Subconjunto de listas por vetores de índice lógicos

eu tenho umlista complexa e precisa selecionar umsubconjunto a partir dele, com base no valor de um elemento booleano (preciso de registros comhidden valor igual aFALSE) Eu tentei o código a seguir, com base emvetores de índice, mas falha (como mostrado no final desta saída):

startups <- data$startups[data$startups$hidden == FALSE]

Ou alternativamente:

startups <- data$startups[!as.logical(data$startups$hidden)]

A sessão interativa R prova que os dados estão lá:

Browse[1]> str(data$startups, list.len=3)
List of 50
 $ :List of 23
  ..$ id               : num 357496
  ..$ hidden           : logi FALSE
  ..$ community_profile: logi FALSE
  .. [list output truncated]
 $ :List of 2
  ..$ id    : num 352159
  ..$ hidden: logi TRUE
 $ :List of 2
  ..$ id    : num 352157
  ..$ hidden: logi TRUE
  [list output truncated]

Browse[1]> data$startups[data$startups$hidden == FALSE]

Browse[1]> data$startups[!as.logical(data$startups$hidden)]

Qual é o problema com o meu código?

Atualização (espero que inclua exemplo reproduzível, desculpe pela estrutura complexa)

aa <- dput(head(data$startups, n=3))

produz a seguinte saída:

list(structure(list(id = 386938, hidden = FALSE, community_profile = FALSE, 
    name = "Pritunl", angellist_url = "", 
    logo_url = "", 
    thumb_url = "", 
    quality = 0, product_desc = "Enterprise VPN/cloud networking server", 
    high_concept = "Enterprise cloud networking", follower_count = 1, 
    company_url = "", created_at = "2014-04-25T04:50:57Z", 
    updated_at = "2014-04-25T06:02:05Z", crunchbase_url = NULL, 
    twitter_url = "", blog_url = "", 
    video_url = "", markets = list(structure(list(id = 12, tag_type = "MarketTag", 
        name = "enterprise software", display_name = "Enterprise Software", 
        angellist_url = ""), .Names = c("id", 
    "tag_type", "name", "display_name", "angellist_url")), structure(list(
        id = 59, tag_type = "MarketTag", name = "open source", 
        display_name = "Open Source", angellist_url = ""), .Names = c("id", 
    "tag_type", "name", "display_name", "angellist_url")), structure(list(
        id = 123, tag_type = "MarketTag", name = "internet infrastructure", 
        display_name = "Internet Infrastructure", angellist_url = ""), .Names = c("id", 
    "tag_type", "name", "display_name", "angellist_url")), structure(list(
        id = 306, tag_type = "MarketTag", name = "cloud management", 
        display_name = "Cloud Management", angellist_url = ""), .Names = c("id", 
    "tag_type", "name", "display_name", "angellist_url"))), locations = list(
        structure(list(id = 2071, tag_type = "LocationTag", name = "new york", 
            display_name = "New York", angellist_url = ""), .Names = c("id", 
        "tag_type", "name", "display_name", "angellist_url"))), 
    company_size = "1-10", company_type = list(structure(list(
        id = 94212, tag_type = "CompanyTypeTag", name = "startup", 
        display_name = "Startup", angellist_url = ""), .Names = c("id", 
    "tag_type", "name", "display_name", "angellist_url"))), status = NULL, 
    screenshots = list(structure(list(thumb = "", 
        original = ""), .Names = c("thumb", 
    "original")), structure(list(thumb = "", 
        original = ""), .Names = c("thumb", 
    "original")), structure(list(thumb = "", 
        original = ""), .Names = c("thumb", 
    "original")), structure(list(thumb = "", 
        original = ""), .Names = c("thumb", 
    "original")), structure(list(thumb = "", 
        original = ""), .Names = c("thumb", 
    "original")), structure(list(thumb = "", 
        original = ""), .Names = c("thumb", 
    "original")), structure(list(thumb = "", 
        original = ""), .Names = c("thumb", 
    "original")))), .Names = c("id", "hidden", "community_profile", 
"name", "angellist_url", "logo_url", "thumb_url", "quality", 
"product_desc", "high_concept", "follower_count", "company_url", 
"created_at", "updated_at", "crunchbase_url", "twitter_url", 
"blog_url", "video_url", "markets", "locations", "company_size", 
"company_type", "status", "screenshots")), structure(list(id = 385596, 
    hidden = FALSE, community_profile = TRUE, name = "Lariat ", 
    angellist_url = "", logo_url = "", 
    thumb_url = "", 
    quality = 0, product_desc = "Thus far, the internet has gone from discovery to search discovery, and then social discovery, but with little focus on recall. Remembering your digital footprint is difficult. We aim to solve that problem. Lariat is a cloud-based recall engine to securely recall information from any page in your search history instantly through intuitive keyword search, not just from page titles, but from the contents and context of the underlying pages.\r\n\r\nWrangle in the information you want, easier and faster.", 
    high_concept = "Recall your digital footprint on the web instantly", 
    follower_count = 1, company_url = "", 
    created_at = "2014-04-23T13:17:47Z", updated_at = "2014-04-23T13:48:38Z", 
    crunchbase_url = NULL, twitter_url = "", blog_url = "", video_url = NULL, 
    markets = list(structure(list(id = 4, tag_type = "MarketTag", 
        name = "digital media", display_name = "Digital Media", 
        angellist_url = ""), .Names = c("id", 
    "tag_type", "name", "display_name", "angellist_url")), structure(list(
        id = 12, tag_type = "MarketTag", name = "enterprise software", 
        display_name = "Enterprise Software", angellist_url = ""), .Names = c("id", 
    "tag_type", "name", "display_name", "angellist_url")), structure(list(
        id = 59, tag_type = "MarketTag", name = "open source", 
        display_name = "Open Source", angellist_url = ""), .Names = c("id", 
    "tag_type", "name", "display_name", "angellist_url")), structure(list(
        id = 282, tag_type = "MarketTag", name = "semantic search", 
        display_name = "Semantic Search", angellist_url = ""), .Names = c("id", 
    "tag_type", "name", "display_name", "angellist_url"))), locations = list(
        structure(list(id = 1620, tag_type = "LocationTag", name = "boston", 
            display_name = "Boston", angellist_url = ""), .Names = c("id", 
        "tag_type", "name", "display_name", "angellist_url"))), 
    company_size = "1-10", company_type = structure(list(), class = "AsIs"), 
    status = NULL, screenshots = structure(list(), class = "AsIs")), .Names = c("id", 
"hidden", "community_profile", "name", "angellist_url", "logo_url", 
"thumb_url", "quality", "product_desc", "high_concept", "follower_count", 
"company_url", "created_at", "updated_at", "crunchbase_url", 
"twitter_url", "blog_url", "video_url", "markets", "locations", 
"company_size", "company_type", "status", "screenshots")), structure(list(
    id = 385595, hidden = TRUE), .Names = c("id", "hidden")))

