Como obter o índice do botão WKInterfac Tocado no WKinterfaceTable?

Meu código é

-(void)addSelectionTarget:(id)target action:(SEL)action {
     //You will need to add properties for these.
    self.selectionTarget = target;
    self.selectionAction = action;

//Call this when you want to call back to your interface controller

- (void)fireSelectionAction {

    [self.selectionTarget performSelector:self.selectionAction];

     //Or to do it without warnings on ARC
     IMP imp = [self.selectionTarget      methodForSelector:self.selectionAction];
    void (*func)(id, SEL) = (void *)imp;
    func(self.selectionTarget, self.selectionAction);


[self fireSelectionAction];

