WIX If… else condição usando registro

Estou tentando usar a condição if ... else no WIX, verificando o valor do registro.

  <RegistrySearch Id='WinVersion' Type='raw'
    Root='HKLM' Key='SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' Name='ProductName' />

<?if [WINDOWS_VERSION] = "Windows 10 Enterprise"?>
        <Directory Id="INSTALLDIR" Name="ETMS">
      <Directory Id ="BinDir" Name ="BIN">
        <Directory Id ="AssemblyDir" Name ="Assembly">
          <Component Id ="BinAssemblyFilesFse" Guid ="$(var.BinAssemblyFilesGuid)">
            <!-- This section should include any files that need to be deployed to Bin Assembly folder -->
            <?include BinAssemblyFiles.wxi?>
          <!-- Due to a bug in WIX, the shortcut is always pointing to the first file in a component
           as a result shortcuts need to be put in their own components. -->
          <Component Id="MainExecutable" Guid="$(var.MainExecutableGuid)">
            <File Id="EtmsFse.exe" Name ="EtmsFse.exe" Source ="$(var.BuiltComponents)">
              <!-- Add shortcut for this file to the created ETMS Program Menu Folder. -->
              <Shortcut Advertise="yes" Id="StartMenuEtmsFse" Directory="EtmsProgramMenuDir" Name="ETMS"
                        WorkingDirectory='Bin' Icon="EtmsFse.exe" IconIndex="0" >
                <!-- Set the AppID in order to get toasts to work -->
                <ShortcutProperty Key="System.AppUserModel.ID" Value="FSE"></ShortcutProperty>
                <!-- Set the ToastActivatorCLSID in order to get notifications working in Action Center -->
                <ShortcutProperty Key="System.AppUserModel.ToastActivatorCLSID" Value="{3BD0C45A-B130-4709-BF6F-E786195E7FF9}"></ShortcutProperty>
              <Shortcut Advertise="yes" Id="desktopEtmsFse" Directory="DesktopFolder" Name="ETMS"
                        WorkingDirectory='Bin' Icon="EtmsFse.exe" IconIndex="0" >
                <!-- Set the AppID in order to get toasts to work -->
                <ShortcutProperty Key="System.AppUserModel.ID" Value="FSE"></ShortcutProperty>
                <!-- Set the ToastActivatorCLSID in order to get notifications working in Action Center -->
                <ShortcutProperty Key="System.AppUserModel.ToastActivatorCLSID" Value="{3BD0C45A-B130-4709-BF6F-E786195E7FF9}"></ShortcutProperty>
            <RemoveFolder Id="DelProgramMenuDir" On="uninstall" Directory="EtmsProgramMenuDir"/>
        <Directory Id="INSTALLDIR" Name="ETMS">
      <Directory Id ="BinDir" Name ="BIN">
        <Directory Id ="AssemblyDir" Name ="Assembly">
          <Component Id ="BinAssemblyFilesFse" Guid ="$(var.BinAssemblyFilesGuid)">
            <!-- This section should include any files that need to be deployed to Bin Assembly folder -->
            <?include BinAssemblyFiles.wxi?>
          <!-- Due to a bug in WIX, the shortcut is always pointing to the first file in a component
           as a result shortcuts need to be put in their own components. -->
          <Component Id="MainExecutable" Guid="$(var.MainExecutableGuid)">
            <File Id="EtmsFse.exe" Name ="EtmsFse.exe" Source ="$(var.BuiltComponents)">
              <!-- Add shortcut for this file to the created ETMS Program Menu Folder. -->
              <Shortcut Advertise="yes" Id="StartMenuEtmsFse" Directory="EtmsProgramMenuDir" Name="ETMS"
                        WorkingDirectory='Bin' Icon="EtmsFse.exe" IconIndex="0" >

              <Shortcut Advertise="yes" Id="desktopEtmsFse" Directory="DesktopFolder" Name="ETMS"
                        WorkingDirectory='Bin' Icon="EtmsFse.exe" IconIndex="0" >

            <RemoveFolder Id="DelProgramMenuDir" On="uninstall" Directory="EtmsProgramMenuDir"/>

Tenho certeza de que o valor que eu do registro é "Windows 10 Enterprise", mas de alguma forma ele não vai para a condição if. Alguém sabe o que há de errado com isso?


[Atualização] Eu queria adicionar a notificação do Toast, mas esse recurso só está disponível a partir do Windows 8. É por isso que estou tentando fazer uma condição if ... else para verificar a versão do Windows. A notificação do brinde precisa da linha abaixo ...

 <!-- Set the AppID in order to get toasts to work -->
            <ShortcutProperty Key="System.AppUserModel.ID" Value="FSE"></ShortcutProperty>
            <!-- Set the ToastActivatorCLSID in order to get notifications working in Action Center -->
            <ShortcutProperty Key="System.AppUserModel.ToastActivatorCLSID" Value="{3BD0C45A-B130-4709-BF6F-E786195E7FF9}"></ShortcutProperty>

