Por que a herança protegida faz com que o dynamic_cast falhe?

Eu mudei minha classe base C ++ para serprotected herança e meudynamic_cast(s) parou de funcionar.

Por que mudar a herança paraprotected mudar o comportamento dedynamic_cast?

struct Base {
  static Base *lookupDerived(); // Actually returns a Derived * object.

struct Derived : protected /* Switch this to public to get it working */ Base {
 static void test() {
   Base *base = lookupDerived();

   if (dynamic_cast<Derived *>(base)) {
      std::cout << "It worked (we must be using public inheritance)." << std::endl;
   } else {
      std::cout << "It failed (we must be using protected inheritance)." << std::endl;

