Spark scala: SELECT en un bucle foreach devuelve java.lang.NullPointerException

Necesito iterar sobre el contenido de un DF con varias instrucciones SELECT dentro de un bucle foreach, escribiendo la salida en archivos de texto. Cualquier instrucción SELECT dentro del bucle foreach devuelve una NullPointerException. No puedo ver por qué esto es así. Una instrucción SELECT dentro de un bucle "for" no devuelve este error.

Este es el caso de prueba.

// step 1 of 6: create the table and load two rows
 c1       varchar(4)
,username varchar(5)
,numeric integer) USING com.databricks.spark.csv OPTIONS (path "/tmp/test.txt")""")

// step 2 of 6: confirm that the data is queryable
vc.sql("SELECT * FROM TEST1").show()
|  c1|username|numeric|
|col1|   USER1|      0|
|col1|   USER2|      1|

// Step 3 of 6: create a dataframe for the table
var df=vc.sql("""SELECT * FROM TEST1""")

// step 4 of 6: create a second dataframe that we will use as a loop iterator
var df_usernames=vc.sql(s"""SELECT DISTINCT username FROM TEST1 """)

// step 5 of 6: first foreach loop works ok:
df_usernames.foreach(t => 
      println("(The First foreach works ok: loop iterator t is " + t(0).toString() )
(The First foreach works ok: loop iterator t is USER1
(The First foreach works ok: loop iterator t is USER2

// step 6 of 6: second foreach with any embedded SQL returns an error
df_usernames.foreach(t => 
      println("(The second foreach dies: loop iterator t is " +     t(0).toString() )
      vc.sql("""SELECT c1 FROM TEST1""").show()
The second foreach dies: loop iterator t is USER1
org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 158     in stage 94.0 failed 1 times, most recent failure: Lost task 158.0 in stage 94.0 (TID 3525, localhost): java.lang.NullPointerException
    at org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext.parseSql(SQLContext.scala:195)

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