OpenCV - Java - Нет совпадения с 2 противоположными изображениями с использованием DescriptorMatcher

Я пытаюсь сопоставить 2 противоположных изображения, используя OpenCV DescriptorMatcher, но безуспешно. Изображения: (слева направо) и (справа налево).

Мой код очень похож на множество примеров, которые я видел в StackOverflow и в Интернете, но, тем не менее, у меня всегда нет соответствия.

        String firstImageSourcePath = "RTL_IMAGE_PATH";
        String secondImageSourcePath = "LTR_IMAGE_PATH";

        Mat firstImageSrcImgMat = Highgui.imread(firstImageSourcePath);
        Mat secondImageSrcImgMat = Highgui.imread(firstImageSourcePath);

        if (firstImageSrcImgMat.empty() || secondImageSrcImgMat.empty()) {
            System.out.println("Failed to load images");

        System.out.println("Loaded image at " + firstImageSourcePath + " and " + secondImageSourcePath);

        FeatureDetector featureDetector = FeatureDetector.create(FeatureDetector.BRISK);

        MatOfKeyPoint firstImgMatOfKeyPoints = new MatOfKeyPoint();
        MatOfKeyPoint secondImgMatOfKeyPoints = new MatOfKeyPoint();

        featureDetector.detect(firstImageSrcImgMat, firstImgMatOfKeyPoints);
        featureDetector.detect(secondImageSrcImgMat, secondImgMatOfKeyPoints);

        System.out.println("Detected " + firstImgMatOfKeyPoints.size() + " and " + secondImgMatOfKeyPoints + " blobs in the images");

        List<KeyPoint> firstImgKeyPoints = firstImgMatOfKeyPoints.toList();
        List<KeyPoint> secondImgKeyPoints = secondImgMatOfKeyPoints.toList();

        System.out.println("First Image key points: " + firstImgKeyPoints);
        System.out.println("Second Image key points: " + secondImgKeyPoints);

        Mat firstImgDescriptors = new Mat();
        Mat secondImgDescriptors = new Mat();

        DescriptorExtractor extractor = DescriptorExtractor.create(DescriptorExtractor.BRISK); 
        extractor.compute(firstImageSrcImgMat, firstImgMatOfKeyPoints, firstImgDescriptors);
        extractor.compute(secondImageSrcImgMat, secondImgMatOfKeyPoints, secondImgDescriptors);

        System.out.println("descriptorsA.size() : " + firstImgDescriptors.size());
        System.out.println("descriptorsB.size() : " + secondImgDescriptors.size());

        MatOfDMatch matches = new MatOfDMatch();

        DescriptorMatcher matcher = DescriptorMatcher.create(DescriptorMatcher.BRUTEFORCE_HAMMINGLUT); // BRUTEFORCE_HAMMINGLUT
        matcher.match(firstImgDescriptors, secondImgDescriptors, matches);

        System.out.println("matches.size() : " + matches.size());
        System.out.println("matches : " + matches);

        MatOfDMatch matchesFiltered = new MatOfDMatch();

        List<DMatch> matchesList = matches.toList();
        List<DMatch> bestMatches = new ArrayList<DMatch>();

        Double max_dist = 0.0;
        Double min_dist = 100.0;

        for (int i = 0; i < matchesList.size(); i++) {
            Double dist = (double) matchesList.get(i).distance;

            if (dist > 0)
                System.out.println("dist : " + dist);

            if (dist < min_dist && dist != 0) {
                min_dist = dist;

            if (dist > max_dist) {
                max_dist = dist;


        System.out.println("max_dist : " + max_dist);
        System.out.println("min_dist : " + min_dist);

        if (min_dist > 50) {
            System.out.println("No match found, min_dist under minimum value");

        double threshold = 3 * min_dist;
        double threshold2 = 2 * min_dist;

        if (threshold > 75) {
            threshold = 75;
        } else if (threshold2 >= max_dist) {
            threshold = min_dist * 1.1;
        } else if (threshold >= max_dist) {
            threshold = threshold2 * 1.4;

        System.out.println("Threshold : " + threshold);

        for (int i = 0; i < matchesList.size(); i++) {
            Double dist = (double) matchesList.get(i).distance;

            if (dist < threshold) {
                System.out.println(String.format(i + " best match added : %s", dist));


        System.out.println("matchesFiltered.size() : " + matchesFiltered.size());

        if (matchesFiltered.rows() >= 1) {
            System.out.println("match found");
        } else {
            System.out.println("match not found");

любой намек что я делаю не так?

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