Erstellen eines JavaScript-Quiz, das die Antworterklärung automatisch anzeigt


Ich habe mir die Haare ausgerissen, daher wird jede Hilfe von JavaScript / Jquery-Genies sehr geschätzt ... Ich habe bereits den Verfasser dieses Codes kontaktiert und er hat nicht geantwortet.

Ich benötige Hilfe, damit das Quiz die folgenden Aufgaben ausführt:

Nachdem der Benutzer auf die Auswahl geklickt hat, wird die Erklärung sofort ohne Klicken auf "Antwort prüfen" angezeigt.

Ich möchte überhaupt nicht die Schaltfläche "Antwort überprüfen". Die Senden-Schaltfläche sollte ausgeblendet sein, bis der Benutzer auf die Auswahl klickt. Anschließend sollte die Beschriftung "Nächste Frage" angezeigt werden. Wenn Sie auf "Klicken" klicken, wechseln Sie zur nächsten Frage im Quiz.

Bewegen Sie die Erklärung, um sie unter den Antwortmöglichkeiten anzuzeigen.

Auf der Ergebnisseite brauche ich eine Möglichkeit, um ein Bild anzuzeigen, wenn sie 1-5 richtig bewertet haben, und ein anderes Bild, wenn sie 6-8 richtig bewertet haben (vorausgesetzt, es gibt insgesamt 8 Fragen).

Vielen Dank im Voraus, N

var quiztitle = "Quiz Title";

* Set the information about your questions here. The correct answer string needs to match
* the correct choice exactly, as it does string matching. (case sensitive)
var quiz = [
        "question"      :   "Q1: Who came up with the theory of relativity?",
        "image"         :   "",
        "choices"       :   [
                                "Sir Isaac Newton",
                                "Nicolaus Copernicus",
                                "Albert Einstein",
                                "Ralph Waldo Emmerson"
        "correct"       :   "Albert Einstein",
        "explanation"   :   "Albert Einstein drafted the special theory of relativity in 1905.",
        "question"      :   "Q2: Who is on the two dollar bill?",
        "image"         :   "",
        "choices"       :   [
                                "Thomas Jefferson",
                                "Dwight D. Eisenhower",
                                "Benjamin Franklin",
                                "Abraham Lincoln"
        "correct"       :   "Thomas Jefferson",
        "explanation"   :   "The two dollar bill is seldom seen in circulation. As a result, some businesses are confused when presented with the note.",
        "question"      :   "Q3: What event began on April 12, 1861?",
        "image"         :   "",
        "choices"       :   [
                                "First manned flight",
                                "California became a state",
                                "American Civil War began",
                                "Declaration of Independence"
        "correct"       :   "American Civil War began",
        "explanation"   :   "South Carolina came under attack when Confederate soldiers attacked Fort Sumter. The war lasted until April 9th 1865.",


/******* No need to edit below this line *********/
var currentquestion = 0, score = 0, submt=true, picked;


     * HTML Encoding function for alt tags and attributes to prevent messy
     * data appearing inside tag attributes.
    function htmlEncode(value){
      return $(document.createElement('div')).text(value).html();

     * This will add the individual choices for each question to the ul#choice-block
     * @param {choices} array The choices from each question
    function addChoices(choices){
        if(typeof choices !== "undefined" && $.type(choices) == "array"){
            for(var i=0;i<choices.length; i++){
                $(document.createElement('li')).addClass('choice choice-box').attr('data-index', i).text(choices[i]).appendTo('#choice-block');                    

     * Resets all of the fields to prepare for next question
    function nextQuestion(){
        submt = true;
        $('#pager').text('Question ' + Number(currentquestion + 1) + ' of ' + quiz.length);
        if(quiz[currentquestion].hasOwnProperty('image') && quiz[currentquestion]['image'] != ""){
            if($('#question-image').length == 0){
                $(document.createElement('img')).addClass('question-image').attr('id', 'question-image').attr('src', quiz[currentquestion]['image']).attr('alt', htmlEncode(quiz[currentquestion]['question'])).insertAfter('#question');
            } else {
                $('#question-image').attr('src', quiz[currentquestion]['image']).attr('alt', htmlEncode(quiz[currentquestion]['question']));
        } else {

     * After a selection is submitted, checks if its the right answer
     * @param {choice} number The li zero-based index of the choice picked
    function processQuestion(choice){
        if(quiz[currentquestion]['choices'][choice] == quiz[currentquestion]['correct']){
            $('#explanation').html('<strong>Correct!</strong> ' + htmlEncode(quiz[currentquestion]['explanation']));
        } else {
            $('#explanation').html('<strong>Incorrect.</strong> ' + htmlEncode(quiz[currentquestion]['explanation']));
        $('#submitbutton').html('NEXT QUESTION &raquo;').on('click', function(){
            if(currentquestion == quiz.length){
            } else {
                $(this).text('Check Answer').css({'color':'#222'}).off('click');

     * Sets up the event listeners for each button.
    function setupButtons(){
        $('.choice').on('mouseover', function(){
        $('.choice').on('mouseout', function(){
        $('.choice').on('click', function(){
            picked = $(this).attr('data-index');
            $('.choice').removeAttr('style').off('mouseout mouseover');
                $('#submitbutton').css({'color':'#000'}).on('click', function(){

     * Quiz ends, display a message.
    function endQuiz(){
        $('#question').text("You got " + score + " out of " + quiz.length + " correct.");
        $(document.createElement('h2')).css({'text-align':'center', 'font-size':'4em'}).text(Math.round(score/quiz.length * 100) + '%').insertAfter('#question');

     * Runs the first time and creates all of the elements for the quiz
    function init(){
        //add title
        if(typeof quiztitle !== "undefined" && $.type(quiztitle) === "string"){
        } else {

        //add pager and questions
        if(typeof quiz !== "undefined" && $.type(quiz) === "array"){
            //add pager
            $(document.createElement('p')).addClass('pager').attr('id','pager').text('Question 1 of ' + quiz.length).appendTo('#frame');
            //add first question
            $(document.createElement('h2')).addClass('question').attr('id', 'question').text(quiz[0]['question']).appendTo('#frame');
            //add image if present
            if(quiz[0].hasOwnProperty('image') && quiz[0]['image'] != ""){
                $(document.createElement('img')).addClass('question-image').attr('id', 'question-image').attr('src', quiz[0]['image']).attr('alt', htmlEncode(quiz[0]['question'])).appendTo('#frame');

            //questions holder
            $(document.createElement('ul')).attr('id', 'choice-block').appendTo('#frame');

            //add choices

            //add submit button
            $(document.createElement('div')).addClass('choice-box').attr('id', 'submitbutton').text('Check Answer').css({'font-weight':700,'color':'#222','padding':'30px 0'}).appendTo('#frame');


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