Как проверить правильность калибровки веб-камеры?

Я совершенно не знаком с методами калибровки камеры ... Я использую технику шахматной доски OpenCV ... Я использую веб-камеру от Quantum ...

Вот мои наблюдения и шаги ..

I have kept each chess square side = 3.5 cm. It is a 7 x 5 chessboard with 6 x 4 internal corners. I am taking total of 10 images in different views/poses at a distance of 1 to 1.5 m from the webcam.

I am following the C code in Learning OpenCV by Bradski for the calibration. my code for calibration is


Before calling this function I am making the first and 2nd element along the diagonal of the intrinsic matrix as one to keep the ratio of focal lengths constant and using CV_CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO

With the change in distance of the chess board the fx and fy are changing with fx:fy almost equal to 1. there are cx and cy values in order of 200 to 400. the fx and fy are in the order of 300 - 700 when I change the distance.

Presently I have put all the distortion coefficients to zero because I did not get good result including distortion coefficients. My original image looked handsome than the undistorted one!!

Я правильно делаю калибровку? Должен ли я использовать любой другой вариант, кромеCV_CALIB_FIX_ASPECT_RATIO?. Если да, то какой?

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