Paypal Transactionsearch utilizando Python

Tengo los detalles de autenticación necesarios y estoy tratando de hacer una búsqueda Transaction. Sigo recibiendo un error:TIMESTAMP = 2,013% 2d09% 2d07T19% 3a06% 3a35Z y CorrelationId = b7af040415e92 y ACK = Incidente y VERSION = 0% 2e000000 & Build = 7507921 y L_ERRORCODE0 = 10002 y L_SHORTMESSAGE0 = Autenticación% 2fAuthorization% 20Failed y L_LONGMESSAGE0 = Usted% 20do% 20no% 20have% 20permissions% 20to% 20make% 20 Esta% 20API% 20call y L_SEVERITYCODE0 = Error

Aquí está mi código:

(timestamp, signature) = signaturegen.getAuthHeader(apiUser=settings.USERNAME, apiPass=settings.PASSWORD, accessTok=res2["token"], secTok=res2["tokenSecret"], httpMethod="POST", scriptURI="")    
#the above operation is used to generate the timestamp and signature

headers = {"X-PAYPAL-AUTHORIZATION": "timestamp="+<timestamp>+",token="+<token>+",signature="+<signature>, "SUBJECT": settings.<API_USERNAME>}

data = {
"METHOD": "TransactionSearch",
"STARTDATE": "2012-01-01T05:38:48Z",
req= urllib2.Request("", simplejson.dumps(data), headers)
res = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()

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