Por que estou recebendo erro "não é uma classe ou namespace"

Eu tenho um arquivo que está gerando o erro

"Block" is not a class or a namespace name

na linha

typedef Block::point point;

No entanto, tenho certeza de que é uma classe que eu criei e incluiu # no arquivo abaixo


    #pragma once
#include "Block.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <GL/glut.h>
#include "lodepng.h"

using namespace std;
typedef Block::point point;

class Texture

    Texture(int width, int height, string filename);//initialises our texture and loads its pixeldata into a buffer

    void draw(point centerPoint, point dimensions);

    unsigned int w;//width of our imagefile
    unsigned int h;

    GLuint texID;//the ID we will give OGL for this particular texture.

    vector<unsigned char> image;
    void texGLInit();

Também apenas para uma boa medida, aqui está o arquivo block.h em questão.

#pragma once
#include <GL/glut.h> 
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Texture.h"

class Block

    struct point
        GLfloat x, y;

    enum State  {STATIC, FALLING, SELECTED};



    Block(int gridPosX, int gridPosY, point offset);
    point gridPos;//the blocks designated position in the 8x8 array
    point centerPos;//the blocks coordinates for the actual purpose of drawing

    State blockState;//the state of the block
    Colour blockColour;//the colour of the block

    void move();//checks whether the block is in a falling state and moves it appropriately
    void drawBlock();//no need to include the drawing coords as parameters. the block knows where it should be. The grid will simply tell it to draw itself.

    void fall();//decrements the blocks position
    void assignRandomColour();//assigns a random colour to the block dependant upon its' texture
    void generateWorldPos();//gets our block a center position, for us to later to use to draw it.
    //the above function will also inherently define the size of each cell in the grid. I'm thinking each
    //cell should be 40x40. So each cell will be offset initially by 20px by 20px. 

    point gridOffset;


Eu não tenho idéia do porque eu poderia estar recebendo este erro para uma aula que certamente existe. Desde já, obrigado.

