Criando um questionário JavaScript que mostra a explicação da resposta automaticamente

Demonstração do violinista:

Eu tenho puxado meu cabelo, então qualquer ajuda dos gênios JavaScript / Jquery por aí é muito apreciada ... Eu já entrei em contato com o autor deste código e ele não respondeu.

Preciso de ajuda para fazer o teste, faça o seguinte:

Após o usuário clicar na opção, mostre a explicação imediatamente sem clicar em "Verificar resposta".

Não quero o botão "Verificar resposta". O botão enviar deve ficar oculto até o usuário clicar na opção e, em seguida, ele deve aparecer com o rótulo "Próxima pergunta" e, ao clicar, passar para a próxima pergunta no questionário.

Mova a explicação para exibir abaixo das opções de resposta.

Na página de resultados, eu preciso de uma maneira de exibir uma imagem se eles tiverem de 1 a 5 corretos e uma imagem diferente se eles tiverem de 6 a 8 corretos (supondo que haja 8 perguntas no total).

Agradecemos antecipadamente, N

var quiztitle = "Quiz Title";

* Set the information about your questions here. The correct answer string needs to match
* the correct choice exactly, as it does string matching. (case sensitive)
var quiz = [
        "question"      :   "Q1: Who came up with the theory of relativity?",
        "image"         :   "",
        "choices"       :   [
                                "Sir Isaac Newton",
                                "Nicolaus Copernicus",
                                "Albert Einstein",
                                "Ralph Waldo Emmerson"
        "correct"       :   "Albert Einstein",
        "explanation"   :   "Albert Einstein drafted the special theory of relativity in 1905.",
        "question"      :   "Q2: Who is on the two dollar bill?",
        "image"         :   "",
        "choices"       :   [
                                "Thomas Jefferson",
                                "Dwight D. Eisenhower",
                                "Benjamin Franklin",
                                "Abraham Lincoln"
        "correct"       :   "Thomas Jefferson",
        "explanation"   :   "The two dollar bill is seldom seen in circulation. As a result, some businesses are confused when presented with the note.",
        "question"      :   "Q3: What event began on April 12, 1861?",
        "image"         :   "",
        "choices"       :   [
                                "First manned flight",
                                "California became a state",
                                "American Civil War began",
                                "Declaration of Independence"
        "correct"       :   "American Civil War began",
        "explanation"   :   "South Carolina came under attack when Confederate soldiers attacked Fort Sumter. The war lasted until April 9th 1865.",


/******* No need to edit below this line *********/
var currentquestion = 0, score = 0, submt=true, picked;


     * HTML Encoding function for alt tags and attributes to prevent messy
     * data appearing inside tag attributes.
    function htmlEncode(value){
      return $(document.createElement('div')).text(value).html();

     * This will add the individual choices for each question to the ul#choice-block
     * @param {choices} array The choices from each question
    function addChoices(choices){
        if(typeof choices !== "undefined" && $.type(choices) == "array"){
            for(var i=0;i<choices.length; i++){
                $(document.createElement('li')).addClass('choice choice-box').attr('data-index', i).text(choices[i]).appendTo('#choice-block');                    

     * Resets all of the fields to prepare for next question
    function nextQuestion(){
        submt = true;
        $('#pager').text('Question ' + Number(currentquestion + 1) + ' of ' + quiz.length);
        if(quiz[currentquestion].hasOwnProperty('image') && quiz[currentquestion]['image'] != ""){
            if($('#question-image').length == 0){
                $(document.createElement('img')).addClass('question-image').attr('id', 'question-image').attr('src', quiz[currentquestion]['image']).attr('alt', htmlEncode(quiz[currentquestion]['question'])).insertAfter('#question');
            } else {
                $('#question-image').attr('src', quiz[currentquestion]['image']).attr('alt', htmlEncode(quiz[currentquestion]['question']));
        } else {

     * After a selection is submitted, checks if its the right answer
     * @param {choice} number The li zero-based index of the choice picked
    function processQuestion(choice){
        if(quiz[currentquestion]['choices'][choice] == quiz[currentquestion]['correct']){
            $('#explanation').html('<strong>Correct!</strong> ' + htmlEncode(quiz[currentquestion]['explanation']));
        } else {
            $('#explanation').html('<strong>Incorrect.</strong> ' + htmlEncode(quiz[currentquestion]['explanation']));
        $('#submitbutton').html('NEXT QUESTION &raquo;').on('click', function(){
            if(currentquestion == quiz.length){
            } else {
                $(this).text('Check Answer').css({'color':'#222'}).off('click');

     * Sets up the event listeners for each button.
    function setupButtons(){
        $('.choice').on('mouseover', function(){
        $('.choice').on('mouseout', function(){
        $('.choice').on('click', function(){
            picked = $(this).attr('data-index');
            $('.choice').removeAttr('style').off('mouseout mouseover');
                $('#submitbutton').css({'color':'#000'}).on('click', function(){

     * Quiz ends, display a message.
    function endQuiz(){
        $('#question').text("You got " + score + " out of " + quiz.length + " correct.");
        $(document.createElement('h2')).css({'text-align':'center', 'font-size':'4em'}).text(Math.round(score/quiz.length * 100) + '%').insertAfter('#question');

     * Runs the first time and creates all of the elements for the quiz
    function init(){
        //add title
        if(typeof quiztitle !== "undefined" && $.type(quiztitle) === "string"){
        } else {

        //add pager and questions
        if(typeof quiz !== "undefined" && $.type(quiz) === "array"){
            //add pager
            $(document.createElement('p')).addClass('pager').attr('id','pager').text('Question 1 of ' + quiz.length).appendTo('#frame');
            //add first question
            $(document.createElement('h2')).addClass('question').attr('id', 'question').text(quiz[0]['question']).appendTo('#frame');
            //add image if present
            if(quiz[0].hasOwnProperty('image') && quiz[0]['image'] != ""){
                $(document.createElement('img')).addClass('question-image').attr('id', 'question-image').attr('src', quiz[0]['image']).attr('alt', htmlEncode(quiz[0]['question'])).appendTo('#frame');

            //questions holder
            $(document.createElement('ul')).attr('id', 'choice-block').appendTo('#frame');

            //add choices

            //add submit button
            $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('choice-box').attr('id', 'submitbutton').text('Check Answer').css({'font-weight':700,'color':'#222','padding':'30px 0'}).appendTo('#frame');


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    h1{font:normal bold 2em/1.8em "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;text-align:left;border-bottom:1px solid #999;padding:0;width:auto}
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    img.question-image{display:block;max-width:250px;margin:10px auto;border:1px solid #ccc;width:100%;height:auto;}
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