Manera rápida de recuperar información del usuario Active Directory

Cómo consultar la información del usuario desdeDirectorio Activo? Tengo un código que funciona, pero es muy lento. Estoy usando C #. Este es el código que uso actualmente:

    static void Main(string[] args)
        SearchResultCollection sResults = null;

            //modify this line to include your domain name
            string path = "LDAP://EXTECH";
            //init a directory entry
            DirectoryEntry dEntry = new DirectoryEntry(path);

            //init a directory searcher
            DirectorySearcher dSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(dEntry);

            //This line applies a filter to the search specifying a username to search for
            //modify this line to specify a user name. if you want to search for all
            //users who start with k - set SearchString to "k"
            dSearcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user))";

            //perform search on active directory
            sResults = dSearcher.FindAll();

            //loop through results of search
            foreach (SearchResult searchResult in sResults)
                if (searchResult.Properties["CN"][0].ToString() == "Adit")
                    ////loop through the ad properties
                    //foreach (string propertyKey in

                        //pull the collection of objects with this key name
                        ResultPropertyValueCollection valueCollection =

                        foreach (Object propertyValue in valueCollection)

                            //loop through the values that have a specific name
                            //an example of a property that would have multiple
                            //collections for the same name would be memberof
                            //Console.WriteLine("Property Name: " + valueCollection..ToString());
                            Console.WriteLine("Property Value: " + (string)propertyValue.ToString());

                    Console.WriteLine(" ");
        catch (InvalidOperationException iOe)
        catch (NotSupportedException nSe)

            // dispose of objects used
            if (sResults != null)


¿Cómo se vería un código más rápido para obtener información del usuario de AD?

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