Tentando converter o código de interpolação bilinear de Java para C / C ++ no Android


Criei uma pequena biblioteca Android para lidar com bitmaps usando JNI (linkaqui)

No passado, criei algum código de interpolação bilinear como um possível algoritmo para dimensionamento de imagens. O algoritmo é um pouco complexo e usa pixels para formar o pixel de destino.

O problema

Mesmo que não haja erros (sem erros de compilação e sem erros de tempo de execução), a imagem de saída se parece com esta (dimensionada a largura em x2):

O código

Basicamente, o código Java original usava SWT e suportava apenas RGB, mas é o mesmo para o canal Alpha. Funcionou antes perfeitamente (embora agora que eu olhe para ele, pareça criar muitos objetos no caminho).

Aqui está o código Java:

/** class for resizing imageData using the Bilinear Interpolation method */
public class BilinearInterpolation
  /** the method for resizing the imageData using the Bilinear Interpolation algorithm */
  public static void resize(final ImageData inputImageData,final ImageData newImageData,final int oldWidth,final int oldHeight,final int newWidth,final int newHeight)
    // position of the top left pixel of the 4 pixels to use interpolation on
    int xTopLeft,yTopLeft;
    int x,y,lastTopLefty;
    final float xRatio=(float)newWidth/(float)oldWidth,yratio=(float)newHeight/(float)oldHeight;
    // Y color ratio to use on left and right pixels for interpolation
    float ycRatio2=0,ycRatio1=0;
    // pixel target in the src
    float xt,yt;
    // X color ratio to use on left and right pixels for interpolation
    float xcRatio2=0,xcratio1=0;
    // copy data from source image to RGB values:
    RGB rgbTopLeft,rgbTopRight,rgbBottomLeft=null,rgbBottomRight=null,rgbTopMiddle=null,rgbBottomMiddle=null;
    RGB[][] startingImageData;
    startingImageData=new RGB[oldWidth][oldHeight];
        startingImageData[x][y]=new RGB(rgbTopLeft.red,rgbTopLeft.green,rgbTopLeft.blue);
    // do the resizing:
      // when meeting the most right edge, move left a little
        // we are between the left and right pixel
        // color ratio in favor of the right pixel color
        // when meeting the most bottom edge, move up a little
        // we went down only one rectangle
          rgbBottomMiddle=new RGB((int)(rgbBottomLeft.red*xcRatio2+rgbBottomRight.red*xcratio1),(int)(rgbBottomLeft.green*xcRatio2+rgbBottomRight.green*xcratio1),(int)(rgbBottomLeft.blue*xcRatio2+rgbBottomRight.blue*xcratio1));
        else if(lastTopLefty!=yTopLeft)
          // we went to a totally different rectangle (happens in every loop start,and might happen more when making the picture smaller)
          rgbTopMiddle=new RGB((int)(rgbTopLeft.red*xcRatio2+rgbTopRight.red*xcratio1),(int)(rgbTopLeft.green*xcRatio2+rgbTopRight.green*xcratio1),(int)(rgbTopLeft.blue*xcRatio2+rgbTopRight.blue*xcratio1));
          rgbBottomMiddle=new RGB((int)(rgbBottomLeft.red*xcRatio2+rgbBottomRight.red*xcratio1),(int)(rgbBottomLeft.green*xcRatio2+rgbBottomRight.green*xcratio1),(int)(rgbBottomLeft.blue*xcRatio2+rgbBottomRight.blue*xcratio1));
          // color ratio in favor of the bottom pixel color
        // prepared all pixels to look at, so finally set the new pixel data
        newImageData.setPixel(x,y,inputImageData.palette.getPixel(new RGB((int)(rgbTopMiddle.red*ycRatio2+rgbBottomMiddle.red*ycRatio1),(int)(rgbTopMiddle.green*ycRatio2+rgbBottomMiddle.green*ycRatio1),(int)(rgbTopMiddle.blue*ycRatio2+rgbBottomMiddle.blue*ycRatio1))));

E aqui está o código C / C ++ que tentei criar com ele:

typedef struct
    uint8_t alpha, red, green, blue;
    } ARGB;

int32_t convertArgbToInt(ARGB argb)
    return (argb.alpha) | (argb.red << 16) | (argb.green << 8)
        | (argb.blue << 24);

void convertIntToArgb(uint32_t pixel, ARGB* argb)
    argb->red = ((pixel >> 24) & 0xff);
    argb->green = ((pixel >> 16) & 0xff);
    argb->blue = ((pixel >> 8) & 0xff);
    argb->alpha = (pixel & 0xff);


