Los valores de datos registrados permanecen sin cambios - DJI UXSDKDemo

Estoy registrando información de IMU desde un DJI Drone a través de iOS DJI UXSDKDemo. Usando el siguiente método, puedo recibir un registro de los cuatro valores deseados (Estado de IMU, Conteo de IMU, Giroscopio y Acelerómetro). Sin embargo, cuando ejecuto la aplicación conectada a un avión no tripulado, los registros se almacenan, los registros de estos vuelos enumeran cada uno de los cuatro valores como cero. El dron al que estoy conectando la aplicación no está volando, pero incluso cuando muevo el dron, los valores no cambian.

¿Necesito importar algún archivo a DefaultLayoutViewController.m que no sea DefaultLayoutViewController.h?

¿Mi metodología es incorrecta?

- (void)showAlertViewWithMessage:(NSString *)message
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        UIAlertController* alertViewController = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:nil message:message preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyleAlert];
        UIAlertAction* okAction = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:@"OK" style:UIAlertActionStyleDefault handler:nil];
        [alertViewController addAction:okAction];
        UIViewController *rootViewController = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow].rootViewController;
        [rootViewController presentViewController:alertViewController animated:YES completion:nil];

//Printing Keys to Log; download logs from the page for this app on Itunes

        DJIFlightControllerKey *IMUStateForLog = [DJIFlightControllerKey keyWithParam:DJIFlightControllerParamIMUState];

            // Will get called once to get current value of the key
            [[DJISDKManager keyManager] getValueForKey:IMUStateForLog withCompletion:^(DJIKeyedValue * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) {

            // Called only when the value for the key changes
            [[DJISDKManager keyManager] startListeningForChangesOnKey:IMUStateForLog withListener:self andUpdateBlock:^(DJIKeyedValue * _Nullable oldValue, DJIKeyedValue * _Nullable newValue) {
                NSLog(@"%@", IMUStateForLog);
                NSLog(@"%@", DJIFlightControllerParamIMUState);

        DJIFlightControllerKey *IMUsCountForLog = [DJIFlightControllerKey keyWithParam:DJIFlightControllerParamIMUsCount];

            // Will get called once to get current value of the key
            [[DJISDKManager keyManager] getValueForKey:IMUsCountForLog withCompletion:^(DJIKeyedValue * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) {

            // Called only when the value for the key changes
            [[DJISDKManager keyManager] startListeningForChangesOnKey:IMUsCountForLog withListener:self andUpdateBlock:^(DJIKeyedValue * _Nullable oldValue, DJIKeyedValue * _Nullable newValue) {
                NSLog(@"%@", IMUsCountForLog);
                NSLog(@"%@", DJIFlightControllerParamIMUsCount);

        DJIFlightControllerKey *IMUStateGyroscopeStateForLog = [DJIFlightControllerKey keyWithParam:DJIFlightControllerParamIMUStateGyroscopeState];

            // Will get called once to get current value of the key
            [[DJISDKManager keyManager] getValueForKey:IMUStateGyroscopeStateForLog withCompletion:^(DJIKeyedValue * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) {

            // Called only when the value for the key changes
            [[DJISDKManager keyManager] startListeningForChangesOnKey:IMUStateGyroscopeStateForLog withListener:self andUpdateBlock:^(DJIKeyedValue * _Nullable oldValue, DJIKeyedValue * _Nullable newValue) {
                NSLog(@"%@", IMUStateGyroscopeStateForLog);
                NSLog(@"%@", DJIFlightControllerParamIMUStateGyroscopeState);

        DJIFlightControllerKey *IMUStateAccelerometerStateForLog = [DJIFlightControllerKey keyWithParam:DJIFlightControllerParamIMUAccelerometerState];

            // Will get called once to get current value of the key
            [[DJISDKManager keyManager] getValueForKey:IMUStateAccelerometerStateForLog withCompletion:^(DJIKeyedValue * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) {

            // Called only when the value for the key changes
            [[DJISDKManager keyManager] startListeningForChangesOnKey:IMUStateAccelerometerStateForLog withListener:self andUpdateBlock:^(DJIKeyedValue * _Nullable oldValue, DJIKeyedValue * _Nullable newValue) {
                NSLog(@"%@", IMUStateAccelerometerStateForLog);
                NSLog(@"%@", DJIFlightControllerParamIMUAccelerometerState);



EDITAR / ACTUALIZAR: implementé los cambios sugeridos. Los valores ahora se imprimen, pero ocurren con poca frecuencia y parecen diferentes a la salida esperada de los sensores de acelerómetro y giroscopio. ¿No deberían el acelerómetro y el giroscopio generar tres valores (x, y, z)? El código y una captura de pantalla del registro se pueden encontrar a continuación. ¿Alguna sugerencia

- (void)viewDidLoad

    [super viewDidLoad];

    //Please enter your App Key in the info.plist file.
    [DJISDKManager registerAppWithDelegate:self];

//Printing Keys to Log; download logs from the page for this app on Itunes

    DJIFlightControllerKey *IMUStateGyroscopeStateForLog = [DJIFlightControllerKey keyWithParam:DJIFlightControllerParamIMUStateGyroscopeState];

    // Will get called once to get current value of the key
    [[DJISDKManager keyManager] getValueForKey:IMUStateGyroscopeStateForLog withCompletion:^(DJIKeyedValue * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) {

    // Called only when the value for the key changes
    [[DJISDKManager keyManager] startListeningForChangesOnKey:IMUStateGyroscopeStateForLog withListener:self andUpdateBlock:^(DJIKeyedValue * _Nullable oldValue, DJIKeyedValue * _Nullable newValue) {
        NSLog(@"LOG: GYROSCOPE: %ld", newValue.integerValue);

    DJIFlightControllerKey *IMUStateAccelerometerStateForLog = [DJIFlightControllerKey keyWithParam:DJIFlightControllerParamIMUAccelerometerState];

    // Will get called once to get current value of the key
    [[DJISDKManager keyManager] getValueForKey:IMUStateAccelerometerStateForLog withCompletion:^(DJIKeyedValue * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) {

    // Called only when the value for the key changes
    [[DJISDKManager keyManager] startListeningForChangesOnKey:IMUStateAccelerometerStateForLog withListener:self andUpdateBlock:^(DJIKeyedValue * _Nullable oldValue, DJIKeyedValue * _Nullable newValue) {
        NSLog(@"LOG: ACCELEROMETER: %ld", newValue.integerValue);


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