CMake: как создать единую общую библиотеку из всех статических библиотек подпроектов?

У меня есть следующий макет:

    + subproject1
    + subproject2

Каждый изsubproject1 а такжеsubproject2 создает статическую библиотеку. Я хотел бы связать эти статические библиотеки в единую общую библиотеку наtop_project уровень.

Информация, которую я собрал до сих пор:

Either compile using -fPic (necessary on everything but Windows) in order to create position-independent code which will allow linking the static libraries into a single shared library or decompress all static libraries (e.g. using ar) and re-link them into a shared library (which I think is an inelegant & non-portable solution) All source files must be given explicitly to the add_library command: for some reason which I cannot comprehend, simply writing add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED subproject1 subproject2) does not work as expected (it essentially creates an empty library & does not register the dependencies properly) There is an OBJECT library feature in CMake but I don't think it's purpose is really to do what I want.

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