitsPerSample;
        public short BitsPerPixel;
        public short Planar;
        public short PixelType;
        public short Compression;

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 2)]
    internal class TwMemory
        public uint Flags;
        public uint Length;
        IntPtr TheMem;

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 2)]
    internal class TwainImageMemXfer
        public ushort Compression;
        public uint BytesPerRow;
        public uint Columns;
        public uint Rows;
        public uint XOffset;
        public uint YOffset;
        public uint BytesWritten;
        TwMemory Memory;

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 2)]
    internal struct TwainFix32
        public short Whole;
        public ushort Frac;

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 2)]
    internal class TwainFrame
        public TwainFix32 Left;
        public TwainFix32 Top;
        public TwainFix32 Right;
        public TwainFix32 Bottom;

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 2)]
    internal class TwainImageLayout
        public TwainFrame Frame;
        public int DocumentNumber;
        public int PageNumber;
        public int FrameNumber;

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 2)]
    internal class TwainPendingXfers
        public short Count;
        public int EOJ;

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 2)]
    internal class TwainSetupFileXfer
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 255)]
        public string FileName;
        public ushort Format;
        public short VRefNum;

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 2)]
    internal class TwainCapability : IDisposable

        internal TwainCapability(TwainCapabilityType cap)
            Cap = (short)cap;
            ConType = -1;

        internal TwainCapability(TwainCapabilityType cap, short sval)
            Cap = (short)cap;
            ConType = (short)TwainOn.One;
            Handle = NativeMethods.GlobalAlloc(0x42, 6);
            IntPtr pv = NativeMethods.GlobalLock(Handle);
            Marshal.WriteInt16(pv, 0, (short)TwainType.Int16);
            Marshal.WriteInt32(pv, 2, (int)sval);



        public short Cap;

        public short ConType;

        public IntPtr Handle;

        public void Dispose()

        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (Handle != IntPtr.Zero)

