Cómo ejecutar un subproceso dentro de Google Cloud Function en Python

Estoy tratando de ejecutar un script bash dentro de la función GCP pero de alguna manera no funciona. Aquí mi función, que básicamente exporta un archivo (proxy) a Google Apigee:

def test2(request):
    cmd = "python ./my-proxy/tools/deploy.py -n myProxy -u userName:!password -o myOrg -e test -d ./my-proxy -p /"
    # no block, it start a sub process.
    p = subprocess.Popen(cmd , shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)

    # and you can block util the cmd execute finish
    # or stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
    return "Proxy deployed to Apigee"

Aquí está mideploy.pyl archivo @ se ve así:

!/usr/bin/env python

import base64
import getopt
import httplib
import json
import re
import os
import sys
import StringIO
import urlparse
import xml.dom.minidom
import zipfile

def httpCall(verb, uri, headers, body):
    if httpScheme == 'https':
        conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(httpHost)
        conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(httpHost)

    if headers == None:
        hdrs = dict()
        hdrs = headers

    hdrs['Authorization'] = 'Basic %s' % base64.b64encode(UserPW)
    conn.request(verb, uri, body, hdrs)

    return conn.getresponse()

def getElementText(n):
    c = n.firstChild
    str = StringIO.StringIO()

    while c != None:
        if c.nodeType == xml.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE:
        c = c.nextSibling

    return str.getvalue().strip()

def getElementVal(n, name):
    c = n.firstChild

    while c != None:
        if c.nodeName == name:
            return getElementText(c)
        c = c.nextSibling

    return None

# Return TRUE if any component of the file path contains a directory name that
# starts with a "." like '.svn', but not '.' or '..'
def pathContainsDot(p):
    c = re.compile('\.\w+')

    for pc in p.split('/'):
        if c.match(pc) != None:
            return True

    return False

def getDeployments():
    # Print info on deployments
    hdrs = {'Accept': 'application/xml'}
    resp = httpCall('GET',
            '/v1/organizations/%s/apis/%s/deployments' \
                % (Organization, Name),
            hdrs, None)

    if resp.status != 200:
        return None

    ret = list()
    deployments = xml.dom.minidom.parse(resp)
    environments = deployments.getElementsByTagName('Environment')

    for env in environments:
        envName = env.getAttribute('name')
        revisions = env.getElementsByTagName('Revision')
        for rev in revisions:
            revNum = int(rev.getAttribute('name'))
            error = None
            state = getElementVal(rev, 'State')
            basePaths = rev.getElementsByTagName('BasePath')

            if len(basePaths) > 0:
                basePath = getElementText(basePaths[0])
                basePath = 'unknown'

            # svrs = rev.getElementsByTagName('Server')
            status = {'environment': envName,
                    'revision': revNum,
                    'basePath': basePath,
                    'state': state}

            if error != None:
                status['error'] = error


    return ret

def printDeployments(dep):
    for d in dep:
        print 'Environment: %s' % d['environment']
        print '  Revision: %i BasePath = %s' % (d['revision'], d['basePath'])
        print '  State: %s' % d['state']
        if 'error' in d:
            print '  Error: %s' % d['error']

ApigeeHost = 'https://api.enterprise.apigee.com'
UserPW = None
Directory = None
Organization = None
Environment = None
Name = None
BasePath = '/'
ShouldDeploy = True

Options = 'h:u:d:e:n:p:o:i:z:'

opts = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], Options)[0]

for o in opts:
    if o[0] == '-n':
        Name = o[1]
    elif o[0] == '-o':
        Organization = o[1]
    elif o[0] == '-h':
        ApigeeHost = o[1]
    elif o[0] == '-d':
        Directory = o[1]
    elif o[0] == '-e':
        Environment = o[1]
    elif o[0] == '-p':
        BasePath = o[1]
    elif o[0] == '-u':
        UserPW = o[1]
    elif o[0] == '-i':
        ShouldDeploy = False
    elif o[0] == '-z':
        ZipFile = o[1]

