Pobierz dane w tabeli bazy danych wstaw je, jeśli nie istnieje, w przeciwnym razie zwróć identyfikator wiersza

Mam plik tabeli zawierający kolumnę date_file_creation, chciałbym utworzyć datę tabeli zawierającą datę utworzenia pliku, gdy wstawiam nowy plik sprawdzam datę tabeli, jeśli istnieje, zwracam identyfikator wiersza i wstawiam go jako obcy wpisz plik tabeli, w przeciwnym razie wstawię nową datę i otrzymam nowy identyfikator wiersza, aby wstawić go do pliku tabeli. jak mogę to zrobić?

to jest mój attemp: najpierw tworzę funkcję findfile, aby sprawdzić, czy data istnieje, czy nie

public int finddate(String date){
    AndroidOpenDbHelper androidOpenDbHelperObj = new AndroidOpenDbHelper(this);
    SQLiteDatabase sqliteDatabase = androidOpenDbHelperObj.getWritableDatabase();
    Cursor cursor = sqliteDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT _id FROM " + AndroidOpenDbHelper.TABLE_DATE + " where COLUMN_NAME_DATE = date", null);
    if (cursor != null ) {
        if  (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
      do {
          int id = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("_id"));
          return id;
      } while (cursor.moveToNext());
        return 0;


potem naonCreate robię to

if( resultat==0)
        Filedate date1=new Filedate();
        insertDate(date1);//insert in table date
        newid=finddate(providedFileDate);//get the row id of the new date inserting
            {newid=resultat; //the row id =the result reterned by the finfdate method}

następnie wstawiam go do tabeli plików

to jest myDbhelper

public class AndroidOpenDbHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
// Database attributes
public static final String DB_NAME = "file_db";
public static final int DB_VERSION = 1;

//  file Table attributes
public static final String TABLE_FILE = "file_table";
public static final String COLUMN_NAME_FILE_NAME = "file_name_column";
public static final String COLUMN_NAME_FILE_CATEGORY = "file_category_column";
public static final String COLLUMN_NAME_FILE_THEME= "file_theme_column";
public static final String COLLUMN_NAME_FILE_DATE_CREATING = "file_date_creating_column";
public static final String COLLUMN_NAME_FILE_CLOUD = "file_cloud_column";
public static final String COLLUMN_NAME_FILE_DATE_UPLOADING = "file_date_upload_column";
//category table
public static final String TABLE_CATEGORY = "category_table";
public static final String COLUMN_NAME_CATEGORY = "category_column";
public static final String COLLUMN_NAME_CATEGORY_ABREVIATION = "abreviation_column";
//theme table
public static final String TABLE_THEME = "theme_table";
public static final String COLUMN_NAME_THEME = "theme_column";  
public static final String COLLUMN_NAME_THEME_ABREVIATION = "abreviation_column";
//date table
public static final String TABLE_DATE = "date_table";
public static final String COLUMN_NAME_DATE = "date_column";    

public AndroidOpenDbHelper(Context context) {
    super(context, DB_NAME, null, DB_VERSION);

public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {

    // create category table
    String sqlQueryToCreateCategoryTable = "create table if not exists " + TABLE_CATEGORY + " ( " + BaseColumns._ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, " 
            + COLUMN_NAME_CATEGORY + " text not null, "
            + COLLUMN_NAME_CATEGORY_ABREVIATION + " text not null);";
    //create theme table
    String sqlQueryToCreateThemeTable = "create table if not exists " + TABLE_THEME + " ( " + BaseColumns._ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, " 
            + COLUMN_NAME_THEME + " text not null, "
            + COLLUMN_NAME_THEME_ABREVIATION + " text not null);";

    //table date creation
    String sqlQueryToCreateDateTable = "create table if not exists " + TABLE_DATE + " ( " + BaseColumns._ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, " 
            + COLUMN_NAME_DATE + " text not null);";
            //Because this method get executed every time we created an object of this class. 
            //"create table if not exists TABLE_NAME ( BaseColumns._ID integer primary key autoincrement, FIRST_COLUMN_NAME text not null, SECOND_COLUMN_NAME integer not null);"
    String sqlQueryToCreateFileTable = "create table if not exists " + TABLE_FILE + " ( " + BaseColumns._ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, " 
                                                                    + COLUMN_NAME_FILE_NAME + " text not null, "
                                                                    + " FOREIGN KEY ("+COLUMN_NAME_FILE_CATEGORY+") REFERENCES "+TABLE_CATEGORY+" ("+BaseColumns._ID+"), " 
                                                                    + " FOREIGN KEY ("+COLLUMN_NAME_FILE_THEME+") REFERENCES "+TABLE_THEME+" ("+BaseColumns._ID+"), " 
                                                                    + " FOREIGN KEY ("+COLLUMN_NAME_FILE_DATE_CREATING +") REFERENCES "+TABLE_DATE+" ("+BaseColumns._ID+"), " 
                                                                    + COLLUMN_NAME_FILE_CLOUD + " text default null,"
                                                                    + COLLUMN_NAME_FILE_DATE_UPLOADING + " text default null);";


public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
    if(oldVersion == 1 && newVersion == 2){
        // Upgrade the database


