¿Estoy usando plátano reactivo, verdad?

Aquí hay un ejemplo del programa Haskell FRP que usa la biblioteca reactiva-banana. Recién estoy empezando a sentirme bien con Haskell, y especialmente no he entendido bien qué significa FRP. Realmente agradecería algunas críticas al código a continuación

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Main where

Example FRP/zeromq app.

The idea is that messages come into a zeromq socket in the form "id state". The state is of each id is tracked until it's complete.

import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as C (unpack)
import Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Reactive.Banana
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.ZMQ

data Msg = Msg {mid :: String, state :: String}
    deriving (Show, Typeable)

type IdMap = Map String String

-- | Deserialize a string to a Maybe Msg
fromString :: String -> Maybe Msg
fromString s =
  case words s of 
    (x:y:[]) -> Just $ Msg x y
    _ -> Nothing

-- | Map a message to a partial operation on a map
-- If the 'state' of the message is "complete" the operation is a delete
-- otherwise it's an insert
toMap :: Msg -> IdMap -> IdMap
toMap msg = case msg  of
               Msg id_ "complete" -> delete id_ 
               _ -> insert (mid msg) (state msg) 

main :: IO ()
main = do
  (socketHandle,runSocket) <- newAddHandler

  args <- getArgs
  let sockAddr = case args of
        [s] -> s
        _ -> "tcp://"
  putStrLn ("Socket: " ++ sockAddr)

  network <- compile $ do
    recvd <- fromAddHandler socketHandle

      -- Filter out the Nothings
      justs = filterE isJust recvd
      -- Accumulate the partially applied toMap operations
      counter = accumE M.empty $ (toMap . fromJust <
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Main where

Example FRP/zeromq app.

The idea is that messages come into a zeromq socket in the form "id state". The state is of each id is tracked until it's complete.

import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as C (unpack)
import Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Reactive.Banana
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.ZMQ

data Msg = Msg {mid :: String, state :: String}
    deriving (Show, Typeable)

type IdMap = Map String String

-- | Deserialize a string to a Maybe Msg
fromString :: String -> Maybe Msg
fromString s =
  case words s of 
    (x:y:[]) -> Just $ Msg x y
    _ -> Nothing

-- | Map a message to a partial operation on a map
-- If the 'state' of the message is "complete" the operation is a delete
-- otherwise it's an insert
toMap :: Msg -> IdMap -> IdMap
toMap msg = case msg  of
               Msg id_ "complete" -> delete id_ 
               _ -> insert (mid msg) (state msg) 

main :: IO ()
main = do
  (socketHandle,runSocket) <- newAddHandler

  args <- getArgs
  let sockAddr = case args of
        [s] -> s
        _ -> "tcp://"
  putStrLn ("Socket: " ++ sockAddr)

  network <- compile $ do
    recvd <- fromAddHandler socketHandle

      -- Filter out the Nothings
      justs = filterE isJust recvd
      -- Accumulate the partially applied toMap operations
      counter = accumE M.empty $ (toMap . fromJust <$> justs)

    -- Print the contents  
    reactimate $ fmap print counter  

  actuate network

  -- Get a socket and kick off the eventloop
  withContext 1 $ \ctx ->
    withSocket ctx Sub $ \sub -> do
      connect sub sockAddr
      subscribe sub ""
      linkSocketHandler sub runSocket

-- | Recieve a message, deserialize it to a 'Msg' and call the action with the message
linkSocketHandler :: Socket a -> (Maybe Msg -> IO ()) -> IO ()
linkSocketHandler s runner = forever $ do 
  receive s [] >>= runner . fromString . C.unpack
gt; justs) -- Print the contents reactimate $ fmap print counter actuate network -- Get a socket and kick off the eventloop withContext 1 $ \ctx -> withSocket ctx Sub $ \sub -> do connect sub sockAddr subscribe sub "" linkSocketHandler sub runSocket -- | Recieve a message, deserialize it to a 'Msg' and call the action with the message linkSocketHandler :: Socket a -> (Maybe Msg -> IO ()) -> IO () linkSocketHandler s runner = forever $ do receive s [] >>= runner . fromString . C.unpack

Hay una esencia aquí:https: //gist.github.com/109971.

En particular, agradecería cualquier comentario sobre si este es un "buen" uso de acumule, (no estoy seguro de que esta función atraviese todo el flujo de eventos cada vez, aunque supongo que no).

También me gustaría saber cómo se puede extraer mensajes de varios sockets, en este momento tengo un bucle de eventos dentro de un eterno. Como ejemplo concreto de esto, ¿cómo agregaría un segundo socket (un par REQ / REP en lenguaje zeromq) para consultar el estado actual del contador interno IdMap?

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