Como gravar arquivos grandes no Blobstore usando API experimental?

Eu tenho dilema .. Estou carregando arquivos tanto no scribd store quanto no blobstore usando tipfy como framework. Eu tenho um formulário da web com ação não criado por blobstore.create_upload_url (estou apenas usando url_for ('myhandler')). Fiz isso porque, se estou usando o manipulador de blobstore, a resposta POST é analisada e não posso usar a API python-scribd normal para fazer upload de arquivo no repositório scribd. Agora eu tenho o scribd saver a trabalhar:

class UploadScribdHandler(RequestHandler, BlobstoreUploadMixin):
    def post(self):
        uploaded_file = self.request.files.get('upload_file')
        fname = uploaded_file.filename.strip()
            self.post_to_scribd(uploaded_file, fname)
        except Exception, e:
            # ... get the exception message and do something with it
            msg = e.message
            # ...
        # reset the stream to zero (beginning) so the file can be read again
        #removed try-except to see debug info in browser window
        # Create the file

        file_name = files.blobstore.create(_blobinfo_uploaded_filename=fname)
        # Open the file and write to it
        with, 'a') as f:
        # Finalize the file. Do this before attempting to read it.      
        # Get the file's blob key
        blob_key = files.blobstore.get_blob_key(file_name)

        return Response('done')

    def post_to_scribd(self, uploaded_file, fname):
        errmsg =''
        uploaded_file = self.request.files.get('upload_file')
        fname = uploaded_file.filename.strip()
        fext = fname[fname.rfind('.')+1:].lower()
        if (fext not in ALLOWED_EXTENSION):
            raise Exception('This file type does not allowed to be uploaded\n')
        if SCRIBD_ENABLED:
            doc_title = self.request.form.get('title')
            doc_description = self.request.form.get('description')
            doc_tags = self.request.form.get('tags')
                document = scribd.api_user.upload(uploaded_file, fname, access='private')
                #while document.get_conversion_status() != 'DONE':
                #   time.sleep(2)
                if not doc_title:
                    document.title = fname[:fname.rfind('.')]
                    document.title = doc_title
                if not doc_description:
                    document.description = 'This document was uploaded at ' + str( +'\n'
                    document.description = doc_description
                document.tags = doc_tags
            except scribd.ResponseError, err:
                raise Exception('Scribd failed: error code:%d, error message: %s\n' % (err.errno, err.strerror))
            except scribd.NotReadyError, err:
                raise Exception('Scribd failed: error code:%d, error message: %s\n' % (err.errno, err.strerror))
                raise Exception('something wrong exception')

Como você pode ver, ele também salva arquivos no blobstore. Mas, se estou carregando um arquivo grande (ou seja, 5Mb), estou recebendo

RequestTooLargeError: The request to API call file.Append() was too large.
Request: docs.upload(access='private', doc_type='pdf', file=('PK\x03\x04\n\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"\x01\x10=\x00\x00(...)', 'test.pdf'))

Como posso corrigir isso? Obrigado

