Optimizando el algoritmo Jaro-Winkler

Tengo este código para el algoritmo Jaro-Winkler tomado deesta sitio web. Necesito correr 150,000 veces para obtener distancia entre las diferencias. Toma mucho tiempo, ya que ejecuto en un dispositivo móvil Android.

¿Se puede optimizar más?

public class Jaro {
     * gets the similarity of the two strings using Jaro distance.
     * @param string1 the first input string
     * @param string2 the second input string
     * @return a value between 0-1 of the similarity
    public float getSimilarity(final String string1, final String string2) {

        //get half the length of the string rounded up - (this is the distance used for acceptable transpositions)
        final int halflen = ((Math.min(string1.length(), string2.length())) / 2) + ((Math.min(string1.length(), string2.length())) % 2);

        //get common characters
        final StringBuffer common1 = getCommonCharacters(string1, string2, halflen);
        final StringBuffer common2 = getCommonCharacters(string2, string1, halflen);

        //check for zero in common
        if (common1.length() == 0 || common2.length() == 0) {
            return 0.0f;

        //check for same length common strings returning 0.0f is not the same
        if (common1.length() != common2.length()) {
            return 0.0f;

        //get the number of transpositions
        int transpositions = 0;
        int n=common1.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            if (common1.charAt(i) != common2.charAt(i))
        transpositions /= 2.0f;

        //calculate jaro metric
        return (common1.length() / ((float) string1.length()) +
                common2.length() / ((float) string2.length()) +
                (common1.length() - transpositions) / ((float) common1.length())) / 3.0f;

     * returns a string buffer of characters from string1 within string2 if they are of a given
     * distance seperation from the position in string1.
     * @param string1
     * @param string2
     * @param distanceSep
     * @return a string buffer of characters from string1 within string2 if they are of a given
     *         distance seperation from the position in string1
    private static StringBuffer getCommonCharacters(final String string1, final String string2, final int distanceSep) {
        //create a return buffer of characters
        final StringBuffer returnCommons = new StringBuffer();
        //create a copy of string2 for processing
        final StringBuffer copy = new StringBuffer(string2);
        //iterate over string1
        int n=string1.length();
        int m=string2.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            final char ch = string1.charAt(i);
            //set boolean for quick loop exit if found
            boolean foundIt = false;
            //compare char with range of characters to either side

            for (int j = Math.max(0, i - distanceSep); !foundIt && j < Math.min(i + distanceSep, m - 1); j++) {
                //check if found
                if (copy.charAt(j) == ch) {
                    foundIt = true;
                    //append character found
                    //alter copied string2 for processing
                    copy.setCharAt(j, (char)0);
        return returnCommons;

Menciono que en todo el proceso hago solo una instancia del script, así que solo una vez

jaro= new Jaro();

Si va a probar y necesita ejemplos para no romper el script, lo encontraráaquí, en otro hilo para la optimización de Python

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