Передача динамического порядка в хранимой процедуре

Я создаю ниже хранимую процедуру.

declare @PageNum as Int
declare @PerPageResult as Int
declare @StartDate as varchar(25)
declare @EndDate as varchar(25)
declare @SortType as Varchar(50)
declare @SortDirection as Varchar(4)
set @PageNum=1
set @PerPageResult=20
set @StartDate='2008-02-08'
set @EndDate='2015-02-08'
set @SortType='RegDate'
set @SortDirection='Desc'
declare @Temp Table(RowNum int, RegDate Date, Registered int, Female int, Male int, [Join] int, Rebill int, TotalPointsEarned int, Expire int)
declare @sort varchar(50)
Insert into @Temp
    Select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by @SortType+' '+@SortDirection) As RowNum, * From (    
    CAST(m.registrationdate AS Date) as RegDate,    
    count(m.id) Registered,
    count(CASE WHEN m.gender='F' then 'F' end) As Female,
    count(CASE WHEN m.gender='M' then 'M' end) As Male
    count(CASE WHEN p.paymenttransactiontype='N' then 'N' end) As [Join],
    count(CASE WHEN p.paymenttransactiontype='R' then 'R' end) As Rebill,
    count(m.tokensearned) As TotalPointsEarned,
    count(CASE WHEN p.paymenttransactiontype='E' then 'E' end) As Expire
    from member m
    join payment p on m.id=p.id_member
    join user_role u on u.member_id=m.id
    where u.role_id  3
    and CAST(m.registrationdate AS Date) > @StartDate and CAST(m.registrationdate AS Date) < @EndDate
    GROUP BY CAST(m.registrationdate AS Date)
    ) as aa 
    Select * from @Temp Where RowNum>((@PageNum-1)*@PerPageResult) and RowNum

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