Recupere datos en la tabla de la base de datos. Insértelo, si no existe, devuelva el ID de fila

Tengo un archivo de tabla que contiene una columna date_file_creation, me gustaría crear una fecha de tabla que contenga la fecha de creación del archivo, cuando inserto un nuevo archivo, compruebo la fecha de la tabla, si existe, devuelvo el identificador de la fila y lo inserto como extranjero ingrese una nueva fecha y obtenga su nueva ID de fila para insertarla en el archivo de la tabla. ¿Cómo puedo hacer esto?

este es mi intento: primero creo un archivo de búsqueda de función para verificar si la fecha existe o no

public int finddate(String date){
    AndroidOpenDbHelper androidOpenDbHelperObj = new AndroidOpenDbHelper(this);
    SQLiteDatabase sqliteDatabase = androidOpenDbHelperObj.getWritableDatabase();
    Cursor cursor = sqliteDatabase.rawQuery("SELECT _id FROM " + AndroidOpenDbHelper.TABLE_DATE + " where COLUMN_NAME_DATE = date", null);
    if (cursor != null ) {
        if  (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
      do {
          int id = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("_id"));
          return id;
      } while (cursor.moveToNext());
        return 0;


luego en elonCreate yo hago eso

if( resultat==0)
        Filedate date1=new Filedate();
        insertDate(date1);//insert in table date
        newid=finddate(providedFileDate);//get the row id of the new date inserting
            {newid=resultat; //the row id =the result reterned by the finfdate method}

luego lo inserto en la tabla de archivos

este es myDbhelper

public class AndroidOpenDbHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
// Database attributes
public static final String DB_NAME = "file_db";
public static final int DB_VERSION = 1;

//  file Table attributes
public static final String TABLE_FILE = "file_table";
public static final String COLUMN_NAME_FILE_NAME = "file_name_column";
public static final String COLUMN_NAME_FILE_CATEGORY = "file_category_column";
public static final String COLLUMN_NAME_FILE_THEME= "file_theme_column";
public static final String COLLUMN_NAME_FILE_DATE_CREATING = "file_date_creating_column";
public static final String COLLUMN_NAME_FILE_CLOUD = "file_cloud_column";
public static final String COLLUMN_NAME_FILE_DATE_UPLOADING = "file_date_upload_column";
//category table
public static final String TABLE_CATEGORY = "category_table";
public static final String COLUMN_NAME_CATEGORY = "category_column";
public static final String COLLUMN_NAME_CATEGORY_ABREVIATION = "abreviation_column";
//theme table
public static final String TABLE_THEME = "theme_table";
public static final String COLUMN_NAME_THEME = "theme_column";  
public static final String COLLUMN_NAME_THEME_ABREVIATION = "abreviation_column";
//date table
public static final String TABLE_DATE = "date_table";
public static final String COLUMN_NAME_DATE = "date_column";    

public AndroidOpenDbHelper(Context context) {
    super(context, DB_NAME, null, DB_VERSION);

public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {

    // create category table
    String sqlQueryToCreateCategoryTable = "create table if not exists " + TABLE_CATEGORY + " ( " + BaseColumns._ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, " 
            + COLUMN_NAME_CATEGORY + " text not null, "
            + COLLUMN_NAME_CATEGORY_ABREVIATION + " text not null);";
    //create theme table
    String sqlQueryToCreateThemeTable = "create table if not exists " + TABLE_THEME + " ( " + BaseColumns._ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, " 
            + COLUMN_NAME_THEME + " text not null, "
            + COLLUMN_NAME_THEME_ABREVIATION + " text not null);";

    //table date creation
    String sqlQueryToCreateDateTable = "create table if not exists " + TABLE_DATE + " ( " + BaseColumns._ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, " 
            + COLUMN_NAME_DATE + " text not null);";
            //Because this method get executed every time we created an object of this class. 
            //"create table if not exists TABLE_NAME ( BaseColumns._ID integer primary key autoincrement, FIRST_COLUMN_NAME text not null, SECOND_COLUMN_NAME integer not null);"
    String sqlQueryToCreateFileTable = "create table if not exists " + TABLE_FILE + " ( " + BaseColumns._ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, " 
                                                                    + COLUMN_NAME_FILE_NAME + " text not null, "
                                                                    + " FOREIGN KEY ("+COLUMN_NAME_FILE_CATEGORY+") REFERENCES "+TABLE_CATEGORY+" ("+BaseColumns._ID+"), " 
                                                                    + " FOREIGN KEY ("+COLLUMN_NAME_FILE_THEME+") REFERENCES "+TABLE_THEME+" ("+BaseColumns._ID+"), " 
                                                                    + " FOREIGN KEY ("+COLLUMN_NAME_FILE_DATE_CREATING +") REFERENCES "+TABLE_DATE+" ("+BaseColumns._ID+"), " 
                                                                    + COLLUMN_NAME_FILE_CLOUD + " text default null,"
                                                                    + COLLUMN_NAME_FILE_DATE_UPLOADING + " text default null);";


public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
    if(oldVersion == 1 && newVersion == 2){
        // Upgrade the database


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