cudaMemcpyToSymbol vs cudaMemcpy [closed]

Eu estou tentando descobrir porquecudaMemcpyToSymbol não está funcionando para mim. (MascudaMemcpy faz.)

// symbols:
__constant__ float flt[480];   // 1920 bytes
__constant__ int   ints[160];  // 640 bytes

// func code follows:
float* pFlts;
cudaMalloc((void**)&pFlts, 1920+640);  // chunk of gpu mem  (floats & ints)

// This does NOT work properly:
cudaMemcpyToSymbol(flt,pFlts,1920,0,cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);  // first copy
cudaMemcpyToSymbol(ints,pFlts,640,1920,cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);  // second copy

A segunda cópia está destruindo o conteúdo da primeira cópia (flt) e a segunda cópia não acontece. (Se eu remover a segunda cópia, a primeira cópia funcionará bem.)


GpuDumpFloatMemory<<<1,1>>>(0x500500000, 13, 320)  TotThrds=1   ** Source of 1st copy
  0x500500500: float[320]= 1.000
  0x500500504: float[321]= 0.866
  0x500500508: float[322]= 0.500
  0x50050050c: float[323]= -0.000
  0x500500510: float[324]= -0.500
  0x500500514: float[325]= -0.866
  0x500500518: float[326]= -1.000
  0x50050051c: float[327]= -0.866
  0x500500520: float[328]= -0.500
  0x500500524: float[329]= 0.000
  0x500500528: float[330]= 0.500
  0x50050052c: float[331]= 0.866
  0x500500530: float[332]= 1.000
  GpuDumpFloatMemory<<<1,1>>>(0x500100a98, 13, 320)  TotThrds=1     ** Dest of 1st copy
  0x500100f98: float[320]= 0.000
  0x500100f9c: float[321]= 0.500
  0x500100fa0: float[322]= 0.866
  0x500100fa4: float[323]= 1.000
  0x500100fa8: float[324]= 0.866
  0x500100fac: float[325]= 0.500
  0x500100fb0: float[326]= -0.000
  0x500100fb4: float[327]= -0.500
  0x500100fb8: float[328]= -0.866
  0x500100fbc: float[329]= -1.000
  0x500100fc0: float[330]= -0.866
  0x500100fc4: float[331]= -0.500
  0x500100fc8: float[332]= 0.000
  GpuDumpIntMemory<<<1,1>>>(0x500500780, 13, 0)  TotThrds=1      ** Source of 2nd copy
  0x500500780: int[0]= 1
  0x500500784: int[1]= 1
  0x500500788: int[2]= 1
  0x50050078c: int[3]= 1
  0x500500790: int[4]= 1
  0x500500794: int[5]= 1
  0x500500798: int[6]= 1
  0x50050079c: int[7]= 1
  0x5005007a0: int[8]= 1
  0x5005007a4: int[9]= 1
  0x5005007a8: int[10]= 1
  0x5005007ac: int[11]= 1
  0x5005007b0: int[12]= 0
  GpuDumpIntMemory<<<1,1>>>(0x500100818, 13, 0)  TotThrds=1      ** Dest of 2nd copy
  0x500100818: int[0]= 0
  0x50010081c: int[1]= 0
  0x500100820: int[2]= 0
  0x500100824: int[3]= 0
  0x500100828: int[4]= 0
  0x50010082c: int[5]= 0
  0x500100830: int[6]= 0
  0x500100834: int[7]= 0
  0x500100838: int[8]= 0
  0x50010083c: int[9]= 0
  0x500100840: int[10]= 0
  0x500100844: int[11]= 0
  0x500100848: int[12]= 0

O seguinte funciona corretamente:

cudaMemcpyToSymbol(flt,pFlts,1920,0,cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);  // first copy
int* pTemp;
cudaGetSymbolAddress((void**) &pTemp, ints);
cudaMemcpy(ints,pFlts+480,640,cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice);  // second copy


  GpuDumpFloatMemory<<<1,1>>>(0x500500000, 13, 320)  TotThrds=1   ** Source of first copy
  0x500500500: float[320]= 1.000
  0x500500504: float[321]= 0.866
  0x500500508: float[322]= 0.500
  0x50050050c: float[323]= -0.000
  0x500500510: float[324]= -0.500
  0x500500514: float[325]= -0.866
  0x500500518: float[326]= -1.000
  0x50050051c: float[327]= -0.866
  0x500500520: float[328]= -0.500
  0x500500524: float[329]= 0.000
  0x500500528: float[330]= 0.500
  0x50050052c: float[331]= 0.866
  0x500500530: float[332]= 1.000
  GpuDumpFloatMemory<<<1,1>>>(0x500100a98, 13, 320)  TotThrds=1    ** Dest of first copy
  0x500100f98: float[320]= 1.000
  0x500100f9c: float[321]= 0.866
  0x500100fa0: float[322]= 0.500
  0x500100fa4: float[323]= -0.000
  0x500100fa8: float[324]= -0.500
  0x500100fac: float[325]= -0.866
  0x500100fb0: float[326]= -1.000
  0x500100fb4: float[327]= -0.866
  0x500100fb8: float[328]= -0.500
  0x500100fbc: float[329]= 0.000
  0x500100fc0: float[330]= 0.500
  0x500100fc4: float[331]= 0.866
  0x500100fc8: float[332]= 1.000
  GpuDumpIntMemory<<<1,1>>>(0x500500780, 13, 0)  TotThrds=1    ** Source of 2nd copy
  0x500500780: int[0]= 1
  0x500500784: int[1]= 1
  0x500500788: int[2]= 1
  0x50050078c: int[3]= 1
  0x500500790: int[4]= 1
  0x500500794: int[5]= 1
  0x500500798: int[6]= 1
  0x50050079c: int[7]= 1
  0x5005007a0: int[8]= 1
  0x5005007a4: int[9]= 1
  0x5005007a8: int[10]= 1
  0x5005007ac: int[11]= 1
  0x5005007b0: int[12]= 0
  GpuDumpIntMemory<<<1,1>>>(0x500100818, 13, 0)  TotThrds=1    ** Destination of 2nd copy
  0x500100818: int[0]= 1
  0x50010081c: int[1]= 1
  0x500100820: int[2]= 1
  0x500100824: int[3]= 1
  0x500100828: int[4]= 1
  0x50010082c: int[5]= 1
  0x500100830: int[6]= 1
  0x500100834: int[7]= 1
  0x500100838: int[8]= 1
  0x50010083c: int[9]= 1
  0x500100840: int[10]= 1
  0x500100844: int[11]= 1
  0x500100848: int[12]= 0

Quando olho para o caso ruim, parece que algo aconteceu com a tabela de símbolos. Como em, os dados do primeiro destino da cópia são muito familiares. Não é como se tivesse sido sobrescrito, apenas movido. Como o ponteiro está errado.

