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3 минуты чтения

Minimum Viable Product Development Service

 Minimum Viable Product stands for rapid development and constant collecting of feedback. It helps to build a market-driven product that generates reven...

5 минут чтения

How to Create a Tik Tok Clone [A Blueprint for Valuable Product]

Tik Tok is a Chinese video-sharing app with a user base of around 57% just in China. Moreover,India was the top market for Tik Tok downloads with a...

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5 минут чтения

Top 20 SaaS Startups, That Change the World in 2020

Among the countless business models out there, Software as a Service has emerged as a cutting edge model in the last two decades. SaaS’s ability to operate i...

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5 минут чтения

How to Build a Live Streaming Video App and Reach Founder’s Zen

Video streaming is one of the prime ways of entertainment in the current era. There are countless online channels, websites, and applications that cater to u...

1 минута чтения

Любимый шрифт свинки Пеппы и как его сделать

Недавно я узнал о некоторых шрифтах в Yofonts, и мне очень нравится стиль шрифта свинки пеппы, особенно https://yofonts.com/peppa-pig/. Я хочу сделать свой с...