omo posso criar um Makefile para projetos C com subdiretórios SRC, OBJ e BI

Há alguns meses, eu vim com o seguinte @ genériMakefile para tarefas escolares:

# ------------------------------------------------
# Generic Makefile
# Author: [email protected]
# Date  : 2010-11-05
# Changelog :
#   0.01 - first version
# ------------------------------------------------

# project name (generate executable with this name)
TARGET   = projectname

CC       = gcc -std=c99 -c
# compiling flags here
CFLAGS   = -Wall -I.

LINKER   = gcc -o
# linking flags here
LFLAGS   = -Wall

SOURCES  := $(wildcard *.c)
INCLUDES := $(wildcard *.h)
OBJECTS  := $(SOURCES:.c=*.o)
rm       = rm -f

$(TARGET): obj
    @echo "Linking complete!"

    @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(SOURCES)
    @echo "Compilation complete!"

    @$(rm) $(TARGET) $(OBJECTS)
    @echo "Cleanup complete!"

Isso basicamente compila todos os.c e.h para gerar.o arquivos e o executávelprojectname todos na mesma pasta.

Agora, eu gostaria de empurrar isso um pouco.omo posso escrever um Makefile para compilar um projeto C com a seguinte estrutura de diretório


Em outras palavras, eu gostaria de ter um Makefile que compila fontes C de./src/ para dentro./obj/ e depois vincule tudo para criar o executável em./bin/.

Tentei ler diferentes Makefiles, mas simplesmente não consigo fazê-los funcionar para a estrutura do projeto acima; em vez disso, o projeto falha ao compilar com todos os tipos de erros. Claro, eu poderia usar o IDE completo (Monodevelop, Anjuta etc.), mas sinceramente prefiro continuar com o gEdit e o bom e velho termina

Existe um guru que pode me dar uma solução funcional ou informações claras sobre como isso pode ser feito? Obrigado

**UPDATE (v4) **

A solução final

# ------------------------------------------------
# Generic Makefile
# Author: [email protected]
# Date  : 2011-08-10
# Changelog :
#   2010-11-05 - first version
#   2011-08-10 - added structure : sources, objects, binaries
#                thanks to
#   2017-04-24 - changed order of linker params
# ------------------------------------------------

# project name (generate executable with this name)
TARGET   = projectname

CC       = gcc
# compiling flags here
CFLAGS   = -std=c99 -Wall -I.

LINKER   = gcc
# linking flags here
LFLAGS   = -Wall -I. -lm

# change these to proper directories where each file should be
SRCDIR   = src
OBJDIR   = obj
BINDIR   = bin

SOURCES  := $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.c)
INCLUDES := $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.h)
rm       = rm -f

    @$(LINKER) $(OBJECTS) $(LFLAGS) -o $@
    @echo "Linking complete!"

$(OBJECTS): $(OBJDIR)/%.o : $(SRCDIR)/%.c
    @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c 
# ------------------------------------------------
# Generic Makefile
# Author: [email protected]
# Date  : 2011-08-10
# Changelog :
#   2010-11-05 - first version
#   2011-08-10 - added structure : sources, objects, binaries
#                thanks to
#   2017-04-24 - changed order of linker params
# ------------------------------------------------

# project name (generate executable with this name)
TARGET   = projectname

CC       = gcc
# compiling flags here
CFLAGS   = -std=c99 -Wall -I.

LINKER   = gcc
# linking flags here
LFLAGS   = -Wall -I. -lm

# change these to proper directories where each file should be
SRCDIR   = src
OBJDIR   = obj
BINDIR   = bin

SOURCES  := $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.c)
INCLUDES := $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.h)
rm       = rm -f

    @$(LINKER) $(OBJECTS) $(LFLAGS) -o $@
    @echo "Linking complete!"

$(OBJECTS): $(OBJDIR)/%.o : $(SRCDIR)/%.c
    @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
    @echo "Compiled "$<" successfully!"

.PHONY: clean
    @$(rm) $(OBJECTS)
    @echo "Cleanup complete!"

.PHONY: remove
remove: clean
    @$(rm) $(BINDIR)/$(TARGET)
    @echo "Executable removed!"
lt; -o $@ @echo "Compiled "
# ------------------------------------------------
# Generic Makefile
# Author: [email protected]
# Date  : 2011-08-10
# Changelog :
#   2010-11-05 - first version
#   2011-08-10 - added structure : sources, objects, binaries
#                thanks to
#   2017-04-24 - changed order of linker params
# ------------------------------------------------

# project name (generate executable with this name)
TARGET   = projectname

CC       = gcc
# compiling flags here
CFLAGS   = -std=c99 -Wall -I.

LINKER   = gcc
# linking flags here
LFLAGS   = -Wall -I. -lm

# change these to proper directories where each file should be
SRCDIR   = src
OBJDIR   = obj
BINDIR   = bin

SOURCES  := $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.c)
INCLUDES := $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.h)
rm       = rm -f

    @$(LINKER) $(OBJECTS) $(LFLAGS) -o $@
    @echo "Linking complete!"

$(OBJECTS): $(OBJDIR)/%.o : $(SRCDIR)/%.c
    @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
    @echo "Compiled "$<" successfully!"

.PHONY: clean
    @$(rm) $(OBJECTS)
    @echo "Cleanup complete!"

.PHONY: remove
remove: clean
    @$(rm) $(BINDIR)/$(TARGET)
    @echo "Executable removed!"
lt;" successfully!" .PHONY: clean clean: @$(rm) $(OBJECTS) @echo "Cleanup complete!" .PHONY: remove remove: clean @$(rm) $(BINDIR)/$(TARGET) @echo "Executable removed!"

