Agregar retraso en el procesamiento

entonces soy nuevo en Processing y básicamente estoy haciendo un programa que cuando se ejecuta, abre una ventana con 4 imágenes diferentes, cada una de las imágenes tiene una descripción debajo. En los métodos a continuación, creé dos métodos aleatorios, uno para el número de reseñas y el otro para los comentarios de revisión, me gustaría que los comentarios no se generen todo el tiempo para cada película, más como aparecer al azar, porque también mucho caos tratando de leerlos a todos. También para verificar el clima, puedo agregar matrices juntas de cadena e entero para el valor promedio del número de revisión.

A continuación se muestra el código, agradecería su ayuda. Gracias.

import g4p_controls.*;
import ddf.minim.*;

PFont font;
PImage img1,img2; // background images for two different windows
PImage fimg1, fimg2, fimg3, fimg4, fimg5, fimg6; //images of movies
int rectX,rectY;

GButton btn;
GWindow window;

Minim minim;
AudioPlayer player;

String[] rev_film1 = {"The Best Wolverine Movie","Logan is another level","Disappointment","Such a sad farewell"}; //Logan
String[] rev_film2 = {"A scary movie that isn't scary.","Terrifyingly brilliant.","The perfect blend of comedy and horror","The IT Factor"}; //IT
String[] rev_film3 = {"Soul-less,Confused,Loud.","Devastatingly Disappointed","A technical masterpiece","A visual wonder that lacks depth"}; //Dunkirk
String[] rev_film4 = {"Disgrace", "Worst Star Wars movie", "TERRIBLE","A Betrayal to the Legacy"}; //Starwars

int[] rat_film1 = {9,8,2,2}; 

float r;

void setup()
  surface.setTitle(" - The Theatre of Dreams Database - ");
  font = loadFont("BerlinSansFB-Reg-48.vlw");
  img1 = loadImage("film2.jpg");

  btn = new GButton(this,900,350,100,50, "Enter Website");

  minim = new Minim(this);
  player = minim.loadFile("sound.mp3");;

void draw()
  text("Welcome to", 850, 85);
  text("The Theatre of Dreams", 760, 175);
  text("Database", 870, 220);

void handleButtonEvents(GButton button, GEvent event) 
  if (button == btn && event == GEvent.CLICKED) 

void createWindow() // creating new window with mouse click
  window =  GWindow.getWindow(this, " - Top 4 Movies in 2017 - ", 100, 50, 1150, 600, JAVA2D);
  window.addDrawHandler(this, "windowDraw");
  window.addOnCloseHandler(this, "windowClosing"); 

void windowDraw(PApplet app, GWinData data)
  img2 = loadImage("film3.jpg");

  app.text(" - Top 4 Movies in 2017 - ",440,85);

  fimg1 = loadImage("logan.jpg");
  fimg2 = loadImage("it.jpg");
  fimg3 = loadImage("dunkirk.jpg");
  fimg4 = loadImage("starwars.jpg");

  //////////Film 1 - LOGAN
    app.text("Rating: 8.1 / 10",5,340); //fixed rating

    app.text("Genres: Action | Drama", 5, 365);
    app.text("| Sci-Fi | Thriller",5,390);

    //Ratings that are constantly changing using the random function
    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) 
      r = random(0, 6);

    String user = "Ratings by users: " + nf(r,0,1) + " / 10";
    app.text(user, 5,430);

    // the random function of the comments
    int index = int(random(rev_film1.length)); 
    String user11 = "Reviews: " + "\n" + rev_film1[index];
    app.text(user11, 5,460);

  ////////////////////Film 2 - IT
    app.text("Rating: 7.6 / 10", 700,400);
    app.text("Genres: Drama | Horror",700,430);
    app.text("| Thriller",700,460);

  //Ratings that are constantly changing using the random function
    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) 
      r = random(5, 10);
    String user2 = "Ratings by users: " + nf(r,0,1) + " / 10";
    app.text(user2, 700,500);
    int index2 = int(random(rev_film2.length)); // the random function of the comments
    String user22 = "Reviews: " + "\n" + rev_film2[index2];
    app.text(user22, 700,540);

  /////////Film 3 - DUNKIRK
    app.text("Rating: 8.1 / 10",320,445); //fixed rating

    app.text("Genres: Action | Drama", 320, 470);
    app.text("| History | Thriller | War",320,495);

    //Ratings that are constantly changing using the random function
    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) 
    r = random(0, 5);

    String user3 = "Ratings by users: " + nf(r,0,1) + " / 10";
    app.text(user3, 320,530);
    int index3 = int(random(rev_film3.length)); // the random function of the comments
    String user33 = "Reviews: " + "\n" + rev_film3[index3];
    app.text(user33, 320,560);

  /////////////Film 4 - STAR WARS
    app.text("Rating: 7.6 / 10", 760,140); //fixed rating

    app.text("Genres: Action | Adventure | Fantasy ", 760,168); 
    app.text("| Sci-Fi", 760,195);

    //Ratings that are constantly changing using the random function
    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) 
      r = random(0, 2);

    String user4 = "Ratings by users: " + nf(r,0,1) + " / 10";
    app.text(user4, 760,220);
    int index4 = int(random(rev_film4.length)); // the random function of the comments
    String user44 = "Reviews: " + "\n" + rev_film4[index4];
    app.text(user44, 760,250);

public void windowClosing(GWindow w)

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