Erro do Chromedriver "A versão do Chrome deve ser> = 52" usando o Nightwatch

Estou tentando configurarVigília noturnae estou usando omais recente chromedriver o que dizsuporta chrome v52-54. MAS, quando tento executar os testes, ele diz'Error: Chrome version must be >=52.0.2743.' Aqui está tudo o que estou usando:

ChromeDriver 2.24Selênio 2.53.1Nightwatch v0.9.8Nó v6.5.0Java v1.7.0_111

Estrutura do Projeto

|-- nightwatch.json
|-- bin/
|   |-- chromedriver
|   |-- selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar
|-- tests/
|   |-- sample.js
|-- results/
|-- screens/
|-- node_modules/
|   |-- (lots of modules here)

E aqui está o meuarquivo de configuração para nightwatch:


  "src_folders" : ["tests"],
  "output_folder" : "results",
  "custom_commands_path" : "",
  "custom_assertions_path" : "",
  "page_objects_path" : "",
  "globals_path" : "",

  "selenium" : {
    "start_process" : true,
    "server_path" : "bin/selenium-server-standalone-2.53.1.jar",
    "log_path" : "results",
    "host" : "",
    "port" : 4444,
    "cli_args" : {
      "" : "bin/chromedriver"

  "test_settings" : {
    "default" : {
      "launch_url" : "http://localhost",
      "selenium_port"  : 4444,
      "selenium_host"  : "localhost",
      "silent": true,
      "screenshots" : {
        "enabled" : true,
        "path" : "screens/"
      "desiredCapabilities": {
        "browserName": "chrome",
        "javascriptEnabled": true,
        "acceptSslCerts": true

    "chrome" : {
      "desiredCapabilities": {
        "browserName": "chrome",
        "javascriptEnabled": true,
        "acceptSslCerts": true

Executando testes

Eu executo os testes assim:

nightwatch tests/


E recebo a seguinte saída:

Starting selenium server... started - PID:  3500

[Sample] Test Suite

Running:  Demo test Google

Error retrieving a new session from the selenium server

Connection refused! Is selenium server started?
{ sessionId: null,
  status: 13,
  state: 'unhandled error',
   { message: 'unknown error: Chrome version must be >= 52.0.2743.0\n  (Driver info: chromedriver=2.24.417424 (c5c5ea873213ee72e3d0929b47482681555340c3),platform=Linux 3.2.0-56-generic x86_64) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)\nCommand duration or timeout: 1.42 seconds\nBuild info: version: \'2.53.1\', revision: \'a36b8b1\', time: \'2016-06-30 17:37:03\'\nSystem info: host: \'N/A\', ip: \'N/A\', \'Linux\', os.arch: \'amd64\', os.version: \'3.2.0-56-generic\', java.version: \'1.7.0_111\'\nDriver info:',
     suppressed: [],
     localizedMessage: 'unknown error: Chrome version must be >= 52.0.2743.0\n  (Driver info: chromedriver=2.24.417424 (c5c5ea873213ee72e3d0929b47482681555340c3),platform=Linux 3.2.0-56-generic x86_64) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)\nCommand duration or timeout: 1.42 seconds\nBuild info: version: \'2.53.1\', revision: \'a36b8b1\', time: \'2016-06-30 17:37:03\'\nSystem info: host: \'N/A\', ip: \'N/A\', \'Linux\', os.arch: \'amd64\', os.version: \'3.2.0-56-generic\', java.version: \'1.7.0_111\'\nDriver info:',
      { releaseLabel: '2.53.1',
        buildTime: '2016-06-30 17:37:03',
        class: 'org.openqa.selenium.internal.BuildInfo',
        buildRevision: 'a36b8b1',
        hCode: 1900167016 },
     cause: null,
     systemInformation: 'System info: host: \'N/A\', ip: \'N/A\', \'Linux\', os.arch: \'amd64\', os.version: \'3.2.0-56-generic\', java.version: \'1.7.0_111\'',
     supportUrl: null,
     class: 'org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException',
     additionalInformation: '\nDriver info:',
     hCode: 1299270263,
     screen: null },
  class: 'org.openqa.selenium.remote.Response',
  hCode: 1144687147 }

Alguém sabe como resolver esse erro?

Chrome version must be >= 52.0.2743.0

O chromedriver usa minha cópia local do chrome? Preciso atualizar meu chrome atual?

