JSF: Problemas com o Upload de Arquivos usando o componente Icefaces

Estou tentando conseguirFileUpload recurso trabalhando com Icefacesace: fileEntry mas o meufileUploadListener no servidor não é chamado, aqui está o código:

peça xhtml:

<code><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/xmlhttp/css/rime/rime.css"/>
    <h:form enctype="multipart/form-data">
        <ace:fileEntry id="fileEntryComp"
                       label="File Entry"
        <h:commandButton value="Upload File"/>

peça de java

<code>public void uploadFile(FileEntryEvent event)
        FileEntry fileEntry = (FileEntry) event.getSource();
        FileEntryResults results = fileEntry.getResults();
        for (FileEntryResults.FileInfo fileInfo : results.getFiles())
            if (fileInfo.isSaved())
                log.debug("########### FILE IS SAVED ########");

Informação de Log:

<code>    FINE  lifecycle        - Entering RestoreViewPhase
FINE  lifecycle        - New request: creating a view for /trade_entry/UploadBlotter.xhtml
FINE  application      - URL pattern of the FacesServlet executing the current request .jsp
FINE  application      - URL pattern of the FacesServlet executing the current request .jsp
FINE  application      - Created component with component type of 'javax.faces.ViewRoot'
FINE  application      - Created new view for /trade_entry/UploadBlotter.xhtml
FINE  application      - RenderKitId for this view as determined by calculateRenderKitId HTML_BASIC
FINE  lifecycle        - Exiting RestoreViewPhase
FINE  timing           -  [TIMING] - [2ms] : Execution time for phase (including any PhaseListeners) -> RESTORE_VIEW 1
FINE  lifecycle        - render(com.sun.faces.context.FacesContextImpl@1dc6429)
FINE  lifecycle        - Entering RenderResponsePhase
FINE  lifecycle        - About to render view /trade_entry/UploadBlotter.xhtml
FINE  application      - Building View: /trade_entry/UploadBlotter.xhtml
FINE  application      - Created component with component type of 'javax.faces.Output'
FINE  component        - /trade_entry/UploadBlotter.xhtml @7,9 <h:head> Component[-1351329185_508ba5ae] Created: javax
FINE  application      - Created component with component type of 'javax.faces.Output'
FINE  component        - /trade_entry/UploadBlotter.xhtml @10,9 <h:body> Component[-1351329185_508ba588] Created: java
FINE  application      - Created component with component type of 'javax.faces.HtmlForm'
FINE  component        - /trade_entry/UploadBlotter.xhtml @11,13 <h:form> Component[-1351329185_508ba5e2] Created: jav
FINE  application      - Created component with component type of 'org.icefaces.ace.component.FileEntry'
FINE  application      - Created component with component type of 'javax.faces.Output'
FINE  application      - Created component with component type of 'javax.faces.ComponentResourceContainer'
FINE  application      - Created component with component type of 'javax.faces.Output'
FINE  application      - Created component with component type of 'javax.faces.Output'
FINE  component        - /trade_entry/UploadBlotter.xhtml @15,70 <ace:fileEntry> Component[-1351329185_508ba5fc] Creat
ed: org.icefaces.ace.component.fileentry.FileEntry
FINE  application      - Created component with component type of 'javax.faces.HtmlCommandButton'
FINE  component        - /trade_entry/UploadBlotter.xhtml @16,47 <h:commandButton> Component[-1351329185_508ba5c9] Cre
ated: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlCommandButton
FINE  application      - Created component with component type of 'javax.faces.ComponentResourceContainer'
FINE  component        - No renderer-type for component j_id1
FINE  component        - No renderer-type for component javax_faces_location_BODY
FINE  application      - Rendering View: /trade_entry/UploadBlotter.xhtml
FINE  component        - No renderer-type for component javax_faces_location_HEAD
FINE  application      - URL pattern of the FacesServlet executing the current request .jsp
FINE  application      - URL pattern of the FacesServlet executing the current request .jsp
FINE  application      - URL pattern of the FacesServlet executing the current request .jsp
FINE  application      - URL pattern of the FacesServlet executing the current request .jsp
FINE  application      - URL pattern of the FacesServlet executing the current request .jsp
FINE  application      - URL pattern of the FacesServlet executing the current request .jsp
FINE  application      - URL pattern of the FacesServlet executing the current request .jsp
FINE  application      - URL pattern of the FacesServlet executing the current request .jsp
FINE  application      - URL pattern of the FacesServlet executing the current request .jsp
FINE  application      - URL pattern of the FacesServlet executing the current request .jsp
FINE  component        - No renderer-type for component _captureFileOnsubmit
FINE  application      - Begin writing marker for viewId /trade_entry/UploadBlotter.xhtml
FINE  application      - End writing marker for viewId /trade_entry/UploadBlotter.xhtml
FINE  application      - URL pattern of the FacesServlet executing the current request .jsp
FINE  application      - URL pattern of the FacesServlet executing the current request .jsp
FINE  application      - Begin writing marker for viewId /trade_entry/UploadBlotter.xhtml
FINE  application      - End writing marker for viewId /trade_entry/UploadBlotter.xhtml
FINE  lifecycle        - Exiting RenderResponsePhase

Agora, no estado atual, eu posso abrir pop-up de navegação do sistema de arquivos e eu posso selecionar o arquivo, mas, em seguida,fileUploadListener deve ser atingido, mas agora não, também eu sou capaz de obter alguns dados que eu definir no lado do servidor para viagem de servidor está trabalhando apenas problema eu tenho éfileUploadListener não é atingido, alguma sugestão?

Atualizar Ainda estou procurando resposta, pois não consegui fazer o upload do arquivo para o servidor.

Atualização 2 Agora estou ficandoContent is not allowed in prolog exceção, não sei exatamente o que isso significa, aqui está o stacktrace:

<code>    ERROR [Faces Servlet]  - Servlet.service() for servlet Faces Servlet threw exception: javax.faces.view.facelets.Facele
tException: Error Parsing /trade_entry/UploadBlotter.xhtml: Error Traced[line: 2] Content is not allowed in prolog.
        at com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.SAXCompiler.doCompile(SAXCompiler.java:417) [:2.1.7-SNAPSHOT]
        at com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.SAXCompiler.doMetadataCompile(SAXCompiler.java:400) [:2.1.7-SNAPSHOT]
        at com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.Compiler.metadataCompile(Compiler.java:130) [:2.1.7-SNAPSHOT]
        at com.sun.faces.facelets.impl.DefaultFaceletFactory.createMetadataFacelet(DefaultFaceletFactory.java:327) [:2.1.7-SNAPSHOT]
        at com.sun.faces.facelets.impl.DefaultFaceletFactory.access$200(DefaultFaceletFactory.java:93) [:2.1.7-SNAPSHOT]
        at com.sun.faces.facelets.impl.DefaultFaceletFactory$2.newInstance(DefaultFaceletFactory.java:166) [:2.1.7-SNAPSHOT]
        at com.sun.faces.facelets.impl.DefaultFaceletFactory$2.newInstance(DefaultFaceletFactory.java:164) [:2.1.7-SNAPSHOT]
        at com.sun.faces.facelets.impl.DefaultFaceletCache$2.newInstance(DefaultFaceletCache.java:94) [:2.1.7-SNAPSHOT]
        at com.sun.faces.facelets.impl.DefaultFaceletCache$2.newInstance(DefaultFaceletCache.java:89) [:2.1.7-SNAPSHOT]
        at com.sun.faces.util.ExpiringConcurrentCache$1.call(ExpiringConcurrentCache.java:99) [:2.1.7-SNAPSHOT]

