тогда это более элегантно сделано без FRP.

ример программы на Haskell FRP с использованием библиотеки реактивного банана. Я только начинаю чувствовать себя с Хаскеллом, и особенно не совсем понял, что значит FRP. Я действительно ценю некоторую критику кода ниже

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Main where

Example FRP/zeromq app.

The idea is that messages come into a zeromq socket in the form "id state". The state is of each id is tracked until it's complete.

import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as C (unpack)
import Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Reactive.Banana
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.ZMQ

data Msg = Msg {mid :: String, state :: String}
    deriving (Show, Typeable)

type IdMap = Map String String

-- | Deserialize a string to a Maybe Msg
fromString :: String -> Maybe Msg
fromString s =
  case words s of 
    (x:y:[]) -> Just $ Msg x y
    _ -> Nothing

-- | Map a message to a partial operation on a map
-- If the 'state' of the message is "complete" the operation is a delete
-- otherwise it's an insert
toMap :: Msg -> IdMap -> IdMap
toMap msg = case msg  of
               Msg id_ "complete" -> delete id_ 
               _ -> insert (mid msg) (state msg) 

main :: IO ()
main = do
  (socketHandle,runSocket) <- newAddHandler

  args <- getArgs
  let sockAddr = case args of
        [s] -> s
        _ -> "tcp://"
  putStrLn ("Socket: " ++ sockAddr)

  network <- compile $ do
    recvd <- fromAddHandler socketHandle

      -- Filter out the Nothings
      justs = filterE isJust recvd
      -- Accumulate the partially applied toMap operations
      counter = accumE M.empty $ (toMap . fromJust <
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Main where

Example FRP/zeromq app.

The idea is that messages come into a zeromq socket in the form "id state". The state is of each id is tracked until it's complete.

import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as C (unpack)
import Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Reactive.Banana
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.ZMQ

data Msg = Msg {mid :: String, state :: String}
    deriving (Show, Typeable)

type IdMap = Map String String

-- | Deserialize a string to a Maybe Msg
fromString :: String -> Maybe Msg
fromString s =
  case words s of 
    (x:y:[]) -> Just $ Msg x y
    _ -> Nothing

-- | Map a message to a partial operation on a map
-- If the 'state' of the message is "complete" the operation is a delete
-- otherwise it's an insert
toMap :: Msg -> IdMap -> IdMap
toMap msg = case msg  of
               Msg id_ "complete" -> delete id_ 
               _ -> insert (mid msg) (state msg) 

main :: IO ()
main = do
  (socketHandle,runSocket) <- newAddHandler

  args <- getArgs
  let sockAddr = case args of
        [s] -> s
        _ -> "tcp://"
  putStrLn ("Socket: " ++ sockAddr)

  network <- compile $ do
    recvd <- fromAddHandler socketHandle

      -- Filter out the Nothings
      justs = filterE isJust recvd
      -- Accumulate the partially applied toMap operations
      counter = accumE M.empty $ (toMap . fromJust <$> justs)

    -- Print the contents  
    reactimate $ fmap print counter  

  actuate network

  -- Get a socket and kick off the eventloop
  withContext 1 $ \ctx ->
    withSocket ctx Sub $ \sub -> do
      connect sub sockAddr
      subscribe sub ""
      linkSocketHandler sub runSocket

-- | Recieve a message, deserialize it to a 'Msg' and call the action with the message
linkSocketHandler :: Socket a -> (Maybe Msg -> IO ()) -> IO ()
linkSocketHandler s runner = forever $ do 
  receive s [] >>= runner . fromString . C.unpack
gt; justs) -- Print the contents reactimate $ fmap print counter actuate network -- Get a socket and kick off the eventloop withContext 1 $ \ctx -> withSocket ctx Sub $ \sub -> do connect sub sockAddr subscribe sub "" linkSocketHandler sub runSocket -- | Recieve a message, deserialize it to a 'Msg' and call the action with the message linkSocketHandler :: Socket a -> (Maybe Msg -> IO ()) -> IO () linkSocketHandler s runner = forever $ do receive s [] >>= runner . fromString . C.unpack

Здесь есть суть:https://gist.github.com/1099712.

Я бы особенно приветствовал любые комментарии по поводу того, является ли это «хорошим» использованием накопителя (мне неясно, будет ли эта функция проходить весь поток событий каждый раз, хотя я и не догадываюсь).

Также я хотел бы знать, как можно было бы извлекать сообщения из нескольких сокетов - на данный момент у меня есть один цикл событий внутри навсегда. Как конкретный пример этого, как бы я добавил второй сокет (пара REQ / REP на языке zeromq) для запроса текущего состояния IdMap внутри счетчика?

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