¿Por qué recibo este error? "Tipos de operandos incorrectos para el operador binario '>'"

Me gustaría saber qué está causando el error de "tipos de operandos incorrectos para el operador binario '>'" a continuación. Tengo los códigos para ambosMano yTarjeta clases También he especificado las líneas que están causando el error. Gracias por la ayuda. Esto es para un proyecto de BlackJack.

Mano Clase

import java.util.Vector;

public class Hand {

private Vector hand;   // The cards in the hand.

public Hand() {
       // Create a Hand object that is initially empty.
  hand = new Vector();

public void clear() {
     // Discard all the cards from the hand.

public void addCard(PlayingCard c) {
     // Add the card c to the hand.  c should be non-null.  (If c is
     // null, nothing is added to the hand.)
  if (c != null)

public void removeCard(PlayingCard c) {
     // If the specified card is in the hand, it is removed.

public void removeCard(int position) {
     // If the specified position is a valid position in the hand,
     // then the card in that position is removed.
  if (position >= 0 && position < hand.size())

public int getCardCount() {
     // Return the number of cards in the hand.
  return hand.size();

public PlayingCard getCard(int position) {
      // Get the card from the hand in given position, where positions
      // are numbered starting from 0.  If the specified position is
      // not the position number of a card in the hand, then null
      // is returned.
  if (position >= 0 && position < hand.size())
     return (PlayingCard)hand.elementAt(position);
     return null;

 public void sortBySuit() {
     // Sorts the cards in the hand so that cards of the same suit are
     // grouped together, and within a suit the cards are sorted by value.
     // Note that aces are considered to have the lowest value, 1.
  Vector newHand = new Vector();
  while (hand.size() > 0) {
     int pos = 0;  // Position of minimal card.
     PlayingCard c = (PlayingCard)hand.elementAt(0);  // Minumal card.

    for (int i = 1; i < hand.size(); i++) {
        PlayingCard c1 = (PlayingCard)hand.elementAt(i);

        *if ( c1.getCardFace() > c.getCardFace() ||
                (c1.getCardFace().equals(c.getCardFace()) && c1.getFaceValue() < c.getFaceValue()) ) {*
            pos = i;
            c = c1;
  hand = newHand;

public void sortByValue() {
     // Sorts the cards in the hand so that cards of the same value are
     // grouped together.  Cards with the same value are sorted by suit.
     // Note that aces are considered to have the lowest value, 1.
  Vector newHand = new Vector();
  while (hand.size() > 0) {
     int pos = 0;  // Position of minimal card.
     PlayingCard c = (PlayingCard)hand.elementAt(0);  // Minumal card.
     for (int i = 1; i < hand.size(); i++) {
        PlayingCard c1 = (PlayingCard)hand.elementAt(i);

        *if ( c1.getFaceValue() < c.getFaceValue() ||
                (c1.getFaceValue() == c.getFaceValue() && c1.getCardFace() > c.getCardFace()) ) {*
            pos = i;
            c = c1;
  hand = newHand;


El error está en elmano clase en las lineas

if ( c1.getCardFace() > c.getCardFace() ||
                (c1.getCardFace().equals(c.getCardFace()) &&     c1.getFaceValue() < c.getFaceValue()) ) {


if ( c1.getFaceValue() < c.getFaceValue() ||
                (c1.getFaceValue() == c.getFaceValue() && c1.getCardFace() > c.getCardFace()) ) {

Este es elTarjeta Clase

public class PlayingCard
// Instance Data - all things common to all cards
private String cardFace; // king, q, j, 10 - 2, A
private int faceValue; // numberic value of the card
private char cardSuit; // hold suit of the card
private char suits[] = {(char)(003), (char)(004), (char)(005), (char)(006)};

// Constructor
public PlayingCard(int value, int suit)
    faceValue = value;

// helper setFace()
public void setFace()
        case 1:
            cardFace = "A";
            faceValue = 14;
        case 11:
            cardFace = "J";
        case 12:
            cardFace = "Q";
        case 0:
            cardFace = "K";
            faceValue = 13;
            cardFace = ("" + faceValue);

public void setSuit(int suit) // suit num between 0 and 3
    cardSuit = suits[suit];

// other helpers
public int getFaceValue()
    return faceValue;
public String getCardFace()
    return cardFace;

public String toString()
    return (cardFace + cardSuit);

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