El controlador onClick no se registra con ReactDOMServer.renderToString

Estoy tratando de copiar este violín:http://jsfiddle.net/jhudson8/135oo6f8/

(También probé este ejemplohttp://codepen.io/adamaoc/pen/wBGGQv y el mismoonClick existe un problema con el controlador)

y hacer que el violín funcione para la representación del lado del servidor, usandoReactDOMServer.renderToString

Tengo esta llamada:


                <link href={'/styles/style-accordion.css'} rel={'stylesheet'} type={'text/css'}></link>



            <Accordion selected='2'>
                <AccordionSection title='Section 1' id='1'>
                    Section 1 content
                <AccordionSection title='Section 2' id='2'>
                    Section 2 content
                <AccordionSection title='Section 3' id='3'>
                    Section 3 content

el elemento Acordeón se ve así:

const React = require('react');

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

const Accordion = React.createClass({

    getInitialState: function () {
        // we should also listen for property changes and reset the state
        // but we aren't for this demo
        return {
            // initialize state with the selected section if provided
            selected: this.props.selected

    render: function () {

        // enhance the section contents so we can track clicks and show sections
        const children = React.Children.map(this.props.children, this.enhanceSection);

        return (
            <div className='accordion'>

    // return a cloned Section object with click tracking and 'active' awareness
    enhanceSection: function (child) {

        const selectedId = this.state.selected;
        const id = child.props.id;

        return React.cloneElement(child, {
            key: id,
            // private attributes/methods that the Section component works with
            _selected: id === selectedId,
            _onSelect: this.onSelect

    // when this section is selected, inform the parent Accordion component
    onSelect: function (id) {
        this.setState({selected: id});

module.exports = Accordion;

y el componente AccordionSection se ve así:

const React = require('react');

const AccordionSection = React.createClass({

    render: function () {

        const className = 'accordion-section' + (this.props._selected ? ' selected' : '');

        return (
            <div className={className}>
                <h3 onClick={this.onSelect}>
                <div className='body'>

    onSelect: function (e) {
        // tell the parent Accordion component that this section was selected

module.exports = AccordionSection;

todo funciona y el CSS funciona, pero el problema es que onClick no se registra. Entonces hacer clic en los elementos de acordeón no hace nada. ¿Alguien sabe por qué el controlador onClick podría no registrarse en esta situación?

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