Работа со значениями DateTime и Null

I have variable called modifieddate of type DateTime, which can be set to null. I fill in the variable using a datareader and set the value to nothing if the reader is empty when I use the variable further down, the store procedure complaints that I am not providing the value. "Procedure or function 'tHistory_Insert' expects parameter '@modifieddate', which was not supplied"

Вопрос: Есть идеи, как передать нулевые значения в процедуру хранения, когда дата пуста?

Step 1

Public modifieddate As Nullable(Of DateTime)

Step 2

If IsDBNull(dr("modifieddate")) = False Then

     modifieddate = DateTime.Parse(dr("modifieddate"))

     modifieddate = Nothing
End If

Step 3

command.Parameters.Add("@modifieddate", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = modifieddate

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