Erro: function () recebe pelo menos n argumentos (n dados)

Estou tentando usar o SymPy para levar resíduos, neste caso a função cotangente. Eu tenho uma função integrar ():

import sympy as sy
import numpy as np

def integrate(f, z, gamma, t, lower, upper, exact=True):
    Integrate f(z) along the contour gamma(t): [lower, upper] --> C

    f - A SymPy expression. Should represent a function from C to C.
    z - A SymPy symbol. Should be the variable of f.
    gamma - A SymPy expression. Should represent a function from [lower, upper] to C.
    t - A SymPy symbol. Should be the variable of gamma.
    lower - The lower bound for the domain of gamma.
    upper - The upper bound for the domain of gamma.

    A complex number.
    integrand = f.subs(z, gamma)*sy.diff(gamma, t)
    ans = sy.integrate(integrand, (t, lower, upper))
    if exact:
        return sy.simplify(ans)
    if ~exact:
        return sy.N(sy.simplify(ans))

que estou chamando assim:

def cot_res(n):
    """Return the residue of the cotangent function at n*pi/2."""
   z, t = sy.symbols('z t')
   f = sy.cot(z)
    gamma = n*np.pi/2 + sy.exp(1j*t)
   return 1/(2*np.pi*1j)*integrate(f, z, gamma, 0, 2*sy.pi, exact=True)

for i in xrange(10):
    print i/2., cot_res(i)

E continuo recebendo o errointegrate() takes at least 6 arguments (6 given) e não tenho certeza de onde está o meu problema. Eu tentei reiniciar o kernel.

