Radzenie sobie z plikami, których Git nie chce zresetować?

Ja i moi koledzy mamy straszne kłopotygit zachowywać się prawidłowo z niektórymi plikami w naszych klonach repostiory systemu Windows. Klony zostały utworzone przez klonowanie repozytorium, które pochodzi z maszyny OSX. Ustawiliśmy autocrlf na true, ale problem polega na tym, że regularnie odnajdujemy plikigit myśli, że są zmieniane, nawet jeśli ich nigdy nie dotkniemy (nawet nie otwieramy ich w edytorze.

Poniższy wynik ilustruje problem: wszelkie pomysły, w których popełniam błąd?

$ git status                                                                                                 
# On branch master                                                                                           
# Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 27 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.                            
# Changed but not updated:                                                                                   
#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)                                               
#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)                                
#       modified:   Web Applications/webclient/language/en/lang_copyitems.ini                                
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")                                            

Administrator@windows-dev ~/Documents/Workspace/prestige.git                                                 
$ git diff "Web Applications/webclient/language/en/lang_copyitems.ini"                                       
diff --git a/Web Applications/webclient/language/en/lang_copyitems.ini b/Web Applications/webclient/language/
index 800c188..ed11c0e 100644                                                                                
--- a/Web Applications/webclient/language/en/lang_copyitems.ini                                              
+++ b/Web Applications/webclient/language/en/lang_copyitems.ini                                              
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@                                                                                            
-<EF><BB><BF>   [Header]                                                                                     
-       Description=Language strings for 'copyitems.php'                                                     
-       [Messages]                                                                                           
-       300=Copy                                                                                             
-       301=Close                                                                                            
-       302=COPY STORIES                                                                                     
-       303=Name                                                                                             
-       304=In Queue                                                                                         
-       305=New Name                                                                                         
-       306=Items to Copy                                                                                    
-       308=This item has mandatory metadata fields that are not correctly set. Click any part of this messag
+<EF><BB><BF>   [Header]                                                                                     
+       Description=Language strings for 'copyitems.php'                                                     
+       [Messages]                                                                                           
+       300=Copy                                                                                             
+       301=Close                                                                                            
+       302=COPY STORIES                                                                                     
+       303=Name                                                                                             
+       304=In Queue                                                                                         
+       305=New Name                                                                                         
+       306=Items to Copy                                                                                    
+       308=This item has mandatory metadata fields that are not correctly set. Click any part of this messag

Administrator@windows-dev ~/Documents/Workspace/prestige.git                                                 
$ git checkout HEAD "Web Applications/webclient/language/en/lang_copyitems.ini"                              

Administrator@windows-dev ~/Documents/Workspace/prestige.git                                                 
$ git status                                                                                                 
# On branch master                                                                                           
# Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 27 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.                            
# Changed but not updated:                                                                                   
#   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)                                               
#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)                                
#       modified:   Web Applications/webclient/language/en/lang_copyitems.ini                                