O mesmo em um formato mais legível (aa):

[1] 386938



[1] "Pritunl"

[1] ""

[1] ""

[1] ""

[1] 0

[1] "Enterprise VPN/cloud networking server"

[1] "Enterprise cloud networking"

[1] 1

[1] ""

[1] "2014-04-25T04:50:57Z"

[1] "2014-04-25T06:02:05Z"


[1] ""

[1] ""

[1] ""

[1] 12

[1] "MarketTag"

[1] "enterprise software"

[1] "Enterprise Software"

[1] ""

[1] 59

[1] "MarketTag"

[1] "open source"

[1] "Open Source"

[1] ""

[1] 123

[1] "MarketTag"

[1] "internet infrastructure"

[1] "Internet Infrastructure"

[1] ""

[1] 306

[1] "MarketTag"

[1] "cloud management"

[1] "Cloud Management"

[1] ""

[1] 2071

[1] "LocationTag"

[1] "new york"

[1] "New York"

[1] ""

[1] "1-10"

[1] 94212

[1] "CompanyTypeTag"

[1] "startup"

[1] "Startup"

[1] ""


[1] ""

[1] ""

[1] ""

[1] ""

[1] ""

[1] ""

[1] ""

[1] ""

[1] ""

[1] ""

[1] ""

[1] ""

[1] ""

[1] ""

[1] 385596


[1] TRUE

[1] "Lariat "

[1] ""

[1] ""

[1] ""

[1] 0

[1] "Thus far, the internet has gone from discovery to search discovery, and then social discovery, but with little focus on recall. Remembering your digital footprint is difficult. We aim to solve that problem. Lariat is a cloud-based recall engine to securely recall information from any page in your search history instantly through intuitive keyword search, not just from page titles, but from the contents and context of the underlying pages.\r\n\r\nWrangle in the information you want, easier and faster."

[1] "Recall your digital footprint on the web instantly"

[1] 1

[1] ""

[1] "2014-04-23T13:17:47Z"

[1] "2014-04-23T13:48:38Z"


[1] ""

[1] ""


[1] 4

[1] "MarketTag"

[1] "digital media"

[1] "Digital Media"

[1] ""

[1] 12

[1] "MarketTag"

[1] "enterprise software"

[1] "Enterprise Software"

[1] ""

[1] 59

[1] "MarketTag"

[1] "open source"

[1] "Open Source"

[1] ""

[1] 282

[1] "MarketTag"

[1] "semantic search"

[1] "Semantic Search"

[1] ""

[1] 1620

[1] "LocationTag"

[1] "boston"

[1] "Boston"

[1] ""

[1] "1-10"




[1] 385595

[1] TR,UE

Por fim, aplicando a operação de subconjunto através do vetor de índice lógico:

aa[data$startups$hidden == FALSE]

o resultado é uma lista vazia (apesar dehidden = FALSE para o primeiro e o segundo elementos):


Mais uma vez, desculpe pelo tamanho da saída, mas tive que manter a estrutura da lista.


De acordo com "Introdução ao R" do projeto R (,

"Os subconjuntos dos elementos de um vetor podem ser selecionados anexando ao nome do vetor um vetor de índice entre colchetes. De modo geral, qualquer expressão que seja avaliada para um vetor pode ter subconjuntos de seus elementos selecionados de forma semelhante ao adicionar um vetor de índice no quadrado parênteses imediatamente após a expressão ".

Ao mesmo tempo, de acordo com o "Advanced R" de Hadley Wickham (,

"o subconjunto de uma lista funciona exatamente da mesma maneira que o subconjunto de um vetor atômico".

