Ponteiro de membro para o elemento da matriz

É possível definir um ponteiro para um membro e usá-lo posteriormente:

struct foo
  int a;
  int b[2];

int main() {<br> foo bar; int foo::* aptr=&foo::a; bar.a=1; std::cout << bar.*aptr << std::endl; }

Now I need to have a pointer to a specific element of an array, so normally I'd write
int foo::* bptr=&(foo::b[0]);
However, the compiler just complains about an "invalid use of non-static data member 'foo::b'" Is it possible to do this at all (or at least without unions)?

Edit: I need a pointer to a specific element of an array, so int foo::* ptr points to the second element of the array (foo::b[1]).

Yet another edit: I need to access the element in the array by bar.*ptr=2, as the pointer gets used somewhere else, so it can't be called with bar.*ptr[1]=2 or *ptr=2.

