Error al comparar imágenes con Imagemagick con framework de robot en entorno Windows

Estoy usando Imagemagick para comparar dos capturas de pantalla en el entorno de Windows.

   *** Settings ***
Library   String
Library   OperatingSystem

*** Variables ***
${IMAGE_COMPARATOR_COMMAND}   C:\\"Program Files"\\ImageMagick-7.0.7-Q16\\convert.exe

*** Test Cases ***
Image Comparison Ok
  Compare Images    C:/Users/user/imagecompare/Test/src/reference-screenshots/reference-1.png    C:/Users/user/imagecompare/Test/src/test-screenshots/test-1.png   0.1

Image Comparison NOk
  Compare Images    C:/Users/user/imagecompare/Test/src/reference-screenshots/reference-1.png    C:/Users/user/imagecompare/Test/src/test-screenshots/test-1.png   0.1

*** Keywords ***
Compare Images
   [Arguments]      ${Reference_Image_Path}    ${Test_Image_Path}    ${Allowed_Threshold}
   ${TEMP}=         Replace String     ${IMAGE_COMPARATOR_COMMAND}    __REFERENCE__     ${Reference_Image_Path}
   ${COMMAND}=      Replace String     ${TEMP}    __TEST__     ${Test_Image_Path}
   Log              Executing: ${COMMAND}
   ${RC}            ${OUTPUT}=     Run And Return Rc And Output     ${COMMAND}
   Log              Return Code: ${RC}
   Log              Return Output: ${OUTPUT}
   ${RESULT}        Evaluate    ${OUTPUT} < ${Allowed_Threshold}
   Should be True   ${RESULT}

Pero obteniendo el siguiente problema:

    KEYWORD BuiltIn . Log Return Output: ${OUTPUT}
Logs the given message with the given level.
Start / End / Elapsed:  20171016 15:45:38.561 / 20171016 15:45:38.562 / 00:00:00.001
15:45:38.561    INFO    Return Output: The system cannot find the path specified.   
00:00:00.003KEYWORD ${RESULT} = BuiltIn . Evaluate ${OUTPUT} < ${Allowed_Threshold}
Evaluates the given expression in Python and returns the results.
Start / End / Elapsed:  20171016 15:45:38.562 / 20171016 15:45:38.565 / 00:00:00.003
15:45:38.563    FAIL    Evaluating expression 'The system cannot find the path specified. < 0.1' failed: SyntaxError: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)

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