Problemas de actualización con EF4 repo y MVC2: no se puede actualizar el gráfico de muchos a muchos

Parece que no puedo actualizar con éxito un gráfico de muchos a muchos en MVC2 usando EF4. Pensé que lo más simple sería borrar () todo el gráfico, llamar a SaveChanges (), luego reconstruir el gráfico llamando a SaveChanges () nuevamente al final, pero no funciona. Todas mis otras propiedadesSON trabajando, sin embargo. Primero, mis métodos de acción:

    public ActionResult EditReview(int id)
        var game = _gameRepository.GetGame(id);
        var genres = _gameRepository.AllGenres();
        var platforms = _gameRepository.AllPlatforms();

        var model = new AdminGameViewModel { GameData = game, AllGenres = genres, AllPlatforms = platforms }; 

        return View(model);

    // POST: /Admin/EditReview/5

    public ActionResult EditReview([Bind(Prefix="GameData")]Game existingGame, int[] PlatformIDs)
            _gameRepository.ValidateGame(existingGame, PlatformIDs);
        catch(RulesException ex)
            ex.CopyTo(ModelState, "GameData");

        if (ModelState.IsValid)
            return RedirectToAction("Index");
            var genres = _gameRepository.AllGenres();
            var platforms = _gameRepository.AllPlatforms();

            var model = new AdminGameViewModel { GameData = existingGame, AllGenres = genres, AllPlatforms = platforms };

            return View(model);

El repositorio en sí (ValidateGame y SaveGame son los métodos relevantes):

namespace HandiGamer.Domain.Concrete
    public class HGGameRepository : IGameRepository
        private HGEntities _siteDB = new HGEntities();

        public List<Game> Games
            get { return _siteDB.Games.ToList(); }

        public void ValidateGame(Game game, int[] PlatformIDs)
            var errors = new RulesException<Game>();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(game.GameTitle))
                errors.ErrorFor(x => x.GameTitle, "A game must have a title");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(game.ReviewText))
                errors.ErrorFor(x => x.ReviewText, "A review must be written");

            if (game.ReviewScore <= 0 || game.ReviewScore > 5)
                errors.ErrorFor(x => x.ReviewScore, "A game must have a review score, and the score must be between 1 and 5");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(game.Pros))
                errors.ErrorFor(x => x.Pros, "Each game review must have a list of pros");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(game.Cons))
                errors.ErrorFor(x => x.Cons, "Each game review must have a list of cons");

            if (PlatformIDs == null || PlatformIDs.Length == 0)
                errors.ErrorForModel("A game must belong to at least one platform");

            if (game.GenreID == 0)
                errors.ErrorFor(x => x.GenreID, "A game must be associated with a genre");

            if (errors.Errors.Any())
                throw errors;
                SaveGame(game, PlatformIDs);

        public void SaveGame(Game game, int[] PlatformIDs)

            if (game.GameID > 0)
                _siteDB.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(game, System.Data.EntityState.Modified);

                _siteDB.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(game, System.Data.EntityState.Added);

            foreach (int id in PlatformIDs)
                Platform plat = _siteDB.Platforms.Single(pl => pl.PlatformID == id);

            game.LastModified = DateTime.Now;


        public Game GetGame(int id)
            return _siteDB.Games.Include("Genre").Include("Platforms").SingleOrDefault(g => g.GameID == id);

        public IEnumerable<Game> GetGame(string title)
            return _siteDB.Games.Include("Genre").Include("Platforms").Where(g => g.GameTitle.StartsWith(title)).AsEnumerable<Game>();

        public List<Game> GetGamesByGenre(int id)
            return _siteDB.Games.Where(g => g.GenreID == id).ToList();

        public List<Game> GetGamesByGenre(string genre)
            return _siteDB.Games.Where(g => g.Genre.Name == genre).ToList();

        public List<Game> GetGamesByPlatform(int id)
            return _siteDB.Games.Where(g => g.Platforms.Any(p => p.PlatformID == id)).ToList();

        public List<Game> GetGamesByPlatform(string platform)
            return _siteDB.Games.Where(g => g.Platforms.Any(p => p.Name == platform)).ToList();

        public List<Genre> AllGenres()
            return _siteDB.Genres.OrderBy(g => g.Name).ToList();

        public List<Platform> AllPlatforms()
            return _siteDB.Platforms.OrderBy(p => p.PlatformID).ToList();

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