if UserPW == None or \
        (Directory == None and ZipFile == None) or \
        Environment == None or \
        Name == None or \
        Organization == None:
    print """Usage: deploy -n [name] (-d [directory name] | -z [zipfile])
              -e [environment] -u [username:password] -o [organization]
              [-p [base path] -h [apigee API url] -i]
    base path defaults to "/"
    Apigee URL defaults to "https://api.enterprise.apigee.com"
    -i denotes to import only and not actually deploy

url = urlparse.urlparse(ApigeeHost)
httpScheme = url[0]
httpHost = url[1]

body = None

if Directory != None:
    # Construct a ZIPped copy of the bundle in memory
    tf = StringIO.StringIO()
    zipout = zipfile.ZipFile(tf, 'w')

    dirList = os.walk(Directory)
    for dirEntry in dirList:
        if not pathContainsDot(dirEntry[0]):
            for fileEntry in dirEntry[2]:
                if not fileEntry.endswith('~'):
                    fn = os.path.join(dirEntry[0], fileEntry)
                    en = os.path.join(
                            os.path.relpath(dirEntry[0], Directory),
                    print 'Writing %s to %s' % (fn, en)
                    zipout.write(fn, en)

    body = tf.getvalue()
elif ZipFile != None:
    f = open(ZipFile, 'r')
    body = f.read()

# Upload the bundle to the API
hdrs = {'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
        'Accept': 'application/json'}
uri = '/v1/organizations/%s/apis?action=import&name=%s' % \
            (Organization, Name)
resp = httpCall('POST', uri, hdrs, body)

if resp.status != 200 and resp.status != 201:
    print 'Import failed to %s with status %i:\n%s' % \
            (uri, resp.status, resp.read())

deployment = json.load(resp)
revision = int(deployment['revision'])

print 'Imported new proxy version %i' % revision

if ShouldDeploy:
    # Undeploy duplicates
    deps = getDeployments()
    for d in deps:
        if d['environment'] == Environment and \
            d['basePath'] == BasePath and \
            d['revision'] != revision:
            print 'Undeploying revision %i in same environment and path:' % \
            conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(httpHost)
            resp = httpCall('POST',
                    ('/v1/organizations/%s/apis/%s/deployments' +
                            '?action=undeploy' +
                            '&env=%s' +
                            '&revision=%i') % \
                        (Organization, Name, Environment, d['revision']),
                 None, None)
            if resp.status != 200 and resp.status != 204:
                print 'Error %i on undeployment:\n%s' % \
                        (resp.status, resp.read())

    # Deploy the bundle
    hdrs = {'Accept': 'application/json'}
    resp = httpCall('POST',
        ('/v1/organizations/%s/apis/%s/deployments' +
                '?action=deploy' +
                '&env=%s' +
                '&revision=%i' +
                '&basepath=%s') % \
            (Organization, Name, Environment, revision, BasePath),
        hdrs, None)

    if resp.status != 200 and resp.status != 201:
        print 'Deploy failed with status %i:\n%s' % (resp.status, resp.read())

deps = getDeployments()

Esto funciona cuando ejecuto localmente en mi máquina, pero no en GCP. No sé si tiene algo que ver con el hecho de que me estoy conectando a Google Apigee con esta función. Es extraño que los registros en GCP no muestren ningún error, sin embargo, no tengo mi proxy exportado a Apigee.

¡Gracias por la ayuda!

UPDATED: intenté usarsubprocess.check_output() como lo recomiendan algunos aquí:

def test(request):
    output = None
        output = subprocess.check_output([
        '-n',  'myProxy',
        '-u', 'myUserName:myPassword',
        '-o', 'myOrgName',
        '-e', 'test',
        '-d', './my-proxy',
        '-p', '/'])


    return output 

Y aún no funciona en GCP. Como mencioné anteriormente, funciona de maravilla (ambas soluciones anteriores) en mi máquina, pero en GCP no. Como puede ver en la imagen a continuación, obtengo 200 después de ejecutardeploy.py de GCP pero mi archivo no va a Apigee:

os registros de @GCP tampoco muestran ningún error:

Respuestas a la pregunta(0)

Su respuesta a la pregunta