Gradle build no descarga dependencias

despues de corrergradle build en el directorio raíz de mi aplicación web my, la dependencia de seguridad de Spring declarada enbuild.gradle no se descarga

aquí está mibuild.gradle

 * This build file was auto generated by running the Gradle 'init' task
 * by 'hombod' at '7/19/16 4:19 PM' with Gradle 2.14.1
 * This generated file contains a commented-out sample Java project to get you started.
 * For more details take a look at the Java Quickstart chapter in the Gradle
 * user guide available at

// Apply the java plugin to add support for Java
apply plugin: 'java'

// In this section you declare where to find the dependencies of your project
repositories {
    // Use 'jcenter' for resolving your dependencies.
    // You can declare any Maven/Ivy/file repository here.

// In this section you declare the dependencies for your production and test code
dependencies {
    // The production code uses the SLF4J logging API at compile time
    compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.21'

    // Declare the dependency for your favourite test framework you want to use in your tests.
    // TestNG is also supported by the Gradle Test task. Just change the
    // testCompile dependency to testCompile 'org.testng:testng:6.8.1' and add
    // 'test.useTestNG()' to your build script.
    testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'

    compile ''

en cambio, acabo de recibir este mensaje

:compileJava UP-TO-DAT
:processResources UP-T
:classes UP-TO-DATE
:assemble UP-TO-DATE
:compileTestJava UP-TO
:testClasses UP-TO-DAT
:test UP-TO-DATE
:check UP-TO-DATE
:build UP-TO-DATE

Esta es una aplicación web Spring mvc que ejecuté elgradle init comando en

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