Excepción de Mockito en DoThrow que se ve correcta.

Estoy tratando de burlarme de un método para ver si manejo una excepción correctamente. Esto es lo más lejos que puedo llegar.


interface SampleManager {
    void deleteVariome(String specimenId, String analysisId) throws Exception;
    // ...

prueba de unidad:

// ...
SampleManger sampleManager = mock(SampleManager.class);

// below is line 753
doThrow(Exception.class).when(sampleManager).deleteVariome(sample1.getId(), analysisId);


Unfinished stubbing detected here:
-> at ...server.ArchiveManagerImplUTest.deleteVariomeFails(ArchiveManagerImplUTest.java:753)

E.g. thenReturn() may be missing.
Examples of correct stubbing:
    doThrow(exception).when(mock).someVoidMethod(); <-- this looks a log like what I did!


 1. missing thenReturn()

 2. you are trying to stub a final method, you naughty developer! <-- I have a lot of other mocks of this interface in this test that work.

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