/**scales the image using a high-quality algorithm called "Bilinear Interpolation" */ //
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_jni_bitmap_1operations_JniBitmapHolder_jniScaleBIBitmap(
    JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jobject handle, uint32_t newWidth,
    uint32_t newHeight)
    JniBitmap* jniBitmap = (JniBitmap*) env->GetDirectBufferAddress(handle);
    if (jniBitmap->_storedBitmapPixels == NULL)
    uint32_t oldWidth = jniBitmap->_bitmapInfo.width;
    uint32_t oldHeight = jniBitmap->_bitmapInfo.height;
    uint32_t* previousData = jniBitmap->_storedBitmapPixels;
    uint32_t* newBitmapPixels = new uint32_t[newWidth * newHeight];
    // position of the top left pixel of the 4 pixels to use interpolation on
    int xTopLeft, yTopLeft;
    int x, y, lastTopLefty;
    float xRatio = (float) newWidth / (float) oldWidth, yratio =
        (float) newHeight / (float) oldHeight;
    // Y color ratio to use on left and right pixels for interpolation
    float ycRatio2 = 0, ycRatio1 = 0;
    // pixel target in the src
    float xt, yt;
    // X color ratio to use on left and right pixels for interpolation
    float xcRatio2 = 0, xcratio1 = 0;
    ARGB rgbTopLeft, rgbTopRight, rgbBottomLeft, rgbBottomRight, rgbTopMiddle,
        rgbBottomMiddle, result;
    for (x = 0; x < newWidth; ++x)
    xTopLeft = (int) (xt = x / xRatio);
    // when meeting the most right edge, move left a little
    if (xTopLeft >= oldWidth - 1)
    if (xt <= xTopLeft + 1)
        // we are between the left and right pixel
        xcratio1 = xt - xTopLeft;
        // color ratio in favor of the right pixel color
        xcRatio2 = 1 - xcratio1;
    for (y = 0, lastTopLefty = -30000; y < newHeight; ++y)
        yTopLeft = (int) (yt = y / yratio);
        // when meeting the most bottom edge, move up a little
        if (yTopLeft >= oldHeight - 1)
        if (lastTopLefty == yTopLeft - 1)
        // we went down only one rectangle
        rgbTopLeft = rgbBottomLeft;
        rgbTopRight = rgbBottomRight;
        rgbTopMiddle = rgbBottomMiddle;
            previousData[((yTopLeft + 1) * oldWidth) + xTopLeft],
            previousData[((yTopLeft + 1) * oldWidth)
                + (xTopLeft + 1)], &rgbBottomRight);
        rgbBottomMiddle.alpha = rgbBottomLeft.alpha * xcRatio2
            + rgbBottomRight.alpha * xcratio1;
        rgbBottomMiddle.red = rgbBottomLeft.red * xcRatio2
            + rgbBottomRight.red * xcratio1;
        rgbBottomMiddle.green = rgbBottomLeft.green * xcRatio2
            + rgbBottomRight.green * xcratio1;
        rgbBottomMiddle.blue = rgbBottomLeft.blue * xcRatio2
            + rgbBottomRight.blue * xcratio1;
        else if (lastTopLefty != yTopLeft)
        // we went to a totally different rectangle (happens in every loop start,and might happen more when making the picture smaller)
        convertIntToArgb(previousData[(yTopLeft * oldWidth) + xTopLeft],
            previousData[((yTopLeft + 1) * oldWidth) + xTopLeft],
        rgbTopMiddle.alpha = rgbTopLeft.alpha * xcRatio2
            + rgbTopRight.alpha * xcratio1;
        rgbTopMiddle.red = rgbTopLeft.red * xcRatio2
            + rgbTopRight.red * xcratio1;
        rgbTopMiddle.green = rgbTopLeft.green * xcRatio2
            + rgbTopRight.green * xcratio1;
        rgbTopMiddle.blue = rgbTopLeft.blue * xcRatio2
            + rgbTopRight.blue * xcratio1;
            previousData[((yTopLeft + 1) * oldWidth) + xTopLeft],
            previousData[((yTopLeft + 1) * oldWidth)
                + (xTopLeft + 1)], &rgbBottomRight);
        rgbBottomMiddle.alpha = rgbBottomLeft.alpha * xcRatio2
            + rgbBottomRight.alpha * xcratio1;
        rgbBottomMiddle.red = rgbBottomLeft.red * xcRatio2
            + rgbBottomRight.red * xcratio1;
        rgbBottomMiddle.green = rgbBottomLeft.green * xcRatio2
            + rgbBottomRight.green * xcratio1;
        rgbBottomMiddle.blue = rgbBottomLeft.blue * xcRatio2
            + rgbBottomRight.blue * xcratio1;
        lastTopLefty = yTopLeft;
        if (yt <= yTopLeft + 1)
        // color ratio in favor of the bottom pixel color
        ycRatio1 = yt - yTopLeft;
        ycRatio2 = 1 - ycRatio1;
        // prepared all pixels to look at, so finally set the new pixel data
        result.alpha = rgbTopMiddle.alpha * ycRatio2
            + rgbBottomMiddle.alpha * ycRatio1;
        result.blue = rgbTopMiddle.blue * ycRatio2
            + rgbBottomMiddle.blue * ycRatio1;
        result.red = rgbTopMiddle.red * ycRatio2
            + rgbBottomMiddle.red * ycRatio1;
        result.green = rgbTopMiddle.green * ycRatio2
            + rgbBottomMiddle.green * ycRatio1;
        newBitmapPixels[(y * newWidth) + x] = convertArgbToInt(result);
    //get rid of old data, and replace it with new one
    delete[] previousData;
    jniBitmap->_storedBitmapPixels = newBitmapPixels;
    jniBitmap->_bitmapInfo.width = newWidth;
    jniBitmap->_bitmapInfo.height = newHeight;
A questão

O que estou fazendo errado?

Também é possível tornar o código um pouco mais legível? Estou um pouco enferrujado em C / C ++ e fui mais desenvolvedor de C do que desenvolvedor de C ++.

EDIT: agora funciona bem. Eu editei e corrigi o código.

A única coisa que vocês podem ajudar é dar dicas sobre como torná-lo melhor.

